John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Tuesday Meme

Stolen from facebook. Type your name into Google with the verb that comes after in the question. Answer with your favorites from the first page of google results. Have fun!

Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
A: "John Green needs Daniel Biss to calculate an arithmetic mean." (True.) "John Green needs to get his haircut he looks like a hippy." (True, but a run-on.) "John Green needs to be put in context." (Totally true.)

Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
A: "John Green looks like the kind of material I want." (Go on, sir.) "John Green looks like Hank Hill." (I'd rather look like the kind of material you want.) "John Green looks like a drunk."

Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
A: "John Green says voters should be aware they're being manipulated." (Spoken by my esteemed namesake.)

Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
A: "John Green wants to pay off the debt." (But alas, he doesn't have the money.)

Q:Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
A: "John Green does it again." "John Green does not disappoint." (Thanks, guys, although I think one of those refers to a high school basketball player.)

Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
A: "John Green hates me." (No, I don't!) "John Green hates the Hardy Boys." (Yes, I do!)

Q: Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search.
A: "John Green asks himself, Why is being a nerd bad?" (This is taken from my just-discovered wikiquote page, which calls me "an American novelist and minor Internet celebrity.")

Q: Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search.
A: "John Green likes socks." (As long as they're argyle!) "John Green likes to champion young adult readers." (Who doesn't? Fascists?)

Q: Type in "[your name] eats " in Google search.
A: "John Green eats a blenderized Happy Meal." (Don't remind me.)

Q: Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
A: "John Green wears peanut butter sexy."

Q: Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google Search.
A: "John Green was arrested for drunk driving." (Different John Green.)

Q: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google Search.
A. "John Green loves the Mountain Goats." (True!) "John Green loves you back!" (True, in a limited way!) "John Green loves librarians." (True!)


At January 12, 2009 , Blogger Melody Platz said...

Cool post. I had fun reading yours and then trying my own name out.

Here's one I came up with: Melody Platz loves to be between Africa and Paralysis,

At January 12, 2009 , Blogger Lindsay Robertson said...

Just be sure to erase your Google search history lest someone use your laptop to check their email and think you're a narcissist!

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Joanna looks like a bugeyed fishmonster with a red wig."

"Joanna does the ultimate NYC favor - working two parts of your body simultaneously."

"Joanna hates the lamers."

"Joanna eats a live praying man."

"Joanna wears Giovanni's fake moustache."

Amazingly, all true.

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name memes make me sad that few other Rosiannas are active on the Internet. I tried with "Rosi" though:

Rosi wants to dissipate the smoke that exists in those back rooms - metaphorically, yes! But this was literal dissipation, I think.

Rosi says she loves dancing and would love to dance (on fire??) - dancing on fire sounds painful and I have this thing where I am averse to putting myself through pain. Dancing on its own, however, is great.

Rosi looks like an American stereotype of a Russian movie: heavy, boring, and depressing. - yeoowch, but all undoubtedly true.

Rosi looks like she is such a darling well-mannered guest - that's kinder, and a lie.

Rosi needs to find her own authentic voice. - bullseye.

None of which are about me!

At January 13, 2009 , Blogger MOTM said...

Fun post! Found there are a lot of hated people that share my name.

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was really funny. I want to play. :)

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would've done this by now if my name weren't so uncommon. haha

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meredith wears her glasses and has that sexy librarian thing going for her." (Booya!)
All my answers are here:
Thanks, John that was fun!

At January 13, 2009 , Blogger Namlhots said...

Oh dear, the next thing I'll learn is that Maureen hates Nancy Drew. The Hardy Boys introduced serial reading to millions of teenage boys, how can you hate them??!!??

Perhaps you hate the revised Hardy Boys Mysteries(1979-2005), not the original Hardy Boys Mysteries(1927-1979). It is amazing to read the originals and see how they reflected their times. We can all agree the 1980's sucked (except for Hank's birth).

Frank and Joe, Hank and John, a coincidence? I think not. Just ask Mom and Dad.


At January 13, 2009 , Blogger Michal Chinn said...

"Michal needs to be in a position of perceived importance." So true.

"Michal looks like a cheap crackwhore." Also, unfortunately, true.

"Michal says 'hello' to everyone." Hello everyone.

"Michal wants you to become a member of their guild in Heroes, a game of might, magic, and glory on MySpace." I most definately do. Might, magic and glory are my favorites.

"Michal does and doesn't have children." This is in reference to the woman after whom I am named, David's wife and Saul's second daughter in the bible. She died old, alone and barren.

"Michal hates America." This is a lie.
"Michal hates uncertainty." This is also untrue. I enjoy a little uncertainty.

"Michal asks Dookie if he wants to get out because he knows that most of the Arabars are dope feinds."

"Michal likes good songs." Who doesn't?
"Michal likes red wine." Yes.
"Michal likes to crawl into bed with us in the morning for a quick cuddle. Sometimes she brings one blanket, and sometimes more." Ah, I've been caught!

