John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

The Internet Is Made of Magic

So once every week or so with no warning, I do a live webcast on blogtv. I just post the link to my twitter, and sometimes I'll upload a quick temporary video about it, and then people come.

Yesterday, I read a lot of poetry--Langston Hughes and Emily Dickinson and e.e. cummings and Yeats--and then we talked about each poem for a few minutes. Shortish poems are ideal for these discussions, because I can read them a couple times and everyone can be on basically the same page pretty quickly.

I also called my unprecedentedly brilliant editor Julie Strauss-Gabel and let a couple thousand people pepper her with questions. She then told everyone the terrible dark secret that often when Julie reads early drafts of my manuscripts, I will annotate sections with [make funnier] or [will fix later] or [something like this but not this].

The live show also featured a long period in which I answered questions asked via twitter or inside blogtv's fast-scrolling chat, and somehow I missed several interesting Q's, so I thought I'd provide A's now.

Q. Noticed that Into the Wild is in the acknowledgments of Paper Towns and been curious about your opinion of Chris McCandless?
A. I think McCandless made poor choices, but I also think he made defensible choices. This is the discomforting thing about the disappeared--they make us examine why we have chosen the world. The disappeared undercut a lot of our assumptions about what constitutes a successfully lived life, and their choices shouldn't be too easily dismissed. I think McCandless (like Margo) was young and a little stupid. Even so, their choices took a kind of courage that mine haven't. It reminds me of what Housman wrote about a different kind of courage:

"Here dead lie we because we did not choose
To live and shame the land from which we sprung.
Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose;
But young men think it is, and we were young."

Q. why do you have so many Jews in your books?
I don't know. I have a lot of Christians and Muslims, too. I've definitely shown a bias toward monotheism. I'll work on that.

Q. Could you please grow a beard?
A. Sarah says no.

Q. If I haven't read in awhile, how do I get back into it?
A. Start by trying to read either The Hunger Games or The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon. If neither of those work, we'll take a different strategy. Let me know.

Q. Is it weird having so many teens looking up to you as a role model?
A. It's a great honor to have a seat at someone's table, but let's not exaggerate our significance by for instance using the royal we: Most of these tables have (and should have!) lots of seats.

Q. What is your view on Jessica Simpons' weight gain?
A. When I look deep down into the very core of my being, into the darkness which is me, I truly do not give a shit.

Q. Have you seen the Australian cover of Paper Towns?
A. Yes! Paper Towns just came out in Australia. Yay! Thanks Australia!

Oh, and also! You can see some more q&a'ing here. As always, you can leave any questions you might have in comments.


At February 18, 2009 , Blogger piepie said...

Thanks for doing such a long BlogTV show yesterday! god, I love 19th century poetry. :)

Are you ever scared that you might later develop schizophrenia with all the character voices you have created inside your head? Do your characters ever "talk" to you outside your books?

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the part of your blogtv-show I was in. I'm sorry I had to leave early, but timezones suck :P

I love the poetry-reading-blogtv-shows - Do that more! ;)

Best Wishes!

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own a copy of the Australian edition of Paper Towns, and although, admittedly was disappointed by the tiny picture of you, I did enjoy the book a lot.

It's engaging, funny, realistic and most importantly (in my opinion, anyhow) thought provoking.

Thank You John Green :)

and please please PLEASE come to Sydney on your trip down under.

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that puzzles me most about trivia is how you remember them without meaning to - like, how come I cannot remember my own cell number, but the fact that if you amputate a female bristle worm's brains, it turns into a male stays with me?

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed yesterday's show, particularly seeing the poets listed. I'm torn between squeeing over the poets and sighing over the miss . . .

April in Philly. Beer? (This might sound familiar, having been also in an email, but I will continue to inquire until I receive a yes. Or, y'know, a no.)

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger LibrariAnne said...

It's even better if you answer with a fact like that when someone asks for your cell phone number. :)

Thanks for doing the BlogTV show yesterday! It was probably one of my favorite ones so far, even though I had to leave early.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Heidi R. Kling said...

Cool Oz cover for Paper Towns!

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you read cummings and i missed it? drat! drat and double drat!

which poem or poems of his did you read?

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the Australian cover, especially the map in the corner. Is that also Dana?

Maureen should make an appearance by phone on your shows some more. Just listening to you two talk (especially about Libba Bray and her flirtiness, LOL) is hilarious.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Anna Swenson said...

It truly brings me sorrow that I missed that large dose of awesome! Please do it again soon! Hopefully it will be when I'm not in class learning about books that you would tell me are good but that I don't understand. Yet.

I love your expression about having a seat at the table in people's lives. I am fully and honestly thankful for you and your work.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

John, your live show was amazing! Thanks for staying on so long, my niece and I were watching you together and she makes baby noises at the computer screen when you're on. Also, when I turn it off she freaks out, nerdfighter babies FTW.

