John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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(Looking for Alaska SPOILER ALERT*)

This is very gratifying/weird/awesome.

Thanks to everyone participating.

* I know I've said over and over again about how I don't believe in spoilers, but I guess I've changed my mind.


At January 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awhh, that is so sweet! When I saw my copy of Alaska today, I was like, waiiit, It´s january 10th!

At January 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a facebook so I didn't technically "attend" the event but Alaska was in my thoughts at 3 AM this morning. Thank you for writing such a wonderful book that we all clearly enjoyed so much.

At January 10, 2009 , Blogger LibrariAnne said...

The Rite-Aid worker didn't even card me when I bought my Boone's Farm-Strawberry Hill today (I look young for 23). I thought it was fitting.

A girl named Diana Malton left a comment on the event wall that actually made me tear up a bit. Don't know if you saw it, but knew you'd appreciate:

"Alaska, you getting out of the Labyrinth sort of made me feel more lucky to be in it. Your death was at the same time beautiful and needless. I miss you so much. I wanted to read all about you and your antics. I could have read thousands of pages about those pranks... But you made me a better person. Today, I will give my mother white flowers and accept my place here in the Labyrinth. I hope that there is a place for fictional characters to go when they die, and I hope it's beautiful , like you. Goddammit, Alaska, you're so beautiful"

At January 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been sipping on my Strawberry Hill all day! (starting after noon, of course)

At January 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Green, you've done so much with your writing, and it's odd that a facebook event would prove it... but it does. Even though we're honoring Alaska, we know it's you who created her beauty.
Thank you for teaching us so much about love and life and our crooked selves through this wondrous fictional girl.

I planned a nerdfighter gathering for the occasion, but there was a big snowstorm here today so it had to be postponed at the last minute.

At January 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wrote on the facebook wall and i'm waiting for 3am here.
but john green, its my birthday today. it makes me sad, a little.

At January 11, 2009 , Blogger About Postcards to J. Bird said...

I drove past where Alaska would have died yesterday. I thought about the Labyrinth and listened to "Looking for Alaska." Thank you for writing Alaska, John. Sincerely. 65 South just outside of downtown will never be the same.

Capatcha dictionary;
polizz: A distant cousin of polio that instead of killing nerve endings actually enhances them making you feel nothing but pure awesome.

At January 11, 2009 , Blogger piepie said...

What made you change your mind about spoilers?

At January 11, 2009 , Blogger EP said...

WOW. What an inspiration you are to other writers -- so many people were so touched by your work! Can I be you when I grow up?

At January 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, I don't know if you already know this, but there is a band called "Looking for Alaska" based on your novel. They have 6 songs up on myspace. Here is the link:

At January 12, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodbye Alaska Young. May you wish to swerve in your next existence...

or confusedlibra (myspace)

At January 12, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot my capatcha dictionary entry

Capatcha dictionary:
Dusno - the momentary drop off of awesome before re uptake of said awesome returns threefold.


At January 14, 2009 , Blogger Displayed said...

Did I miss something? I thought this was a fictional character...

At January 18, 2009 , Blogger inspiredwords_x said...

In response to Helga's comment, yes, she is a fictional character, however she meant a lot to all of our lives. She changed my life when I read that book and fictional or not, she was an amazing, special, beautiful person the deserves a memorial because regardless of being real or not, she isn't coming back, but is as real as you or I in our hearts.

At January 22, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! I really enjoyed the book and I have to say that was one of the best books that I have ever read. I fell head over heals for Alaska. I can't wait to read more of your books. Thank you for writing it and I hope you keep on writing.

At January 14, 2010 , Blogger joe5955 said...

Ok so I cried for real when Alaska died! I felt like I couldn't go on. I fell in love with a fictional character. I finished this book and listened to "The Scientist" by coldplay and... ... Oh my GOD it's like it's about the book!! I will never be the same person. This book has changed me in so many ways and you, Mr. Green, are the most amazing writer of this century. A modern day classic writer. RIP, Alaska, we'll love you all forever. Oh and YEAH TAKUMI!!!! NOTHING WILL STOP THE FUCKING FOX!!!


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