John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

The Wall Street Journal?!

Suddenly that blenderized happy meal all seems worth it. Today's Wall Street Journal introduces America's businesspeople to Brotherhood 2.0 while discussing the brilliantly run campaign of noted American nerdfighter Daniel Biss.

The Mayor of San Diego

Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders explains why he supports gay marriage in a faltering, deeply moving speech. This is difficult to watch without crying. Thanks to Lindsayism for the link.

The email address of the mayor's office, if you'd like to write: jerrysanders -at-

Paper Towns

The first half of the first chapter of the current draft of my new book, Paper Towns. Paper Towns will be published in September of 2008. Provided I finish it on time.

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