Question Tuesday
So last night I was at this dinner with these really interesting artists, and we were drinking champagne. I told the story about how when Dom Perignon invented chamagne, he is supposed to have told one of his fellow monks, "Come quickly. I am tasting the stars."
And then one of the artists said, "Tasting the stars--that's what Britney Spears does for a living." Hey-o!
Here are your questions from last week, only now, they are answered:
Which Paper Towns cover would YOU choose if you were perusing a bookstore looking to buy a book?
It's hard to say. Probably the blue. But I like both, and I think they both reflect common misconstructions of contemporary teenagers.
You have a great fondness for Walt Whitman. What other poets do you like? Any current poets?
I answered this in last week QT video also, but yes, of course. Among contemporary poets, I like this book Atlas by Katrina Vandenberg in a somewhat obsessive way.
Will you please, please go on a book tour for Paper Towns?
Yes, I will.
Why do teachers make less than actors?
Most of the actors I know make precious little, but I do think that teachers and librarians are the most underpaid people in the American workforce. I mean, on the one hand, I would like to live in a world where teachers and librarians are feted like celebrities. On the other hand, that George Clooney sure is dashing.
Do you think Pam and Jim will get engaged?
Yes, although sitcom engagements fail about 92% of the time.
So which cover of Paper Towns should I get for my library? I suspect the answer will be "both". ;>D
My answer is, in fact, that you should get several of both.
Do you think it's true you have to lose yourself in order to find yourself?
I'm not totally convinced that the self is findable in any kind of lasting way.
John, do you consider yourself lucky that you get to be a writer for a living, or do you think it's something anyone can do given the right amount of talent and perseverance?
I consider myself very lucky, but I also think that there are many, many people who write for a living (I worked for Booklist for six years, and we reviewed hundreds of books every other week--all of them were written by somebody).
Who would win in a fight? Numbers or words?
I've found myself wondering what college you (and Hank, for that matter) went to?
I went to Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. Hank attended Eckerd College in Florida. We both like both schools.
Favorite city?
Amsterdam. Then Chicago. Then New York.
Blue or black ink?
Green, a habit I learned from my boss at Booklist, Ben Segedin.
What happened to that book you were co-authoring with David Levithan?
We're working on it. It'll come out in 2009.
What is your favorite poem of all time?
Tough one. Song of Myself, I guess.
Can you explain its origins, purposes, and any other clarification junk about nerdfighters. Like, Are you against nerds or what.
It's not possible to understand the whole thing unless you watch our 288 videos (which will only take you like fourteen or fifteen hours), but basically, nerdfighters fight _for_ nerds. (The name is based on a common misreading of an old arcade game.)
Why on EARTH do all YA writers have Mac computers?!
Well, there are a number of reasons. They're faster, more stable, and better for video editing (which is important to me, obviously). And there are really cool Mac-specific writing project managers that people like Maureen Johnson and Scott Westerfeld swear by.
Also, they are cooler.
Do you have a PO box that I could send my copy of the book to? If I include postage in my package, could you sign my copy and mail it back?
I can't do that at the moment (I don't have a PO box), but we are going to try to set something up before Paper Towns comes out.
If Hank, Libba Bray, Carroll Spinney, Mel Brooks and you got in to a fight, who would win?
Libba would win. Libba is a tiger!
How do you like living in Indy? Also, what are favorite places to eat in Indy so far?
We like it. It's an adjustment, but we like it. I ate last night at Meridian; it was excellent. I'm also pretty high on Elements, a restaurant downtown that mostly uses local ingredients.
I'll continue to answer questions with (hopefully) regularity, so leave them in comments. Thanks for all your questions!
Very insightful (and funny) and fyi this librarian has already pre-ordered several copies of Paper Towns. Elements is soooo good, I have yet to try Meridian but plan on doing it soon. If you like sushi you have to try Sakura!!
Great answers--love the Britney Spears joke.
And Macs rule.
for whatever reasons, your answer to the book tour question calmed me. i feel so fortunate to be able to have the chance to thank you genuinely in person.
baltimore, maryland will cry if you don't visit. and when baltimore cries, it is not a pretty thing. just warning you.
Are you planning on attending the AASL conference in Chicago next October?
What was your favorite book as a child?
And what is your favorite kids book now?
Also, did you know that there are two books chronicling the high life of a family of Peeps?
Yay! Thanks for answering my question! I feel special now :)
And I love that you compared Libba to a tiger. It seems pretty accurate to me. I sure wouldn't want to fight her...
yay to macs!
I'm just going to ask the same questions I asked last time:
who's your favorite YA author?
what's your favorite book you read in highschool?
how many shelves of books do you have?
have you ever made rules for books you lend out?
do you lend out books?
have you ever trusted Hank with your books?
have you ever really trusted Hank with anything?
what's your favorite bad reality TV show to be addicted to no matter how much you hate it?
are you going to continue with the political situation in nepal? (okay, that one is null now, since, you know, you talked about it in your ranting video, but I'm still keeping it here anyway)
will you have a Peeps eating contest next year?
will you force Hank to participate?
if you like to use your imagination, and that's why i is your favorite mathematical symbol, what is your least favorite mathematical symbol?
if a nerdfighter made a cookie, and the cookie tasted bad, would the cookie still be made of awesome as it is a product of awesome?
what is your favorite kind of cookie?
if you named an animal after a character in a book, what would the animal be and what would you name it? (I want a dog named Hassa, and I already have a fish named Takumi)
What's your favorite Disney movie? (And don't act like you don't have one.)
