Notable Moments in My Crying
I have cried while watching a sitcom twice in my life:
1. 1992: Doogie Howser is at a high-school dance.
2. 2007: Also featuring Neal Patrick Harris, Marshall and Lily get married on "How I Met Your Mother."
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That was a touching moment. Though no episode of that show (or perhaps any sitcom) had the emotional impact on me that the first-season finale had (and still has). I tear up every time Marshall holds up that ring.
I cry way too often during sitcoms. But I'm a girl so I think that entitles me to some flexibilty in that department. It doesn't excuse me from all my tear-filled moments, but certainly some.
I can't specifically remember crying at a sitcom, although I'm sure I have. A month or so ago, I cried at an X-Files rerun, so...yeah, sitcom tears wouldn't be too out there, for me.
The most outlandish sitcom-crying award, I'm positive, goes to my mother. While pregnant with her fifth child, she cried at an episode of the Simpsons.
You didn't cry during the season two finale of The Office? Jim's single tear gets me every time.
Was it in the "your wife just threw up" scene? Cause, ditto.
i cried when helen hunt had her baby on mad about you. i didn't just cry, i bawled. of course, i had just had a baby, so... :)
Did you cry during Harold and Kumar? It's not a sitcom, but you know NPH shines in that masterpiece.
Marshall and Lily's wedding was so wonderful. I'm sorry about Ted and Robin, but since she's called "Aunt Robin," it's not a surprise.
Okay, I have been terribly negligent in reading your blog lately, and I don't know if you remember me. However, I recall sharing some impassioned Team Pam/anti-Karen words, months ago. Still watching The Office? What did you think about the finale? I won't say anything specific, in case you haven't seen it yet.
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