John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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A Free Writing Workshop with Me

Sorry for not blogging much. In case you don't follow me on twitter, I had a baby, which can really slow down your blogging. BUT:

If you live in or near Indianapolis and you are a high school student (or can convincingly pretend to be one), I'll be teaching a free writing workshop next Monday, February 8th, at the University of Indianapolis. The workshop will be from 4 PM to 5:30 PM at the Wheeler Art Center (1035 Sanders Street # 111 Indianapolis, IN).

If you'd like to come, RSVP to Bryan Furuness:


At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous SillyJaime said...

I wish I lived somewhere remotely close to that.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Kaila said...

I'm so jealous! I wish I lived close! :( That's a great opportunity for people who do live there, though.

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger noelle said...

I am so jealous, that would be incredible

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Tinakinz said...

I live south of Indy but I'm 22, I want to GOOOOOOOOOOOO...

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Allison said...

I kind of just freaked out. A lot. I need to talk to my mom, but Indy's only 35 minutes away and this is pretty phenomenal.

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Alexis said...

Oh my goodness, that would be SO amazing. D:

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Me said...

If you could come and teach writing in London, England, that would be much appreciated. :) I realise this is unlikely to happen in the near future, what with the whole baby thing going on though.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can this be broadcasted live somehow? It's my dream to take part in a writing workshop with you but I have no way of getting to Indianapolis.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Martinsville, and I'm a high school student, and it would be totally awesome to go, but I can't make it.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have to live in Indianapolis to go? I'll totally fly there.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Fuijin said...

do you suppose its worth it to fly from NY to the university of Indianapolis for this?
I kinda wanted to visit anyway

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger tallend said...

You said that "The workshop will be from 4 PM to 5:30 PM at the Wheeler Art Center (1035 Sanders Street # 111 Indianapolis, IN)."

But U of Indy's site says that it's at 7:30pm at Good Hall which is at the corner of E. Hanna and Otterbein.

Both info is really far apart, which is correct?

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Tammy said...

I sent an RSVP email, will they email me back to confirm??

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Julie said...

If I wasn't in class till 5:20 on Mondays, I would be there, emphatically.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous misti said...


At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Jake said...

I live in Greenwood, I might be able to make this.

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Holtza said...

Geography isn't my strong point, I confess, but I'm pretty sure Sweden isn't in or around Indianapolis. I'd be happy if you could tell me I'm wrong.

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Ren said...

It's a 4 1/2 hour drive... I'll be there! I'm too old, technically, but I get mistaken for a high schooler all the time. I bet I could slip under the radar.

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Jessalyn said...

Totally going! See you there! When exciting things happen in Indiana they seem more exciting because nothing awesome ever happens here. YAY!

I RSVP-ed =D

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Emily Ruth said...

I second the question about can we fly in?

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger pinkelephant1146 said...

Gosh, I so wish I would be abled to come to that. i live in Ohio, though, so no way I can go. Will you becoming anywhere near Ohio anytime soon, John?

At February 02, 2010 , Anonymous Gabby said...

:( I'm 1 year too young and can't even pass for my current age. So close! And I missed Henry at the live show!

At February 02, 2010 , Blogger Taylor said...

I would love to go but unfortunately I live in California

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger HanPlans said...

I'm in the UK thats a bit too far away lol.

I might have been able to blag it as well lol.

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger HanPlans said...

P.s. Congratulations on baby arrival ness

At February 03, 2010 , Anonymous Lysh said...

Oh man...I wonder if I can pass as a high school student. Probably not. But I'm not that far. That would be crazy fun.
Congrats on the baby! :)

At February 03, 2010 , Anonymous Sandi said...

I've never been to a workshop. I wish I could go but I live in Canada. Can't you come here? There's lots of snow! Congratulations on baby!

At February 03, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so driving the three hours! Congrats on the bundle of joy.

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Ren said...

@tallend "You said that "The workshop will be from 4 PM to 5:30 PM at the Wheeler Art Center (1035 Sanders Street # 111 Indianapolis, IN)."

But U of Indy's site says that it's at 7:30pm at Good Hall which is at the corner of E. Hanna and Otterbein.

Both info is really far apart, which is correct?"

I second this question. Which time and place is the right one?

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger milowent said...

john green has the most adoring commenters ever.

i am rendered uncomfortable by the lack of mean spiritedness here and must return to youtube comments, preferably the latest Obama attack video, immediately.

At February 04, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, if blogging is the only thing having a baby slows down, you are Superman.

Seriously, this has made me wish I were a teen living in or near Indianapolis, which I never thought would ever cross my mind.

At February 04, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A writing workshop with my favourite author! For people my age! In Indianapolis! ... I live in Birmingham, UK. FML.

At February 05, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna hear more about the baby, oh please, tell us, tell us!


At February 12, 2010 , Anonymous JustMeAlexis said...

Hahaha I hope your wife had the baby and not you :)
But many congratulations!


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