John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

Three Things

1. I don't understand why people are acting like the democratic presidential nomination is still a race.

Here's how the delegate math is going to work out: Clinton will net 14 (maybe two more, maybe two less) delegates out of Pennsylvania, meaning that she is still well more than 100 delegates behind). As I've said before, if the positions were reversed, I would be begging Obama to get out of the race. As it is, I am begging Clinton to get out of the race. There is nothing to be gained at this point: Her five percent chance of winning the nomination does not go up if she campaigns through June.

By the way, I only mention this because it is a well-known fact that Hillary Clinton reads my blog.

2. The paperback of An Abundance of Katherines will be published in August of 2008. With a fancy new cover! And an incredibly low price! (Seriously. Incredible.) More information to come.

3. The loyal few who frequent this blog but for whatever reason refuse to join the Nerdfighting juggernaut have been asking: You answer dozens of questions weekly in your vlog; why can't you do something similar over here?

Fair enough. Leave your questions in comments. I will post the answers here and as a blog post at the ning.


At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Brian Farrey said...

Three, sir.

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fixed. :)

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I don't know why she's staying in the race. I suppose it's because she doesn't want to give up, or maybe that the more "screen time" she has the higher her chances of running for vice? Don't know. At any rate, it made me SO happy that the first presidential debate my son ever saw featured a woman and a black man and he didn't think there was anything unusual or monumental about it.

2. Cool!
3. Nerdfighters is too crowded for me.

*My question: Which Paper Towns cover would YOU choose if you were perusing a bookstore looking to buy a book?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger teacherninja said...

1. Whichever one wins should NOT make the other one vice pres. Make them Secretary of State, or better yet, nominate them for the Supreme Court.

2. Cheaper than Peeps?

3. Questions:

Do you agree (I've heard this from other writers) that the best thing that can happen to a novelist is that they are paid for the rights to their book, maybe even a few drafts of a screenplay, but that the movie never gets made?

You and Hank have mentioned Bill McKibbin. You have also expressed your desire for procreating. Have you heard of his book Maybe One? (By the way, I was married for five years before we had our bundle of awsome and it was worth the wait--and you're totally right, they have the same amount of awesome--if not more--when they're young as us grown-up nerdfighters)

You have a great fondness for Walt Whitman. What other poets do you like? Any current poets?

Who would win in a fight: Hank after the cheap wine challenge vs. Hank after the peeps challenge?

Thanks for being awesome.

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! paperback! i love when my favorite books become paperbacked. not too sure why, but i love it.

i guess it's because when i read them on the beach, i don't feel guilty get the sandy and potentially salt-watery. i vow to reread katherines at the beach.

question: will you please, please, please go on a book tour for Paper Towns? please?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, why are Obama supporters so quick to dismiss the "big states" argument. Isn't the overall goal to get a Dem back in the White House? Haven't we learned from the Bush/Gore debacle that electoral votes are EVERYTHING?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it was down to either salt or pepper for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The tide is's a detachment from reality that sounds like McCain's conviction that we can "win" in Iraq - like it's a game. I'm slowly beginning to believe the democrats may lose this election yet.

2. Any chance the new cover of Abundance will feature a picture from the new movie?

3. I love what the Ning represents but I can't keep up with it. I'm equally challenged with facebook.

question for the future - Why do teachers make less than actors?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome!! oh so many questions, so hard to just pick one!
so i'll pick two!

1)if you were stranded on an island, what three books would you choose.
2) do you think pam and jim will get engaged? if so, when?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to bring? lol sorry. . . lost the rest of the question there.

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger lulukubo said...

Your nerdfighter site is blocked by our school filter (ixnay on the orumsfay). This site should be as well but the filter is wonky lately.

So which cover of Paper Towns should I get for my library?

I suspect the answer will be "both". ;>D

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Sandy said...

Ok, questions. Three years ago, as a Junior in High School I took a creative writing class where each class was started with a prompt that we had to write on for the first five minutes of class.

That said, here are two of them that I'd be interested in hearing your take on.

1. Do you think it's true you have to lose yourself in order to find yourself?

2. If you could bring any one inanimate object to life, what would it be and why?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger F2FbyF said...

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It didn't post my response...I got an error! Ugh! I don't want to type all of it out again. bleh. So just gonna type my question....

Will you be coming to the Seattle area anytime soon? I would love to get my books signed! :)

Also, I want to thank you, but have yet to do I am now. Thanks for putting my picture on your vlog...that was totally awesome and made me laugh! So, yea, THANKS!

