John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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That Which Is Not Tom

I am a total nerd for Internet riddles and multimedia narratives. (Longtime fans of this blog will remember that before I ever made videoblogs of my own, I fell down the lonelygirl15 rabbit hole).

So I have been watching the development of the quirky and seemingly-up-to-more-than-we-realize development of, a web site featuring insanely hard riddles. These riddles have apparently been written by someone (Tom? Not Tom?) who has something important to tell us, and I'm interested to see where it goes.

(I have made it to the current "end," although the current "end" would seem to be altogether beginningy. And if you're wondering how to get started, there's an i missing in the sentence beneath the guy who is not Tom. and then if you move the mouse around his eyes long enough, you get a link, and then you're off...)


At February 26, 2009 , Blogger Arka said...

I thought you finished it, John? I wonder where it's going, though. I'm determined to see how far I can get with minimal help. But what is Tom (or Not Tom) trying to say...

At February 26, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get this website at alll.

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger Kris said...

I noticed something. This is the first time I've gone to the site. Is it different every day? Is there a way to see riddles from past days?

At February 26, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose I should try this, everyone seems to be talking only of this ....


At February 26, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it took me forever to figure out how to start, but once i did, i got addicted. Tom/not Tom, is very tricky. Can't wait to see where it goes :-)

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger ewoklove said...

i couldn't even figure out the first one! *wail*

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger valerie2776 said...

NotTom is one of the greatest things ever, if not THE greatest.

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger Tim Parenti said...

According to DomainTools, the website is registered to an Alexander Basalyga, a Penn State affiliate from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania (which is incidentally not too far from here).

So, my vote is not Tom.

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger angela said...

I finished it, but I needed a little bit of help with some of it. 'Twas confusing, but the very end. That was the hard one. NotTom intrigues me immensely.

At February 26, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I tell you what a relief it is to hear I'm not the only person who fell into LonleyGirl15? I managed to break away when Bree exited, but before that I literally spent FIVE HOURS watching the backlog of LG videos I'd missed. Five hours...

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

After your live show yesterday day some of us stayed in the chat room and found out a few things about thisisnottom. We found out who registered the site, and that the guy is a nerdfighter. Somebody who has already left a comment on this page knows him.

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I've gotten sucked in and I'm stuck on the Zed/Zelma riddle. I've spent at least the past hour trying to figure it out when I should've been doing other things, d'oh!

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I too am also at the current end. Although I did spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out if I only thought it was the current end until thisisnottom posted "Soon." on his twitter, which implies that the current end is indeed currently the end.

But yeah, the entire experience has so far been basically made of awesome, and I can't wait to see what happens next. :)

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like a loser, I can't get past the second one. I know the picture is of the Beastie boys, but it's not taking the answer.

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gotten quite far on it, but I'm starting to have slight suspicion that you and/or your brother might have something to do with it..

At February 27, 2009 , Blogger LisaMay said...

I don't understand it :(

At February 27, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm stuck on this stupid math one, and I've been up for like six hours trying to figure it out. GAH I'm going crazy.

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont get the Youtube one xF
Find final fear?

woooot?? XD

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness--that Zed/Zelma one was impossible for me, so I cheated. I would never have figured that one out. It's a brilliant scavenger hunt.

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NotTom has pretty much consumed my soul. And I love it.

Almost last year, one of the big trends amongst us in the staff at Leaky was weffriddles (, which this kind of reminds me of. NotTom is cooler though - it's harder and current and Nerdfightastic.

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't find the link. Do you have to fix the sentence somehow? This sounds so cool, and I really want to get in!

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't even figure out the first one. I'm a loser. :(

At March 01, 2009 , Blogger Alicia said...

I'm trying to do thisisnottom, but feel like I'm missing something. If the answer to the second one isn't The Beastie Boys, then what the heck is it?

At March 02, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is So fun!!! But hard too - I am stuck and I barely have begun. Dang, I'm laughing and frustrated.

At March 02, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Zed/Zelma one took me a good hour to figure out. And now... I'm stuck on Washington.
This is insanely addicting. The ning forums have some helpful hints though.

At March 03, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats John!

At March 03, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At March 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom...not Tom? You have taken over my internet life with your riddles. I'm addicted.

At March 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. The second one is obviously a picture of the Beastie Boys but that's not the answer...

At March 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on the third one. This is incredibly fun though.

P.S. Speaking of riddles, how many people noticed that in "Looking for Alaska" Dr. Hyde's password was "Jekyll and Hyde"? This has probably been discussed to death on many a NerdFighter forum, but since I just read the book yesterday (in about an hour; it was excellent) I haven't been to any of the sites.

P.P.S. You like Neutral Milk Hotel?! Must you be so...married?

At March 05, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, on National Public Radio there is a program that originates out Chicago called 'Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me'. Well, I've listened to the show for all of about five minutes and came to the conclusion the title should really be 'Wait, Wait You're Not Funny'. So it goes with this website and its author.

At March 05, 2009 , Blogger chris smith said...

can anyone tell me what I am supposed to be looking for when I put in the coordinates?

At April 14, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do i solve the zed/zelma one? please help

At May 29, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you get the first one? it hurts my brain...

At August 15, 2009 , Anonymous Resa said...

I only stumbled upon this recently and got through it...eventually x)

But what do you do with the youtube riddles? I got some of the answers, but...what do you actually do with them?

At April 10, 2010 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a huge tint fan, but to be honest, the ending beginningy ending saddens me, maybe because I jumped on the bandwaggon too late, but... it doesn't feel... I don't know what to say. Right (?) Good (?) Existing (?). Three terrible words, because none fit, because it's right and good and it exists but...

I feel hangin'... Could you do us a favor and explain some parts when you got a spare sec in the next decade (hee hee)? Know you're buzy, but ... T__T What happens next?


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