John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact


Greetings from the backseat of a minivan hurtling through Wisconsin. Katherine is driving; Hank is playing a game on my phone. We're listening to This American Life. It's a repeat. The theme of this week's show is being alone.

That hasn't been a problem for us lately.

I'll post a gajillion pictures once I get home, but in the meantime, some statistics:

By the time the tour is over next week, I'll have visited 30 states in the last six weeks, one more than Obama won on November 4th.

We've met more than 8,000 nerdfighters.

We've received more than a hundred boxes of Peeps.

I crossed out Maureen Johnson's name in Let It Snow almost 500 times before Maureen and I ended our feud a couple nights ago in Pittsburgh.

Thanks to everyone we've met--and also everyone we haven't yet met--for making this last month so awesome and so surreal.


At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've also had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds (Alan probably has more accurate stats) be happy and grateful and enjoy your BlogTV shows immensely whilst simultaneously wishing we could jump into our computer screens!

I wonder how many cows/cemeteries you've passed in your travels...

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger valerie2776 said...

Thank you so much for doing all this. Even though I couldn't go to any of the events, it's been AWESOME being able to watch you guys on blogTV almost every night. Thank you thank you thank you!!

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Alleywater said...

Thank you for giving up your weeks to do this for the nerdfighters. We thank-you for the bottom of our hearts. 8,000 nerdfighters is a lot, I can't even fathom that. I have only seen over 400 nerdfighters together and that was more then I thought were coming to Michigan. Thanks to everyone who made November such a great month.

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen you guys 3 times and each time is just as awesome as the last! Is this going to become an annual thing?

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger abc said...

Yay for your feud being over. :P

Awesome statistics. Only sad that I couldn't see you when you were in Germany. :(

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to Ann Arbor! It was even better than I imagined, and believe me, I built up really high expectations.

I wanted to ask you a million questions but then I was like, "Yes. My name is Lauren." Uh. OOPS.

Also-I don't know if you did or not but if you read my Troy High Orchestra Skit, mentioning it in your blog/vlog would be an excellent point in my life.

Thanks John, you're the coolest guy I wish I knew better.

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Abby said...

I saw you at Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville and even though I was one of those people in the way back, it was totally awesome. Thanks so much for coming out!

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Ann Arbor was totally made of AWESOME. Thanks for coming back to Michigan. It was very kind of you to run back and forth between the rooms, too. I'm sure the people upstairs appreciated it!

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just over 64,800 (unique visitors) people watched it on blogtv. ;)

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Heidi R. Kling said...

You must be completely exhausted--but you guys have made young peeps across our nation v. happy and are an inspiration.

I have an idea for you! A musical Nerdfighter documentary following a NYT bestselling author on his zany quest. Can't you see it playing at Sundance?

I can! (And I'm sure you've already thought of this idea.)

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Amy said...

John, you just signed my copy of "Let It Snow" today in Racine (I was the one with the 2 year-old at the library) and you crossed out Maureen's name. Habit or a restarting of the feud? Hmmm....

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son was so excited about seeing you today in Racine. I hope it all went well.

BTW - read your books. Loved them!

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Tom said...

I loved watching the show on blogtv so far, despite the connection problems from time to time.
But thank you for being so awesome!
(Hope you enjoy the shirt that I had Allison give you yesterday, I missed it on blogtv though ):
Best Wishes!

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope you all continue to do this. Or do it at least once more.

Or maybe just come to Kentucky (it's not that far, after all - just a state away).

Your visit to Louisville was made of more win than there is win in the world. You not only increased Carbon emissions but awesome emissions (which cancel out the carbon). You see? It's your environmental duty to continue doing this.

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pleased the tour went well. Answers to the interview? Pretty please?

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

i met you today and i was shy and didn't tell you what i wanted to tell you.

so i will tell you now.

i started reading paper towns because it looked like a good book. when i was half way though, i showed my friend the book and he said "oh, you're reading that?" in sort of a surprised, questionable tone. and i said, "well, yeah, why, what's wrong with it?" and he said, "you know who wrote that, right?" and i still didn't understand, but then he said you are a vlog brother, etc etc. i had never really watched the vlog brother videos before, but had heard a little about you guys, so it was sort of a confusing strange moment when i put the two together.

but anyway, i wanted to tell you that i think even without the vlog brother stuff making it a big deal, there are still people like me that enjoy good reads and browse until they find the right one. i read this book in 2 to 3 days. it was the right one.

so thanks, and if i meet you again, maybe i'll not be so bashful.