And, are you going to be in or around Anaheim at some point for your tour? I really hope so.
I don't get the Britney joke...
what totally sweet project managers are you referring to?
come to DC! or NYC, i could technically do either..
Will your book come out in other countries at the same time? Like some random little country called Singapore in the middle of no-where for example.
Did you know that you forgot to italicize one of the questions?
Does it ever surprise you how many people are in love with your books?
I don't mean that in a mean way, I think they are amazing, but as the person who wrote them, does it ever come as a shock to you?
will your book tour include Ottawa, Canada, if I ask nicely?
Maybe you can pick up some cheap meds while you're here for Hank!That in itself would be very jokes.
Any good book tour experiences?
Any hilariously BAD book tour experiences?
(this would be a good opportunity to straighten out your fans on expected behavior and what you just can't stand)
I've worked in many bookstores and have seen some bizzare behavior aound authors. I'm just sayin'.
Do you read any postmodern stuff?
Do you like the tv show Arrested Development?
When are you having nerdfighter babies? I know you have addressed this before but I would like an update because your kids would no doubt just spew awesome!
Have you had any run ins with groupies? That would be hilarious!
Have you ever gone to a therapist?
Do you have any advice about staying focused on writing and not getting sidetracked? (I have a tendency to do that)
These were really random questions.
A photo I took inspired by the whole Depew High School ordeal.
I'm really looking forward to Paper Towns, and I'm quite certain the copy I'll be buying will have the blue cover.
I want the yellow one!
I don't usually like yellow, but I love that cover.
I'm so excited for Paper Towns!!!
Question: puppy-sized elephant or puppy-sized human?
I prefer green ink as well.
Hey John. I was curious if there would be a way to set up a video chat and or phone interview with you. I'm starting my own vlog and I'd love to talk to you, especially about all your writing and books and inspiration and other Nerdfighter like subjects.
Hey, John!
How's your screenplay for Katherines coming along?
Can you tell us what your book with David Levithan is about?
What do you think will happen in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries?
Is anything more going to happen with the omnictionary, or was its sole purpose to reveal the covers of paper towns?
baltimore may cry, but mechanicsburg pa will have a hissy fit. we're always overlooked here. its super sad.
showers or baths?
What project managers do Maureen and Scott use?
I just wanted to let you know that anytime anyone says "I'm looking for..." in conversation, I always jump in with "ALASKA?!?!" and then they get a little annoyed. But it's fun for me.
I am pretty sure you have heard of Kurt vonnegut's 8 rules of writing a short story, if not...
1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.
Do you have any rules or guidelines like these?
You should definitely come to Oklahoma on your book tour. We don't get many people and that would make me so happy! =)
Saw this, thought of LfA: Pleading with Alaska
!! I'm a green ink person too!!
Thanks for choosing a couple of my questions :)
Book tour?!
Thank you for writing Looking for Alaska.
Friday, May 2nd, 2008, I checked out three books from my school library, Going Postal, Slyvia Plath's Bell Jar and your book, Looking for Alaska. I read the third first.
As I was reading it, I realized that life is about forgetting and forgiving. But it's also about making something that will last, and the sum of our parts. After reading Looking for Alaska, I'm going to buy it and I don't usually buy books. I hope that other teenagers read your books and find something to take out of it.
I have one question though. Did you cry when you wrote Looking for Alaska? Did you ever read it aloud and get lost in the story and the characters and encompass all of it?
John Green,
Thank you. You've given me a lot.
Have you ever considered writing a book about conjoined twins? We know how much you love those!
Will you ever come to Ontario, Canada for a book signing?
Will you PLEASE come to Houston for a book signing!???!?!!!?
Who is going to narrate the audio CD for Paper Towns?
when does paper towns come out????
Are you subscribed to any magazines? If so, which ones?
I am a bookseller. I love your books. I can't sell your books to boys, with the sole exception of ... my brother. Why don't you and Penguin try to market these fantastic fantastic fantastic books (which can be enjoyed by both girls AND boys, and in fact, clearly have) TO boys (because girls will read them no matter what)? Really, John: the girl on Paper Towns is, I grant you, very pretty, but guys will say "she's hot" rather than "she 'reflect(s) common misconstructions of contemporary teenagers.'"
What's your Meyers-Briggs personality type? (If you don't already know, you can take an online diagnostic test here:
Hey John!
I'm a new nerdfighter, ad I feel and I am devolving my awesomeness as each day passes!
1 quick question for you:
Are you a product of the public school system?
If so, you had one great school!
More Question Tuesday Questions:
How did you and the Yeti meet?
How do you think God works in the world and how do you think we can participate in that work?
Do you think your last name had anything to do with Hank's chosen life-calling? How about yours?
Just finished watching all 301 (oh, wait, it's now 302) vlogbrothers videos. Thanks for being so awesome!
I love question tuesdays. Funny and insightful.
As someone else commented, will you come to Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) if I ask nicely as well?
Come anyone from Ottawa, you should keep asking him to come to our city for a tour of the nerdfighting. Perhaps he will see that we really want to see him and plan a trip to Ottawa.
That would be made of awesome.
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