Do not click the link below if you haven't read Looking for Alaska.
But if you have read LfA, I never thought when I was sitting in my basement in Chicago all those years that one day a fictional event would be acknowledged in such a weirdly touching nonfictional way.
(240 people are attending!)
UPDATE: If you don't have a facebook, you can't see the amazing thing. But why don't you have a facebook? You should. It's easy and free and etc.
Damn, facebook is down for maintenance over here, I'll have to get back at you later. :(
I'm intrigued though...
Wow. That is dedication, let me tell you.
There are 351 people "attending", now.
oh wow. I think this day will most certainly have to be celebrated.
perhaps I'll read "Remember" or "Funeral Blues"...
(but that would probably reduce me to a weeping mess)
I haven't got a facebook account, is it possible to post whatever it is somewhere else?
Up over 400 now. Me included.
I saw that this morning--v. cool!
Will you be attending?
my wall showed you were attending John, so I looked into it, and I am now "attending" as well.
571 people attending so far, and I am one of them!
This event has 601 confirmed guests
These kinds of things make me smile. I love seeing characters and events come to life like this. I was surprised to see Ben Starling had a facebook (which is the one who actually invited me to this event), and it was always fun to see Q, Margo, Ben, and Radar interacting with each other in the Tour de Nerdfighting BlogTV chats.
We're at 674 guests. Woah.
People's dedication to you and Alaska is awe-inspiring.
My Alaska Memorial celebration will consist of:
Reading 'Looking for Alaska'.
Drinking Strawberry Hill in the grass.
Pulling a grand prank.
All in my own '(Non)Smoking Hole'; my little slice of paradise that allows me to escape my labyrinth of suffering.
Sorry, John, not even you can convince me to get a Facebook account..
Looks awesome!
For those without a facebook, here's a screenshot of the page:
I copied their idea, but I thought you'd like this, too, John:
And if you don't like it, let me know that, too!
:/ I don't like Facebook.
And no, I don't have any good reasoning.
It's just another thing I would feel obligated to sign into everyday, add people I REALLY would rather not, and get used to.
This is really unfortunate for me, I am aware.
I don't have a facebook, because I don't really want serendipity to disappear. Being found and finding others so easily.. it's sort of quietly terrifying.
...not to mention Facebook's utter lack of security and frightening copyright rules. But that isn't important. Thanks to Tom for the screenshot - I'll definitely attend, in my own Facebook-free way.
I bought Papertowns at approximately 9:00 p.m. last night.
I just finished it.
And although the book is amazing in all of your brilliance, I think I love the ending more than any WHOLE book I've ever read.
Which is alot.
This is wonderful. I'm hosting a nerdfighting event with my local nerdfighters to commemorate this day. I can't wait!
John, I can't help but say I like the whole image of you sitting in a dark basement talking to yourself. (The basement is dark. In my mind, basements are always dark.) But how strange it must be to befriend and interact with people you created on the internet.. by the way do you know if Margo has a twitter account?
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