John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

Rather cool

Hank's "Accio Deathly Hallows" video is the #1 featured video on youtube at the moment.

Yay Hank! Yay Nerdfighters!

July 18: Accio Deathly Hallows!


Harry Potter and Hot Librarians

I have to say that I am a little immune to Harry Potter madness. I've always liked Harry Potter--they're smart and well-written books. I don't think HP is the most important or interesting or engrossing fantasy series of the past decade or anything, but I think it is good.

I feel the same way about Star Wars. Oh, hey, wait. Maybe Harry Potter and Star Wars are, like, the exact same thing. (Via Bookshelves of Doom.)

Oh, also, I'm late in reporting this, but the New York Times recently acknowledged that librarians are hot. I've known this for a long time (I've met hip young librarians from Brooklyn, NY to Bettendorf, IA), but it is nice to see the New York Times confirm it.

Okay, I should get back to work. But first, my HP-ending prediction:

Ambiguity that exposes the whole "harry dies"/"harry lives" dichotomy as false. Think LOTR. Think Sopranos.

Paper Towns

Over in My Pants (the brotherhood 2.0 forum), people are having a grand time 1. asking questions about "Alaska" and "Katherines," and 2. taking guesses at the premise of my new book, now semi-officially called Paper Towns. Check it out.


A few weeks ago, I was asked a lot of very interesting questions by PopMatters about what constitutes YA lit, and about whether Vonnegut was a YA writer, and about Nerdfighter Lit. You can now read the results.

Incidentally, it was Jodie Janella Keith who coined the term Nerdfighter Lit, but I like it very much. And now, back to Paper Towns.

(By the way, the new book is called Paper Towns.)

Bankruptcy Update

The bio and contact page has been updated. My new contact info is there, complete with three email addresses, which will hopefully keep me more organized.

And now, back to NAFAROYBIMSCOM.

A Declaration of Bankruptcy

When I was in the Netherlands, I read a newspaper story that introduced me to the idea of email bankruptcy. The idea is this: With the inbox just becomes too full, you announce bankruptcy. You make an effort to repay your creditors, but many debts are forgiven, and then you start over from scratch. You're embarrassed, of course, and your credit rating will never be quite the same. But at least you won't stay up late at night thinking about how many emails you owe Daniel Biss.*

Going through my inbox these past couple days, it seems that I have failed to reply to around 2,300 emails that deserved replies in the past year. I know we are all busy, and that it is exceptionally poor behavior not to reply to emails--and yet, somehow I have let it happen. This is not an "I'm oh-so-famous and all my millions of fans flood my inbox" problem. Many of the unreplied emails ARE about my books, but many are also about other things, including:

1. Very important correspondence about the "Looking for Alaska" screenplay.
2. Three dozen emails from my parents. (I'm sorry, mom and dad. I don't know what happened.)
3. Also several from Sarah.
4. A lot of emails about school visits.
5. A very intriguing email from my cousin Braxton in re. to the series finale of "The Sopranos."
6. At least two different emails from former girlfriends.

Friends, you know it is bad when I am not writing back my exgirlfriends. I ALWAYS write back my exgirlfriends. In fact, the only person I know who I DONT owe an email to is Hank, and that's because he is not allowed to write me. So anyway, if I owe you an email, take solace in this: You are in the company of such great Americans as Maureen Johnson, David Levithan, and my mom. Also such great Australians as Justine Larbalestier.

So, here is what I have decided to do:

1. Over the next three days, I'm going to reply to as many of the 2,300 emails as possible. Obviously I will not be able to reply to all of them. And then...

2. As of Monday morning, I will officially be bankrupt. This means that if you are waiting for a reply to an email, you are strongly encouraged to resend the email. (More on that in a moment.) I'm very sorry about this, but it seems to me better than all the other potential solutions.

3. As part of the email reorganization, the contact page of this web site will be changed to reflect a new, more organized, more direct emailing system (also, I will update my bio for the first time in three years). The new email addresses will be by far the best way to reach me.

4. Moving forward, there are going to be emails that I just can't reply to. Not because there are so many emails, but because I am such an incredibly slow emailer. I am very sorry about that. Hopefully I can make up for it by devoting that time to writing books, which hopefully will suck less for having more of my typing time spent with them. Thanks for understanding.

* At least eleven.

POSTSCRIPT: Four seconds after posting this, I received an email from Lindsay with the subject line "URGENT YOU MUST REPLY." It read, "What are your 20 favorite things about our friendship?" A minute after that, another email from Lindsay: "What is your personal philosophy on life (in 2000 words or more)."

The Fourth of July (As Sponsored by Regions Bank)

In which John talks about independence, fake wars, and corporate sponsorship.

July 2nd: The Law of Compound Nerdfighting

Congratulations on your promotion!
Now help us recruit more nerdfighters. (And contribute to kiva!)


For the two people who read my blog and don't watch Brotherhood 2.0:

In the past few days, Brotherhood 2.0 viewers have loaned several thousand dollars to people living in poverty through the great web site Join them!

Also, I will post my Printz speech here soon. And I will link to any of the other authors' Printz speeches if I come across them--they were all excellent.

And finally: I'm announcing here what will be announced soon on b2.0: July shall be NAtional Finish A Revision Of Your Book I Mean Seriously Come On Month (NAFAROYBIMSCOM). Anyone joining me?

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