John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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ALA Annual Conference

I'll be attending (and videoing!) the ALA's annual conference in Washington, D.C. this year. My schedule:

Friday June 22ND
I'm not doing anything, but I am flying in early to hear Ellen Wittlinger and Laurie Halse Anderson and Walter Dean Myers speak at the Booklist forum from 8 to 10 PM.


Saturday from 10:15 A.M. to Noon, I'll be speaking along with Judy Blume and Jack Gantos and Bruce Coville about audiobooks. That's at the Washington Convention Center, Room 201.

At 3 PM that day, I'll be signing CDs (or mp3s, maybe?) of the audiobook of Katherines at the Brilliance Audio Booth.


I'll be signing books at the Baker and Taylor booth (#1703) from 10 to 11 AM.


I'll be signing books at the Penguin booth (#2710) from 10 to 11 AM. Then that evening I will be speaking at the Printz awards and attending the Printz reception. And then I go home!

Hope to see all the librarian nerdfighters there.


Just back from the Dominican Republic (see for the Hank/John reunion videos). As we prepare for the (extremely imminent) move to Indianapolis, I've packed at least 60 boxes. And every single time I tape up a box, I sit there with the marker in my hand and think about how I will describe a box's contents. And my answer, invariably, is "Misc."

A Printz Award, some bedding, and printer cables? Misc.
Japanese editions of Looking for Alaska, stereo speakers, and t-shirts? Misc.
Coffee mugs and DVDs? Misc.

The relentless misc-ination of my belongings may be problematic when we arrive in Indianapolis. (Note: I promise here and now and forever more never to refer to Indianapolis as Indy.)

But anyway, some very quick misc thoughts:

1. The Sopranos' finale was so good. Who doesn't think it was good? Are you crazy? It was clearly the best finale in the history of television, excepting perhaps MASH.

2. The Mountain Goats are the best YA band in the world. Agree or disagree? (As I type: "Sonny Liston rubbed some tiger balm into his glove / Some things you do for money and some you do for love.")

3. Dude, I am going to be on a panel with Judy Blume at ALA conference in Washington, which starts in--like--four days, although this is one of those times in life when time is not strictly measurable in days and hours and minutes, on acount of how so very many things have to happen: There is the packing and the driving a moving van halfway across America and the unpacking and the flying to Washington. Also I should get a haircut. I mean, I'm going to see Judy Blume. I cannot very well see her with muffin head.

June 6: Lindsay Lohan Pictures and My Pants

In which John discusses his pants (or lack thereof), gratuitous LiLo pictures, and Hank's awesomely brilliant creation: My Pants, the Official Brotherhood 2.0 forum.

If you have not yet experienced life in My Pants, you really should. It's rockin' in there.

June 4th: The First Ever Nerdfighter Wedding!

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