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I finished Paper Towns this afternoon. I tried to put off reading it because I have a book report due soon, but I couldn't manage it any longer. It was a terrific read! I thought my heart was going to explode during the road trip it was so exciting. Keep 'em coming!

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger *Luca* said...

Hi! I'm making a feature for my school newspaper about vlogging and I was wondering what do you think makes you, and Hank, so different from other vloggers? Because even the "famous" ones look up to you?

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I love that Australian cover. Drat, now I'm going to end up buying it, and all for the cover. Sigh.

The epic BlogTV show was wonderful. I am glad you don't give a shit about Jessica Simpson's weight gain, I would be seriously worried if you did.

Perhaps some Hindus in the Next John Green Novel? I love Hinduism. Alternatively, you could do a YA novel set on Mount Olympus. That's polytheism for you.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Samantha said...

There should be a Pastafarian character in whatever you write next. This trend of big three monotheism is a little annoying, so I think you need something with less god and more spaghetti monster.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Leah said...

I really should wake up earlier if I want to see your blogtv shows - time zones and all. I'm in Australia and while I ordered Paper Towns of Amazon, I'm still yet to see the Australian print at a bookshop, so I might go hunting for it tomorrow. That way I can have a copy that isn't underlined everywhere.

My question is why have all of your main characters been only children? The only person I can think of who wasn't is Margo, and we never saw her interact with Ruth.

At February 18, 2009 , Blogger Pam said...

Alan Lastufka said you want to do a blogtv show every Tuesday. Could you definitely do a blogtv show on Tuesday at a certain time so I don't schedule my classes when you're reading poetry and discussing literature live online? Pleeeease?

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I write stories and I have no idea what the heck something is but I want to write about it, I usually have this big obnoxious all caps, surrounded by asterisks, going **FIND OUT WHAT A MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST ACTUALLY DOES**

Or I highlight crap and hope I remember it later. ^_^

I'm glad that you, in your own words, don't give a shit about Jessica Simpson's weight gain. No one should.

At February 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Australian cover of Paper Towns is fantastic. It fits my idea of Margo rather perfectly.

This is sort of irrelevant (and I'm not sure if you have a blog about it buried somewhere in archives), but do you have any advice for a new writer trying to get published? I'm struggling horribly with my query letters...

At February 19, 2009 , Blogger CandyA said...

So I came across your youtube video in which you pwned Oprah and laughed so hard I had to watch more. I started from the begining (because for some strange reason that's the way I like it) and still have yet to make it through Hank and your first year of Brotherhood 2.0 (but don't worry, I if you were really worried in the first place- back to my point) While watching your vlogs I became interested in your book and went to the local mega book store to search it out... to see if you are real (I need those strange connections). Well, when I picked up the book a paper fell out that said "if you like this book, go to link it is"... I'm not sure. The point is.... the Nerd Fighters are at it! They're all over! I wasn't sure if my hippy town would be keen to pick up something as hip as a vlog project as jokez/cool as yours but they did. Congratulations Eugene... you did it.

That's it.
A soon to be Nerd Fighter.

At February 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Mr. Green. I'm Patricia, I'm currently reading "An Abundance of Katherines", I've read "Paper Towns", and I will read "Looking for Alaska".

I wonder where you get your ideas for your novels. I look around my head but I can't find the best idea or the patience to even look for it. And do you sign books for people outside the country where you live? I live in the Philippines and I want you to sign these books, even though these books are not mine and my mom refuses to buy me any books and says I should save but I just can't.

Go figure.

At February 19, 2009 , Blogger alanasays said...

I saw a few copies of the Australian edition in a bookstore here! Preparing nerdfighter notes as we speak.


At February 19, 2009 , Blogger pathmage said...

"At what point do you cross from being a writer to being an author?"

At February 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Australian cover is very, very cool. She looks a lot like Margo did in my head.

Sarah is right to say no to a beard. Wives Against Beards Unite! (Moustaches are ok.)

At February 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much responsibility does an author have to create stories that break down all negative cultural barriers (like issues concerning race, gender, sexuality, etc)? I just read a critique of the Harry Potter books that chastises Rowling for not including an LGTB characters (at least not explicitly). Should an author be accountable and make sure everything she/he writes is free of negative stereotypes of gender/race/sexuality/etc?

At February 19, 2009 , Blogger Leah said...

Here I am again, I have obtained a copy of the Australian Paper Towns, there was a good review of it at the bookshop too. And it was the last copy they had. The first thing I checked was page 23, but alas it is page 24. Very close though.

At February 19, 2009 , Blogger angela said...

Interessant, mon amie.

Great cover.Great questions. Great answers.

You are fantastic. Keep blogging-in any way.