And, thanks for NFTBA!

Cat (ZheNerdyLittleKitty)

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Kevin said...

John, do you consider yourself lucky that you get to be a writer for a living, or do you think it's something anyone can do given the right amount of talent and perseverance?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Namlhots said...

Sometimes numbers speak louder than words.

In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and even New Hampshire, either Obama or Clinton alone have more votes in the primaries than the top three 'Pubs combined. It's true for other states too.

It's all about getting out the vote. As long as Hillary doesn't actively (or passively) campaign for McCain*, the Dems will win in November.

Example Ohio:
March 4, 2008 Primary

Top 4 'Pubs-920,440

*This remains to be seen.

PS Don't forget to vote May 6th.

Question: Who would win in a fight? Numbers or words?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Suburb Mouse said...

Question #1: Are you planning on attending the AASL conference in Chicago in October? I think that you should. (I know I asked this in comments on youtube...but it's 913 comments gives my question a lot less of a chance of being answered than these 15)
Question #2: In my current epic search for the right college, I've found myself wondering what college you (and Hank, for that matter) went to?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Heather said...

earlier in the comments, lizlikeshpalot said something about touring for Paper Towns. I'd like to add to that something else. Come to SOUTH CAROLINA!! More specifically, Myrtle Beach or Pawley's Island. Maybe even Charleston.

I know you came to Spartanburg, but I didn't know about that until, like, three days before and Spartanburg is far away!

think about it =D

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger Candy said...


1)what is your favorite city? (not necessarily to live in)

2)do you have any ideas for novels after Paper Towns yet?

3)What career would you have if you couldn't be a writer?

4)milk vs. orange juice?

5)penguins vs. pirates?

6)How are you and Outside getting along these days?

7)blue or black ink?

8)Who the F is Hank?

ha, never managed to come up with so many on for a question Tuesday video :)

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

following suit, because i never was much of a leader...
1. If the democrats remain divided, the republicans will win take advantage of that and win. just a prediction, but in the end i can't vote.
2. Sweet! I wanted to buy a copy anyways, now I have an excuse.
3. The ning overwhelms me. Plus I'm old-fashioned (for a teenager) I take text over video any day.
1. What happened to that book you were co-authoring with David Levithan? When/if/can we have more details?
2. Ditto, about Let It Snow. Because the first thing that comes up when I search it on Amazon is Toot and Puddle: Let it Snow (In Your PANTS!)
3. What is the best YA and non-YA you've read recently?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger DevinLynnx said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

namlhots mentioned the Ohio primary in his post, and I'm not sure if you are aware but in my school all of the Republicans voted for Hillary because they thought that McCain could beat her more easily than Obama. Seriously. Like, all of them did this, and they said that all through Ohio people did the same thing. Does this happen often? Why are people so sexist?

Anywho, what is the best book that you have read recently, John? What is your favorite poem of all time?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Questions on the blog...

not that I'm not a Nerdfighter though, cos I so am.

And also, just fyi, AoK is STILL the only book wonderful enough for me to buy full-price as a hardcover. And I really love the cover... but excited to see how the paperback will be different.

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you didn't have pockets, and you didn't have any kind of bag, where would you keep your keys, cellphone etc?

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to join nerdfighters. Actually I just did but I am confused on what its aims are. Can you explain its origins, purposes, and any other clarification junk about nerdfighters. Like, Are you against nerds or what.

Another, question what is your opinion of skydiving?

At April 23, 2008 , Blogger S-JY said...

John Green.

1. Do you heart This American Life?

2. Enough that you've purchased tickets for our special cinema event next Thursday, May 1? It's playing at the Galaxy 14 and Showplace 16 in Rockianapolis -- er, Indianapolis.

3. Enougher to tell Nerdfighters across the U.S. that they should go, too? We'll be in more than 320 movie theatres -- for serious!

4. This isn't a question, but I heart you.

5. I heart the Yeti, too. Say "hi," please.

At April 23, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Katherines is coming out in paperback, but sad that it is coming out too late in the summer to be a summer reading prize at my library. (Not that the author has any influence on when the book comes out in paperback, but timing the paperback edition for the spring can boost sales due to the SRP prize market - I'll be buying multiple copies of each of several titles for the program finishers.) Well, I'll get it next summer, for sure!

At April 24, 2008 , Blogger My Honest Truth said...

My Questions:

1) When are you going to announce the winner of the ARC?

2)Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder and a couple has a hemophilic daughter; why would a man know if wife cheated on him if he is not hemophilic?