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John: Ann Arbor was incredible! I had an absolute blast. I loved the enthusiasm from everyone there, and it was so neat to see you and hank in person. when you spoke about your writing, it inspired me to finally start the novel i've been meaning to write. thank you.

oh and p.s.: i'm the cher nerdfighter! :)

thanks again, and i hope you enjoyed your time in michigan.

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh and the tal show "home alone" that you're listening to is really good, even if it's a repeat; act three is my favorite story from this american life.

At November 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello John.

Today I met you in racine, I was with the group the offered you cheese. I was happy you asked if my name was spelled with a 'c' or a 'k'.

I told you that Paper Towns would be the first book I have read for enjoyment in like 10 years.... but I didn't really explain WHY. It is because when I watched you discuss The Catcher In The Rye it made me wish I had a teacher who was like you when I was in High School... And it made me want to read something....

Yes. All the talk about Paper Towns on the blogs has influenced my decision to pick up Paper Towns. But just so you know, another reason is because YOU inspired me to read SOMETHING.

At November 15, 2008 , Blogger mmm said...

i want to meet you, john, so that you could sign my books and my biceps! just kidding, i don't have any biceps unless you consider girly arms biceps. please come to denver! you will not regret it. i will take you out to lunch and buy you reindeer hot dogs on 16th street and you can tell me all you know about conjoined twins.

also wanted to mention that i LOVED let it snow! the stories were perfectly woven together. i've already read it twice.


At November 15, 2008 , Blogger Lindsey said...

Oh, if only it could be an annual thing. It was a bit depressing knowing that chances are, this one time will be the only time I'll ever see you. The greatest tragedy is that what a lot of us really want is to be able to sit and have a conversation with you. Maybe, if I move to Indiana... ;)
Really though John, I'm so grateful that you did this. Thank you.

At November 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you settled your feud with Maureen? How did you two manage that!?

Pittsburgh was phenomenal! I'm so glad I found a ride because I would have regretted not going for an eternity of blogtv shows. Thank you guys SO MUCH for doing these events and especially for broadcasting them. This week has been the most fun I've had in, well, my entire life and it ended so perfectly with the Nerdfighters. I can never thank you, Hank, Katherine, Maureen, Alan, or the many friends I've made enough for the experience of nerdfighting in real life. DFTBA, because you certainly haven't these past six weeks!

At November 16, 2008 , Blogger Mer Mer said...

wow 8,000 nerdfighters! Thats so awesome! I still can't believe there were something around 400 in boston when i went! It;s great though. Usually when a group becomes that large things become less personal and I begin to feel detached but with this it just makes me happy to be a part of something so much bigger than myself, a graoup that's full of great people doing great things!

At November 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I feel that I've missed out.
I saw you in Gadsden, AL and I read about the feud the next day. (I was a little behind)
I would have brought my copy of 13 Little Blue Envelopes to get you to cross out and sign on.
And now I never can.
Because the feud has ended.
But thanks for being so amazing, anyway.

At November 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks to you, Hank, Katherine, and Lauren for visiting my alma mater in Lanc. PA. (Go CV Buckskins!) I'm sure it's been hard to be away from your wife so much. You are kind to give so much of your time to the very enthusiastic nerd fighters around the country.

At November 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You settled your feud with Maureen Johnson? I suppose that's good for the two of you, but now my hopes for someday getting her name crossed out have been dashed. It's all good though!

At November 17, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

he didnt settle the feud! see above, he signed amy's copy of "let it snow" in Racine this past Saturday... AFTER the feud was "supposedly" over. I bet she has pics... maybe someone should let Maureen know :P

At November 17, 2008 , Blogger Lindsay Rae Slater said...

Thank you so much for the Tour De Nerdfighting. I met you in Manhattan and Westport and it was incredible being around so many people who don't suck, talking about and doing things that don't suck. I hope to get to do it again!
Thank you for never forgetting to be awesome!

Lindsay Rae Slater

At November 18, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

I can imagine the conversation inside the mini van while driving through Wisconsin.


Repeat until you get to Hudson.

At November 20, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to Racine John! You're amazing. And about the feud with Maureen - John signed my Let it Snow and put a smiley face :) next to Maureen's name.

At November 30, 2008 , Blogger Gabriella said...

Just so totally awesome


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