John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Edgar Award

I have just learned that Paper Towns is a finalist for an Edgar Award. The Edgars are given out every year by the Mystery Writers of America. Congratulations to the other finalists: Bog Child, The Big Splash, Getting the Girl, and Torn to Pieces.

I am very pleased, of course, and not least because this marks the first time that one of my books has ever been up for an award that carries some weight with my mom. (My mom, like me, is a big fan of crime fiction.) Also, I believe the awards banquet involves a tuxedo.


At January 19, 2009 , Blogger euphonious said...

Tuxedos and mom-related awards, what could be cooler?


At January 19, 2009 , Blogger ttulizzy said...

Congrats John! I'm pulling Paper Towns to win!

At January 19, 2009 , Blogger Becky Jean said...

Congrats! How exciting!

At January 19, 2009 , Blogger Anne Shealy said...

Congratulations! I'm in the process of adding all of your books to my 7th grade bookshelf, as you have become absolutely my favorite author!

Read a boy's reading response journal this weekend in which he responded to Paper Towns, and it was quite fascinating to hear his take on your book. I love to see how kids interpret books differently from the way their 40-something teacher does.

"Let it Snow" is currently on bedside table with a bookmark - will start your story in there tonight.

Thanks for the great books. Keep up the good work, and we'll continue looking for more awards bestowed upon your books.


At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tuxedo! Who wouldn't want that award? :) Congratulations on the nomination, John! YNFTBA

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it is especially exciting because this marks Poe's bicentennial! (or it would, had he been immortal and lived beyond his too-meagre forty years)

At January 19, 2009 , Blogger Carolina said...

That's awesome! Congrats, John!

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part of the Edgar award is the trophy itself, a dour bust of Poe, if memory serves, although anything that truly impresses one's mother is decidedly made of awesome.

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations John!
We're all rooting for Paper Towns.

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Go Paper Towns!!

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way! Go John!
I'm getting Paper Towns for my birthday next week ^^
I would have gotten it sooner, but I'm English, and underage for Amazon.

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY congrats...

Captcha dictionary entry:

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At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Bog child awhile ago.
=) I'd say you have a good chance.

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tuxedos are pretty awesome.

So are awards.

Kudos on both accounts!

At January 19, 2009 , Blogger Martha said...

You found out today? I posted it to your Facebook fan page on Friday (and on Hank's video on Friday and on your video yesterday). I've basically been shouting it from the rooftops, because I love the Edgar Awards, and I am so very happy for you. You are so deserving. Yay!

At January 19, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats John! What awesome news, I hope Paper Towns wins, it's a truly fantastic book :)

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty fancy! Hope you win because ALL of your books are amazing and completely deserve it!

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats, John!
:D So well deserved.

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations John!

That is excellent!

At January 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey I was wondering when So Jokes will be mailed out. I live in CA and I ordered it about a week and a half ago.

At January 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations John!! I actually once had to do a report about Edgar Allen Poe so i KNOW what the Edgars are and what big a deal this is!!

And there was much rejoicing!!!

At January 20, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

Go n-eírí an t-ádh leat, a Sheáin :)

At January 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you win the Edgar Award, then you're not only an amazing writer of the smart/eccentric teen genre, then you'll also be officially an amazing mystery writer as well. Keep writing with your current perspective, and every book you ever write will get some sort of great award, and we'll all be overjoyed to read more of your work!

At January 20, 2009 , Blogger Lindsay said...

congratulations, John! I am halfway through Paper Towns right now and am loving it.

At January 20, 2009 , Blogger Heather said...

You know, we'll have to see you in a tux. Please take video or pictures.

This is so jokes, by the way. My english teacher would be proud. She talks about edgar award winners a lot.

At January 21, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how exciting and good luck. You deserve all the success.

At January 21, 2009 , Blogger jean said...

How thrilling! Congratulations John, we're rooting for you!

At January 22, 2009 , Blogger Melissa said...

My professor for YA lit emailed us the nominees... she used to be on the Printz committee, too, so I think she's my hero even though the class hasn't started yet.
Erm, anyway.
It's interesting to me because I don't necessarily think of Paper Towns as a mystery, although, of course, it is. The mystery is fun, but to me it's so much more a coming of age story...


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