At February 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At February 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your live shows are great. I do, however, find them to be of no use in the fight against procrastination.

Oh well... I'll probably learn more and have better intelligent conversations through blogtv than by doing my sociology homework anyway. Yea, I'm pretty sure I would. :-D

At February 20, 2009 , Blogger Sum said...

I really like that other cover for Paper Towns!

At February 20, 2009 , Blogger Odette said...

I have a question about Nerdfighterlike. So Hypothetically, you are a Nerdfighter dating a guy who is quite nerdy (possibly nerdier than you because he plays D&D, knows what DOTA is and other nerdy things while you just have a crazy obsession with Harry Potter and History) but not a Nerdfighter (he has the potential to though), is it Nerdfighterlike?

At February 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A common criticism of your oeuvre is that you've written three different stories with the same characters - i.e., one smart, nerdy boy who is enchanted by a witty, rebellious girl who may or may not be a manic pixie dream girl. First, even if this were the case (that is, you had really recycled characters) do you think it would diminish the strength of either your stories or your technical proficiency; and second, do you think that common general characteristics (nerdy, smart, witty, rebellious) are enough to overrule the more minor idiosyncracies of your characters that help distinguish them (Pudge's obsession with last words, etc.) and really classify them as the same rather than just similar?

At February 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your work.

Could you please tell us, which poems you read?

Thanks again.

At February 20, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Aussie cover, how she's hiding behind her hair? Very much how I saw her!

My question is: now that you're a screenwriter working on an optioned work are you going to leave YA literature behind when we REALLY NEED YOU just like Rob "90210" Thomas, who wrote one of the best YA novels of the last 15 years and was a pioneer in the renaissance of teen guy lit, did?


At February 21, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, on the subject of Paper Towns in Australia...

Could you let us know when/if you are coming to Melbourne? I'm after specific dates as soon as you know them. I've recently got a new job - now I can afford to come and see you!

I heard something about May. If this is the case I'll need to get cracking booking my tickets! =O

At February 21, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just dropping a quick thank you note for Paper Towns. I read it yesterday--every Friday is reading day in my classroom--and thought it was fabulous. Intriguing characters, great depth, and just flat-out funny. So funny I had to share some lines with the sophomores. The band kids especially enjoyed the Las Vegas motto swipe about the band room.

I've recommended it to all of them, and I know Looking for Alaska is making the rounds among my students, too. Thanks, John!

At February 21, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that's my mind playing tricks on me and that they didn't really spell Philadelphia with an "f".

Or maybe it' a reference I'm not jokes enough to get?

At February 21, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. The Aussie cover is kind of hot. I like it.

I was amazed everytime BlogTV sent me a text this week and you were on. Like three days this week. Thank you! It was a really fun time. Especially with all the NotTom stuff. :D

At February 22, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got the significance of Myrna Mountweazel's name! Damn, that took a while. Impressive obscurity. Also, I disagree with people who say your books are all the same. The essential elements are similar, because you write about what the essential American teenage experience is for all of us who are not Gossip Girl characters. But Katherines and Alaska are incredibly different, not only in tone and style but in their themes. Paper Towns is kind of a hybrid of the two.
Also, what's your opinion of microfiction?

At February 22, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really, really like that Australian cover. :)

At February 23, 2009 , Blogger Caroline said...

Sad news, John: I'm pretty sure Gossip Girl stole your 17-year-old alcoholic entrepreneur character, and named him Chuck Bass.

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Melissa A. said...

The Aussie cover isn't only hot (though I agree with Lysh), I think it's very much in line with the book thematically. Props to the Aussies.

For the record the MPDG accusation is false; there's decidedly none of that in AAOK. And I'd argue the entire point of PT is to call out that myth. And smart nerdy boys should be narrators more often. So there.

Innernetz WHY are you so good at helping me procrastinate!? back to work, see you later, looking forward to the upcoming polytheism,

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Finn said...

OMG! JESSICA ALBA!!! PEOPLE SHOULD CARE ABOUT HER! Even though we don't know Or have any Right to!

At February 28, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that really sucks about being disappeared is how rarely one gets internet access. I miss the BlogTV shows.

At March 01, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the significance of Myrna's name?

At March 01, 2009 , Blogger JD Seibel said...

I've got a possible question Tuesday question.. As a first-time novelist, how do I write an awesome query letter to an agent that will make me sound like I know what I'm doing? :)

At March 03, 2009 , Blogger susan said...

Hi I found my here via Little Lov’n Monday

I confess I only recently learned about your work. Of course, the reason why I've been blog hopping at teen review sites is to find out who's hot and let me say, you seem to be the man.

I'm a huge poetry fan, so you've got my attention. I'll be back.


At March 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, thank you. I just bought/read it and it was awesome.


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