John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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As Mayor

I love non-denial denials. As a genre, the non-denial denial is as close as politics can come to literature--it is the moment when the right words must be chosen precisely.

Witness, for instance, Bill Clinton's famous statement when the Monica Lewinsky story broke: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Oh, it's so good. It's so brilliant. The best part is the diversionary tactic. First he says, "that woman." So you think you have him! You think he will later be able to deny the denial based on "that woman." But then he names her! And you think, "Well, that is a real denial. Boy howdy. Nothing ambiguous in that denial." Of course, the ambiguity is in sexual relations; at least to Clinton's mind, what he had done with that woman, Miss Lewinsky wasn't sexual relations. It was sexual, sure. But it wasn't relations.

John Edwards was more obvious, but equally outraged in his recent non-denial denial: "The story is false. It's completely untrue, ridiculous. I've been in love with the same woman for 30+ years." He denies "the story." He says he loves his wife. He doesn't deny having an affair.

So check out this strangely worded statement from McCain press aide Brian Rogers: "The fact is that as Mayor, Palin never asked anyone to ban a book and not one book was ever banned, period." "The fact is" and "Period" are designed to seem authoritative, unambiguous. But what is that "as Mayor" doing there? Why would you include the "as Mayor" in such a forceful denial?

Oh, right, because Governor Palin did try to ban books when she was on the City Council.


At September 15, 2008 , Blogger [SacMan.] said...

Either way, she did try to ban books, which is completely ridiculous if you ask me. It's like trying to ban thinking, if you ask me.

I really enjoy reading your comments and thoughts about this whole race.

You're great.

At September 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why a book-banning, homophobic creationist? Just why? Why does the world feel the need to put that within a million miles of the white house, or any position of pwoer for that matter?

At September 15, 2008 , Blogger Michal Chinn said...

Oh, snap.

Johnny's out for blood.


At September 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I received this article through a google alert for work and it just blew me away - knowing your history and interest in religion I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

I write about Oprah for a website -so I follow every move she makes - and her supposed "denial" to interview Sarah Palin has sparked a huge controversy...that is where this article is coming from I suppose.

Thanks for NFTBA!
Parental Nerdfighter,

At September 15, 2008 , Blogger Emily said...

Thanks for pointing this out. As some people know, pissing off librarians is not a good idea. In case anyone was wondering, the one title we know she tried to ban is Daddy's Roommate by Michael Willhoite. Here's a NYT article about it and Willhoite's response.

At September 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea....and Polar bears shouldn't be endangered.

At September 16, 2008 , Blogger Betina said...

As pointed out earlier trying to ban books just make them even more popular, cause then people wanna know what they are missing out on..

As [sacman.] said, either way, she tried to ban books, which is ridiculous to begin with.
You can't ban thinking and banning a book for children of gay and lesbian parents is an old fashion way of thinking, which just makes it even more clear that she shouldn't be within miles of the White House..

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I am innocently looking at a Michael Palin for President video on youtube, and I click another link. Suddenly I hear you. At 7 in the morning. Ranting about Sarah Palin. Well, I guess there are worse things. I thought it was a good video.

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be amazing if you taught some kind of english class to high schoolers. As a senior in high school, it excites me to hear you say your really interested in doing that. It bums me out though, I'm all the way in Kansas.
I'm pretty damn sure you'd be more than great at it.

At September 16, 2008 , Blogger SkurryMae said...

not only does Palin want to burn books, she also killed Bullwinkle!

At September 16, 2008 , Blogger david elzey said...

I always thought the brilliance of the Clinton quote was in the comma. Change the name, say, to Walter Cronkite and what you get is a very firm denial that appears to name the other party but merely comes off as a formal address to a party not in the room.

"I did not have sex with that woman, Mr. Cronkite."

All Bill was saying was that he didn't have sex with *that* woman to Monica Lewinsky, whoever *that woman* was.

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sat down at my computer to look up a phone number, and somehow got lured to YouTube (b/c I'm a Google junkie) to meet John and Hank Green, which was definitely awesome! OMG, you made me cry from laughing. Thank you, thank you! Keep it coming, along with the good works for humanity! I hope to see you in Atlanta!!

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I think is especially scary, is the fact that the McCain-Palin administration (if they win, which I hope they don't) will control basically world politics. It's not just the US that will be affected, but the whole world. And truth be told, I don't think a lot of Americans will be able to make a well-argumented choice about their votes, especially when it comes to the foreign policy the candidates campaign for.

But, you know, maybe the American people will surprise me and (please do, please!) make Obama the new president.

[And please don't say I don't know anything about Americans - I lived in the USA for 2 years and have been able to form an opinion about them. And while I absolutely love some, it appears to me that some people don't look outside their box, which is unfortunate for the rest of the world]

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the Jon Stewart of YA land.

Please continue!

At September 16, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the fact that you bring this up very interesting as my class (Women in Literature) discussed Palin. We all agreed that McCain made a smart move but not in good way for anyone else besides his campaign. The funniest part is that right before this discussion we were talking about Cat on A Hot Tin Roof. Any connection between Maggie and Palin? Maybe more Mae and Palin I suppose. I should stop typing...

At September 17, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that I get all my news from you, but I do get the news that I'm passionate about from you. Banning books because you don't like them an personal vendettas - these are things that don't belong in politics. Wanting to help the greater good, sure, but this is ridiculous.
Your blogs always set me to thinking, John. Whether for good or bad they always do and I find myself discussing their issues with others all day. Thanks for the Palin update and have a great day.

At September 17, 2008 , Blogger Jessie Carty said...

Semantics are wonderful but like anything amazing they can also be used for evil :)

still can't believe the nerdfighter tour isn't going to make it to any part of NC :(

Which begs the question if I can make up enough excuses to trek 4 hours to either charlottesville or atlanta.

i lived in charlottesville once
but atlanta has ikea.

At September 17, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i made something for you, and pudge, and the colonel.

At September 18, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the NY Times article: Scary, scary, scary!

(@shaylaluna: I love Wordle!)

At September 23, 2008 , Blogger Lauren Bailey said...

I was in San Diego for a conference and some of the older members were passing around iPhones with Palin's list of books the should be banned. It read more like a list of books I either have read or are on my list of books to pick up on my next trip to Borders.

That woman is insane. I fear for our country either way the cookie crumbles in November.


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