My brother Hank and I often say that our ambition in life is to be eccentric thousandaires--people who utilize their limited means to buy hilarity and weirdness in lieu of, say, lawnmowers.
So you can imagine my delight when Justine Larbalestier posted on
her wonderfully fantabulous blog that she did not want to learn the lindyhop despite the pleas of her readers.
Justine, you will remember, spearheaded
Operation Get John Green to Stand on a Table for Charity, and here I saw a path to payback.
So I offered $1,000 to Justine's charity of choice if she learned the Lindyhop and provided three independent witnesses of Justine Lindyhopping. Since then, almost 200 people have added their voices to the pro-Lindyhop chorus with many offering their own gifts to charity.
And yet, Ms. Larbalestier has been suspiciously silent on the topic ever since. There's no fun in being an eccentric thousandaire if you never get to spend the money because your friends are a bunch of anti-lindyhopping cowards. So if you want to do me a favor, head over to
Justine's blog and let her know what we want (lindyhopping) and when we want it (now).