John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Just back from the Dominican Republic (see for the Hank/John reunion videos). As we prepare for the (extremely imminent) move to Indianapolis, I've packed at least 60 boxes. And every single time I tape up a box, I sit there with the marker in my hand and think about how I will describe a box's contents. And my answer, invariably, is "Misc."

A Printz Award, some bedding, and printer cables? Misc.
Japanese editions of Looking for Alaska, stereo speakers, and t-shirts? Misc.
Coffee mugs and DVDs? Misc.

The relentless misc-ination of my belongings may be problematic when we arrive in Indianapolis. (Note: I promise here and now and forever more never to refer to Indianapolis as Indy.)

But anyway, some very quick misc thoughts:

1. The Sopranos' finale was so good. Who doesn't think it was good? Are you crazy? It was clearly the best finale in the history of television, excepting perhaps MASH.

2. The Mountain Goats are the best YA band in the world. Agree or disagree? (As I type: "Sonny Liston rubbed some tiger balm into his glove / Some things you do for money and some you do for love.")

3. Dude, I am going to be on a panel with Judy Blume at ALA conference in Washington, which starts in--like--four days, although this is one of those times in life when time is not strictly measurable in days and hours and minutes, on acount of how so very many things have to happen: There is the packing and the driving a moving van halfway across America and the unpacking and the flying to Washington. Also I should get a haircut. I mean, I'm going to see Judy Blume. I cannot very well see her with muffin head.


At June 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just moved a few months ago and it's amazing how many of my boxes are labeled "Stuff to unpack later." As opposed to "stuff never to unpack" or "stuff for the movers to lose?" Brilliant.
I'm really excited to get to see you (and so many other awesome people) at ALA.
Are you just on the big "library rock star" circuit now, or do you do regular library visits?

At June 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you'll be reducing puff levels for Judy Blume. How awesome is being on a panel with Judy Blume going to be? Seriously awesome, I'm thinking.

And the last time I moved, I gave up general labels and wrote room names on the boxes, with a smaller list:
serving platters

The room thing is key, even if the contents are "misc."

At June 17, 2007 , Blogger Angela said...

Where/when is this panel at ALA?

At June 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm randomness coming your way...
We read Looking for Alaska at my book club and it was amazing how much time we wasted laughing about a book where a girl dies...

Oh, and I moved recently and all the boxes for my room said My Room. As it turns out my brother and my mom labeled their boxes the same way. It was not fun.

At June 17, 2007 , Blogger Roll The Dice said...

Many Hoosiers (myself included) generally refer to Indianapolis as Indy. Don't'll learn the lingo soon enough. It's pretty complicated. ;-)

Examples: "the race" (doesn't matter which one), coke (not pop or soda) and my personal favorite: "be-ins" for "seeing as how" or "since".

"Be-ins as you're going to the store, can you grab me a Big Red?"

Looking forward to seeing you (and many other awesome authors and fellow NerdFighters) at ALA! Per what "anonymous" said...if you are kickin' around libraries in the Hoosier State, let me know - we'd love to have you!

Hope the move goes smoothly - it'll all be over soon!

At June 17, 2007 , Blogger Dex said...

I don't know what part of Indiana Marissa is from but around these parts (Fort Wayne) it's pop, not soda or coke and I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "be-ins." We do however enjoy unnecessary prepositions at the end of sentences. ex. "Where did I leave my coat at?"

But I completely agree about the "Indy" thing. It's perfectly acceptable. In fact, it's common.

At June 17, 2007 , Blogger Roll The Dice said...

I now live near Evansville, so I think Hoosiertucky speech is much more common here. ;-)

But loads of really nice people.

Even if they use be-ins. ;-)

At June 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a smooth move. don't become a colts fan.

say hey to sarah for me. also say hey to judy blume for me.

At June 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to comment on Indiana lingo because I'm from Chicagoland, IN--we murder the English language daily. I have heard people say soda and pop, occasionally someone will say coke. As for "be-ins"--I never knew there was such a slang word before I read it here. "Indy" is what everyone calls Indianapolis to my knowledge. As for those unnecessary prepositions...I never knew those were wrong so they must be overly common.

At June 17, 2007 , Blogger heidi said...

Lucky!! Have an awesome time w/ Judy. Good job toning down the hair, and good luck w/ the move too. When we moved from NY back to California, it was in the middle of January in a blizzard and our truck broke down twice. Not that that will happen to you, but...just saying. =9

At June 18, 2007 , Blogger Carrie K said...

The Sopranos finale was awesome, but Six Feet Under was the best finale ever.

At June 19, 2007 , Blogger joanna said...

Yes! The Mountain Goats! That just made my day. See you in DC with the rest of the Wild Texas YA Librarian Posse.

At June 22, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with the others on "be-ins" as not in the standard Indiana langauge. I too, have never heard this despite a lifetime here.

The coke thing I can agree with but after some collegiate style discussions on this with people from other regions, it seems fairly localized to central indiana.

If you choose to use/ not use "Indy" it'll be OK, but I imlore you to PLEASE not use the following to refer to Indianapolis: Nap-town.
Some of the Indy kids at IU used to say this and it made me CRAZY; I don't want this ridiculousness to spread.

At June 25, 2007 , Blogger Sheli said...

mountain goats are amazing, although have a little too many albums at i think about 38. their new tracks = amazing as well.

At June 26, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Mountain Goats are something else aren't they? I learned about them from some random kids I met on a semi-pointless trip to the middle of nowhere in New Mexico.

And also, i didn't see the Sapranos finale, but the MASH finale would be ungodly hard to top, even for people who didnt watch and love the series.

And lastly, when i first heard you were going to be an a panel with Judy Blume (via Brotherhood video) my first guess would be a discussion on censorship, her being a leader in the cause, and I can't imagine in todays world that Looking for Alaska has gone untouched in the banning realm, although I haven't heard anything specific about it.


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