John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Harry Potter and Hot Librarians

I have to say that I am a little immune to Harry Potter madness. I've always liked Harry Potter--they're smart and well-written books. I don't think HP is the most important or interesting or engrossing fantasy series of the past decade or anything, but I think it is good.

I feel the same way about Star Wars. Oh, hey, wait. Maybe Harry Potter and Star Wars are, like, the exact same thing. (Via Bookshelves of Doom.)

Oh, also, I'm late in reporting this, but the New York Times recently acknowledged that librarians are hot. I've known this for a long time (I've met hip young librarians from Brooklyn, NY to Bettendorf, IA), but it is nice to see the New York Times confirm it.

Okay, I should get back to work. But first, my HP-ending prediction:

Ambiguity that exposes the whole "harry dies"/"harry lives" dichotomy as false. Think LOTR. Think Sopranos.


At July 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is the most engrossing fantasy series of the past decade (written in the...)?

At July 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Author Appreciation Day and you are on my list of authors I appreciate, so thanks!!


At July 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife is totally a hot librarian! :-)

At July 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry is *definitely* a nerdfighter, though. Or Hermione.

And so is Luke Skywalker--how much more nerdy can you get?

(John--I quoted from your PopMatters interview in an article on

At July 16, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm only semi-immune. I went to a midnight showing for the first time this year and didn't really enjoy the atmosphere (or waiting for hours) so I'll definitely be waiting next time around. I'm also not going to wait at midnight for the book, I'll just go get it after I wake up on Saturday. Wouldn't it be cool if people waited outside of bookstores for hours for your next book, John? I would totally support that kind of nerdfighter convention. :)

At July 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the NYTimes:

"And true to its roots, it ends not with modernist, “Soprano”-esque equivocation, but with good old-fashioned closure: a big-screen, heart-racing, bone-chilling confrontation and an epilogue that clearly lays out people’s fates."

Oh well.


At July 19, 2007 , Blogger John Green said...

Bummer. I like ambiguity.


At July 28, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap, what a spot on prediction!

At August 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course librarians are hot!! You are pretty hot yourself though John, and it is always great when you come to visit the library!

At August 19, 2007 , Blogger Kristi said...

Damn right librarians are hot!

- a sexy librarian

At September 17, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I accually am happy to say that i am addicted to Harry Potter and Brotherhood 2.0 videos i want to post a video saying that i want to officially become a nerdfighter but sadly i am only 12 so im currently awaiting my 13th birthday, but since my birthday is on May 17 (same as Kathrin Green's YAY! that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside or maybe its the deep fried twinki *never having one of those again*)i wont be able to post until brotherhood 2.0 is over (i have a really long post so far and a really bad run on sentence but im gonna continue typing) im curently trying to write a book (i doubt it will be published but oh well) and im currently reading an abundance of kathrins and i was very happy to have seen the word schadenfreude in it because i heard it from a song in a musical about a year ago and couldnt stop saying it ever since so since now i have a comment thats a paragraph ong but is just one really long run on sentence im just gonna end by saying you are awsome.


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