Paper Towns Touring Updates
The brilliant Karen Kavett has created an extremely helpful map detailing the 31 stops (really? really.) on the Paper Towns / Nerdfighting Tour of 2008:
Click the map for more detail, such as the detail that the evil baby orphanage is apparently located in downstate Illinois. I really think this map covers it, but in case you want more details, you can now go to, scroll down a bit, and look on the left sidebar for facebook events pages. Please rsvp if you have a moment. (Note: none of these injokes make sense unless you watch the videos.)
UPDATE: Several people have expressed alarm (well, perhaps alarm is too strong a word) that the events are only listed on facebook, because many people do not have facebook accounts. And to the fearless unfacebooked, I say: DO NOT WORRY. You don't have to be a member to view the events pages; if you go to and click on the link to the city nearest you, the event details will pop up even if your face has not been booked. You won't be able to RSVP, but you don't need to RSVP to come to the events.
Wow, that map is pure awesome!
For those of us who don't have a Facebook account (truly, we exist!), can we get the touring info in any other form? Please?
Poor Canada. :<
Is that map going to be put on any kind of shirt?? Because if so I would so buy it!
It's so jokes!
That is amazing!
The Evil Baby Orphanage appears to be somewhere near where I used to live! I'll have to go hunting for it the next time I'm up there visiting family.
See you soon in Atlanta!
Blarg! That map is a work of genius; but it is missing your highly anticipated November 6th date in glamourous Knoxville, TN.
Please help spread the word and visualize us right between the "Baby Orphanage" and "Accio Deathly Hallows"!
Poor Knoxville :-(..... :-D but that map is amazing!
That is a fantastic map! I love it when people do things like that!
I wish I was a bigger part of the Nerdfighter community.
my friend and i will see you on october 16th in new york! blahhh! we have no words for how excited we are for this. and the map is exquisite.
That map is so awesome, it took me five minutes to read and now I have a headache. But it was worth it. I can't go to the Tour, but that's really awesome.
Speaking as a native Hoosier, I have to say that it looks to me like the Evil Baby Orphanage is actually located in Indiana. Because, really, what better place could there be for an Evil Baby Orphanage?
What?! No Denver? It seems like authors are always bypassing Denver.
Any insight into why this is?
Oh, and good luck with the tour. Looks like fun.
This is so awesome I was forced to appoint it the task of being the background of my computer.
It gladly accepted.
My face has not been booked, and it will not let me view! The links on nerdfighters take you straight to the Facebook login page. I swear. Please help! (I need Kansas City's info)
The freaking straight piece is in Texas!!
That map is amazing.
That is a T-shirt right there!
The map is now officially my new precalc binder cover.
wow@the map of awesome!
I knew I would use that facebook account sometime, and what better reason than to RSVP.
I think that you should definitely make a trip up to Canada. Vancouver perhaps...? =D
EEEKKKK!!! I'm so excited to see how ur dare goes with Miss -L- Myracle. I can't wait. I love Lauren. Her books are so great. Especially TTYL
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