"Michal (Phelps; I'm pretty sure that they misspelled his first name) eats like a whale." That isn't very nice.

"Michal wears a lei." Oooh...

"Michal was arrested on suspicion of patronizing a prostitute." Nope, not me.

"Michal loves the old Roger Corman / Edgar A Poe movies." True!

None of these were about me, though. My full name is much too rare to have gotten any results.

At January 13, 2009 , Blogger Shanella said...

I did this, but most of mine where "No results found for "shanella ...""

At January 13, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

I had to spell my name Amy to get any results because my name spelling is uncommon, but this is what it came up with:

"Amy needs some help drinking, apparently" Alcohol is disgusting, I prefer pepsi, thanks.

"Amy looks like Ashlee Simpson" Dear god I hope not...

"Amy wants to clear the air about the sex tape" You people found that?! OH NO.

"Amy hates early mornings" This is so true, I feel bad for anyone around me early in the morning, I'm terribly mean.

"Amy likes to avoid work and do silly MEMEs" I should really go to school now...

"Love bitten Amy, wears a heart on her neck" Is this implying Edward Cullen bit me? If so, do I have a "special power"?

"Amy was arrested for transporting an illegal Alien in a Hidden Compartment" Aww I have an alien friend?! Is he like ET?!

"Amy loves books" (This is very true, when I was nine I told my mom books were my best friends. That's what you get popular people, I didn't need you I had books. So THERE.)

That was fun, thanks John :)

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I admire the raw courage of Barbara Lee," says Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia.

Hard to share a name with a politician, but thank goodness I agree with this quote.

At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha Those were great, I'll do the same at a later time though as I can't right now :-\


At January 13, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking through my new American Libraries when I came across a picture of you and Hank during your Great American Tour de Nerdfighting! Yay!

At January 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I now have three people reading Papertowns.

At January 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucy Ricadro

You are so awesome! I love your books!

At January 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meghan Kies needs a savage beating" Wha? I do? D:

At January 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Love "John Green wears peanut butter sexy." I mean, you could absolutly start a designer clothing brand in an instant with a name like that.. ha

Mine was Olivia looks like a spontanious mango.
erm... OK... Cool!!

At January 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Love "John Green wears peanut butter sexy." I mean, you could absolutly start a designer clothing brand in an instant with a name like that.. ha

Mine was Olivia looks like a spontanious mango.
erm... OK... Cool!!

At January 14, 2009 , Blogger Caroline said...

"Caroline likes vodka in her cereal."

That sounds even more disgusting that the Colonel's ambrosia.

And, hey, apparently, John Green wears everything sexy. I just read a post on a reviewer blog stating that your books have been purchased based purely on your fantastic author photo.

At January 15, 2009 , Blogger Kris said...

Okay, the results for "likes" and "eats" were mostly very disturbing, since I'm not much into porn.

Some less disturbing results:

"Kristina looks like a Swedish tanorexic meatball without the meat and definitely without the balls." Well, excuuuuuuse me!

"Kristina wants '09 to be better." Don't we all!

"Kristina hates to go to the internet." Hmmm...I can't say I've been to the internet, in a physical location kind of way. But I don't think I would like it.

"Kristina likes to keep busy by doing arts and craft projects and reading." Too true.

At January 16, 2009 , Blogger Carolina said...

awesome idea! helped me to skipe the boredom of my work!

At January 22, 2009 , Blogger mtyjdfgFWE said...

michael needs a girlfriend
michael looks like a drag queen in one of Paul's porn videos
michael says 'no' Jackson five reunion
michael wants your sex
michael does it again
michael hates "doing these things"
michael asks why
michael likes a good blowjob joke (true)
michael eats chicken
michael wears Fred
michael was arrested for encouraging people
michael loves you

At January 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine says, "Give thanks, and take advantage of a four day weekend." (Definitely)

Catherine wants to be a Pussycat Doll! (Has Catherine developed a brain tumor?)
-Catherine wants funnel cake (what is funnel cake??)
-Catherine's father wants to see his rebellious daughter married to a proper, wealthy gentleman, ignoring what Catherine desires (okay, sure..)

Catherine does not like it when you pat her on the belly.

Catherine hates spam as much as you do! (Or do I?)

Catherine asks Rodolpho to dance and he reluctantly joins her (If I ever meet someone with the name Rodolpho, I will ask him to dance.)

Catherine likes the dentist (It's my favorite place)

Catherine eats when she is hungry and detests dieting. (oh YEAH!)

Catherine wears it better.

Catherine loves Santa!

At January 31, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm slightly (well, more than slightly) jealous that your results were better than mine, John! For instance, when I typed in Tiffany needs... it said, Tiffany needs bigger brests, and Tiffany needs to go back to being pregnant and funny. Do they know something I don't? And when did I stop being funny? That being said, I don't think I'll ever do that again.

At March 29, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just edited the wiki page. No more minor.


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