My sister's questions:

3)What is the latest on the EBO?

4)Let II be the set of real numbers that are not rational; elements of II are called irrational numbers. Prove that if a < b, then there exists x an element in II such that a < x< b.

At April 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: Why on EARTH do all YA writers have Mac computers?! I wish to be a YA writer when I have enough experience in my life to be able to write a book that my current self wouldn't cringe at, but I cannot bring myself to buy a Mac. I know for a fact that you yourself have one along with Libba Bray, and I believe Maureen, Scott, and Cassie. So I either have to be a revolutionist and break this mold or I have to buy one of those icky things. EXPLAIN YOURSELF. [Please? Sorry, didn't mean to yell]

At April 24, 2008 , Blogger Danueil said...

QUESTION: John, I've watched Brotherhood 2.0 for a long, long time now. I've recently re-read my copy of Katherines (last night, in 1 sitting), and I was wondering...

Do you have a PO box that I could send my copy of the book to? If I include postage in my package, could you sign my copy and mail it back?

I know it's a pain in the ass, but if you can do that, I'd hold the book in enormously high regard.

Truly Yours,
Nerdfighter Charlie

At April 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the ning... Just thought I would share that tid-bit.

Question: As a writer, how do you organize yourself to start a novel/short story/etc.? Or what is your process of writing? Either/or would work!

At April 24, 2008 , Blogger Odette said...

Here is my question:

If Hank, Libba Bray, Carroll Spinney, Mel Brooks and you got in to a fight, who would win? Why are you fighting? (There is no Maureen Johnson there to Triumph!)

At April 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Question: Do you know anything new about the movie for Looking for Alaska? The suspense is really starting to get to me. Lol.
1. Hilary really reads your blog?
2. YAYAYAY. Because i'm running out of money :(

At April 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it a well know fact that Hillary Clinton reads your blog?

At April 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q1: Is there any news on the Alaska or Abundance movies?
Q2-3: Do you like the work of Ray Bradbury? If so, what is your favorite novel or story?

At April 25, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. It's getting embarrassing, I live in Indy as well and while it's neat to see these names paying attention to us for once-I agree at this point we shouldn't matter-Hillary needs to drop out for the sake of the party, we can not lose this one! (it looks like Obama is ahead of CLinton in IN according to local polls, not sure how reliable they are but that is great news!) And congrats on voting!

2. Yay, although I love Katherines so much that I have bought multiple copies to give as gifts

3. Be honest-How do you like living in Indy?:)
Also, what are favorite places to eat in Indy so far? (If you want good places, I can name a few:)
If you had to choose between giving up cheese or chocolate which it would be and why?

At April 25, 2008 , Blogger Meh said...

Pineapples or yogos?

At May 20, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ciao John, and happy anniversary!

QUESTION: Do you have a favorite comedian?

Alrighty then, Hank rocks, he makes me laugh. (And I adore laughing in the extreme.) That said, and in response to Hank's VlogBrother vids receiving more views, I wanted to mention that I find your vids significantly more enjoyable. I wish there were loads more being posted. Needless to say (yet I am about to say it and *god* that phrase irks me yet I use it and thus irk myself!!), I am just LOVING the VlogBros vids daily this week!! BEST PUNISHMENT EVER for a J. Green fan such as myself.

I have to go check out Mountain Goats on iTunes now.

Cheers and DFTBA,
Phoebe Anne

At May 22, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing author and I can't wait for looking for alaska to come out in theaters! Josh schwartz wrote the OC and that's my all time favorite show, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does with your masterpiece. haha..
also I just happend to read your blog and i'm glad to hear you'll be voting for obama =)

and yes... I did just make one of these so I could say that.

At May 24, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was led into excitement under false pretenses here, John. So, some time ago on the NF site I had suggested an awesome John punishment to be a whole week of question Tuesdays, then Hank dealt you that card (thus initiating my excitement), and then it did not happen! Sweet puppy injuries being an obviously awesome excuse for one day. (Hope he is healing nicely.)
John, you are a nerdteaser as well as a nerdfighter, heehee. I will just have to use this as an excellent opportunity to practice patience until your next video.

I have a question, might you be able to reply I wonder? My father has begun fiction writing in his retirement (he's always written, but non-fiction, textbooks), and prior to this I've bought him loads of books about writing which he has really enjoyed, but now what in terms of gifts for someone who is writing? Any ideas? Any terrific writer's books? I'm happy to give him more books if you suggest something.
If you can reply, MANY thanks in advance!
Cheers and DFTBA,


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