John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Indianapolis Next Monday: More Info

Several commenters have pointed out that the UIndy web site seems to disagree with me about the scheduled time of my writing workshop next Monday.

This is because there are, in fact, two events.

There will be a free writing workshop at 4 PM on Monday Feb. 8th at the Wheeler Art Center (1035 Sanders Street # 111 Indianapolis, IN). I will talk about writing and we will do writing exercises and have fun. (Hopefully.) To attend that, rsvp to Bryan Furuness:

That evening, I will be reading and talking about my books at 7:30 PM at Good Hall, which is at the corner of E. Hanna and Otterbein. More info on that here. Please attend both!


At February 03, 2010 , Anonymous jess said...

hi john--just wondered if you've considered broadcasting either of these events over livestream--or somehow recording & sharing later? no idea if being paid by the university (*assumption on my part) inhibits you from doing this.

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Alexis said...

Thanks a bunch for clearing that up. :)

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Tamar N said...

I second Jess's motion! Gosh, I want to go to those events, but Indianapolis is around 650 miles away, so...

At February 03, 2010 , Anonymous Julia said...

I am going to try and get up to the evening one. I mean, sheesh! I'm only down here in B'ton. But, the weather, hey - it is February. Anyway - hope I can make it.

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Holtza said...

I totally would cross the freakin' ocean for this, if only I had the money.

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Christine Johnson Books said...

I will be at U of I with my baby in tow (in case Henry needs a playmate . . .) Hooray!!

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger Tammy said...

This is gonna be epic, i hope the second one is free! --do you have to be a student at the university to attend the one at 7:30?

At February 03, 2010 , Blogger tallend said...

I just sent mine in! I can't wait, Monday won't come fast enough.

Are we going to get to do a "Good Morning Hank"!?

At February 04, 2010 , Anonymous Mack said...

Will there be book-signing at both events or just the later?

Also, I vote you stream it on blog-tv for people who can't go, I know it would definitely be appreciated.

I plan on video-ing the entire thing either way :)

At February 04, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm driving from Milwaukee. 5 hours.

At February 05, 2010 , Blogger Elliott said...

Hey John, would you have any idea how late the reading is going to go? (Trying to figure out which bus I need to take.)

At February 05, 2010 , Blogger Amanda Cross said...

Here, it says the second event (the book reading) will be Monday the 8th, but the link says it will be Wednesday the 10th. Which is it?

At February 05, 2010 , Anonymous Gabby said...

If the weather keeps up, is there a possibility of cancellation? That would be horrible! Wish I could go to both, but homework and whatnot...

At February 13, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 17, 2010 , Blogger Jess said...

Nerdfightery blog!

At February 24, 2010 , Blogger ShelbyW said...


You are my modern day idol (since jim morrison is dead) and you must come to atlanta or athens!!! somewhere in north georgia! PLEASE, pretty please!

I look forward to more writing from you!


Shelby Watson

At February 24, 2010 , Blogger K's Books said...

completely unrelated to anything:

I work in an airport bookstore. Yesterday I sold our only copy of Paper Towns to a very interested customer - made my day! And hers, I'm sure

At February 28, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi John!
I've been reading/following this blog/your books/vlogbrothers for quite some time and am now facing the daunting task of applying for colleges, et cetera. So, as it would so happen, I've been looking at Kenyon and know that you attended there, so I was interested in what your opinion was on it (your experience, classes, anything goes really).

Also, thought I'd belatedly congratulate you on y'know having a kid and all!



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