John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Gangsta Jesus

So back when Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle, and I were writing the interconnected novellas that became Let it Snow, I never thought our work would be compared (favorably!) to the work of William Shakespeare in no less a newspaper than the Washington Post (who called the book, "a comedy as delicious as any whipped up by the Bard." No lie.)

Nonetheless, Lauren reveals on her massively entertaining blog that she sometimes feels like people like her story less than the others. (Most of the reviews I've read, meanwhile, feel to me as if they like my story less than the others. I theorize that this is due to the fact that a dollop of criticism damages self-esteem more than a dollop of praise improves it.)

But anyway, in her post, Lauren includes portraits of Maureen and me. Maureen's is a real picture of her, although she is smoking a cartoon cigar. And my picture? Gangsta Jesus:

I can haz dis az mah new awthor foto?


At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! You're definitely Gangsta Jesus. He even has the dirty beard going on like you do on the Let it Snow author picture! =P

Congrats on getting compared to Shakespeare. That's freaking amazing, I'm jealous!

I just got around to getting LiS... don''t worry. Yours is good. =D

Poott: The noise made to express joy when pooping in Hank's pants.

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Candy said...

Lol! That picture is great! Now I need to go read her blog :)

At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! Can we see a Blingee of Willy? Please????

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger The Girl said...

Oh my goodness. xD

Epic win.

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Mónica L. said...

How do you write a novel in which there's more authors? (eg Let It Snow)

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Mandi said...

My favorite part of this post is your lolcatspeak at the end. xD

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Jennifer said...

The freaky part, is that I can almost see you in gangsta Jesus. MY brain is trying to mash the two images into one. It's as if he is almost you, or playing you in the TV movie Best Wishes: The John Green Story. Like how I think Noah Wily and Steve Jobs are the same person sometimes.

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Heidi R. Kling said...

If she would have photoshopped in your real face that would have been TRULY awesome.

At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just posted a link on your facebook page. And okay, that's a serious compliment. Well done Washington Post, I don't know anything about you, but the people writing book reviews are brilliant.

Gangsta J pretty much sums you up. Although I doubt your bling is QUITE that cool. No offence.

- rosi

At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, John is officially more emotionally mature than I am. Not that it was ever a question. But John: I will learn from you! I will remember the "like the bard" comments instead of "sucktastic" remarks!!!!

P.S. Posted authentic pic of you in latest blog entry to make up for interpretation.

At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. That comment above was me. Lauren. I can never remember my google/blogger password--or username, for that matter. ;)

At January 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha That is wonderful. Would've fooled me if you hadn't made this post!

-Julian, ItTakesII

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Shanella said...

I think you all did a great job in let it snow

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger Katie said...

I have learned two important things from this post. Lauren Myracle has an excellent lj. And I find Jesus kind of attractive.

Oh, dear. I feel like I have to shower now.

At January 06, 2009 , Blogger valerie2776 said...

Hahaha that is perfect!

How DO you go about collaboratively authoring a novel? It seems like it'd be really complicated to get everything to flow smoothly and to not have any continuity errors.

At January 07, 2009 , Blogger BrianM said...

Not to take this post seriously - but - the ratio is *roughly* 7:1. Psych being a study more than a science we'll just say that generally it takes 7 compliments or positive statements to restore what 1 negative or critical comment takes away. This is especially important for teachers, parents and critics to remember.

At January 07, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as it pains me to say it John, you kind of look like Jesus in this picture. A lot.Minus the bling. Plus glasses.

At January 07, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can haz dis az mah new awthor foto?"

Hahaha, hilarious. XD
You may have the look, but you may want to brush up on your speaking style. :)

Anyway, congratulations! You're amazing. :D

At January 10, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

*catholics around the world squirm*

At October 15, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gangsta Jesus beats Edward Jesus out of the ball-park by, like, a mile.


7th picture down.


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