John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Mark Bazer Interviews John Green

People are always trying to use sparksflyup to do, like, actual research for actual school reports and whatnot--and of course this web site is profoundly useless on that front (and also, let's fact it, on most fronts.) In an attempt to make this site more reference-oriented, above you can view the interview I did with my friend Mark Bazer as part of his amazing monthly live talk show in Chicago. Hopefully, it will tell you everything you need to know to write a research paper about me.

(I can see the papers now: "John Green drinks beer. Facebook won't allow him to have any more friends. He looks like a cheeseburger."


At March 23, 2009 , Blogger Tobias said...

John Green drinks beer!?!?!


At March 23, 2009 , Blogger Tom said...

Yeah, I noticed that you drink beer in Amsterdam. The "David after Dentist" story probably wouldn't have been as funny without you drinking beer beforehand :)

At March 23, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG John!! I didn't know you had a book called The Sequel coming out!! you kept that quiet!

At March 23, 2009 , Blogger K. said...

First, thank you for that last bit about the world being underrated. As a person unopposed to college and all that could come after it, who sits amongst radical art students every day, knowing that my choices are pretty okay is another reason to keep getting up in the morning.
Second, The Sequel sounds rather fascinating.
Third, thank you. Every day there is some reminder of how you, Hank, and the Nerdfighters have changed my life. I can't put into words the full extent of my gratitude. Thank you, again.

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you were actually really entertaining! I could see you holding forth with Jon Stewart or Conan!

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said... sweet!

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheeeseburgerrrrr?!?! wha?!?!

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank GOODNESS I'm not the only one who thinks about death way more than once a week or something. My conscious mind is obsessed.

Venn diagrams, oh how they touch. That Miley Cyrus, she's my inspiration. Ahem. Perhaps not.

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait. So are you for Chuck? I find it so ridiculously difficult to find people who are fans of the show, and it's probably the show that I look forward to most.

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok but, if Looking For Alaska gets made into a movie, how could that be anything but good for your career?
Even if you don't like how the movie turns out, its still publicity for you and your books. Think of how many readers/fans you acquired from your youtube channel, the same sort of thing would happen from a movie. Of course those fans might not be has awesome as the nerdfighters, but its still money in your pocket.

At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey John, you're like, my favorite. :)


At March 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

is sit weird that through half the interview i thought he was drinking sparkling apple juice? lol. i love the term "manic pixie dream girl" by the way.

At March 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


And how lovely is it that I'm writing a paper on you right now? And I do mean RIGHT NOW. I have the WORD doc open and everything!


At March 25, 2009 , Blogger Leah said...

I'm now really really excited about "The Sequel", it's a great concept.

At March 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want you to become too famous, then there will be all the poser people who think they are huge fans but they actually aren't because they weren't there in the beginning. It's like what happened with Twilight, I dislike reading those books now because people think I'm in it for the movie, but I'm in it because I started reading it two years ago, before I even knew about a movie!!!

At March 25, 2009 , Blogger Freakish Lemon said...

John, you always make my day a little brighter. I love listening to you talk about your books.

It makes me hopeful about my own intelligence because I understood the themes and characters while still being entertained by the story. As a college junior suffering through brain-numbing business classes, the hope of my own intelligence has been dwindling lately.

So, thank you for posting this.

At March 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently cited your video "I Am Not A Pornographer" for a paper about censorship and book banning! Somehow, that counts as a primary source (from an author whose book was banned)!

Now I can only hope my teacher is a nerdfighter as well

At March 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, my issues with death are never ending, and I worked for 20 years as a social worker with people who died all the time, not the same people but patients on dialysis or with cancer.
I found Cymbalta and 10 of Diazapam take away that every night thinking about how I am not going to be here anymore, and I can't imagine not being here because in the worst of times its still life and wonderful.
By the way hospital administration takes a little of the pressure off, but you still go to bed at night and there you are in the dark thinking about it again.

At March 25, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

That interview was fantastic! I loved the bit where you talked about manic pixie dream girls. I'm really excited for both your new novel and the Paper Towns movie to come out :)

P.S. I'm sad I can't friend you on facebook, it's so lame you can't have more than 5,000 friends.

At March 27, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

You'll be brilliant at screenplay writing. Don't worry about it.

At March 27, 2009 , Blogger angela said...

Pure hilariosity.

Ahhh, my mind is clogged from thisisnottom but also CHICAGO! You came to my city and didn't say anything! =p

At March 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate the you were run out of buffalo (well, depew, really). i from the buffalo burbs, and lots of us love you and alaska, and katherine and pixie girls, etc. i still can't teach your novel, but i'm still getting lots of kids to read it by saying "you can't read that."

At March 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm a teacher and i just wrote "i from buffalo." shame on me.

At March 29, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you make another facebook account? Or make it public so I can see it? Or make a fan page instead?

At March 30, 2009 , Blogger Michal Chinn said...

I also cited that video in a paper that I wrote on censorship last semester. It worked. Yay! Good luck with yours.

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