John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

My Relationship Advice

In which I try my hardest to tell a 15-year-old girl, who asked, how to get boys to like her.


At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Jordon M. Birk said...

So is this some sort of cautionary tale about the responsibilities of being a YA author?

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

#2 Become World of Warcraft. Bahahaha!

Nerd boys don't sparkle in the sunshine? Really? Because I think they quite possibly do. Also, I laughed my ass off at that comment.

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a fifteen year old none too popular girl, I loved this video loads. You, John Green, are awesome.

But my issue is ONLY being interested in nerd guys (a plus) but they still don't like me. Well, not THAT way. Aaah well... I can always try out #2!

Cythl- a great-great aunt on your mother's side. <3Captcha defs.

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger jean said...

To 15-yr-old-Katie
Be confident. You will sparkle and those nerdboys who sparkle in the sunshine will be entranced by your confident sparkle and want you too.

To John Green
My question for Question Tuesday is this: Why won't you respond to my email? I understand that you must be very busy and hopefully you don't think I am being stalker-ish, but I just want to send you a wee handmade gift. If you're not interested in receiving handmade gifts from fans to whom you are avoiding returning emails because you feel that they (she) might be a stalker, then I completely understand. But in this case, I'd still like a response to that effect. Because then I can just turn around and give the handmade gift to someone else. Or Goodwill. Or something.

Best wishes!

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger t.a.m.s.y. said...

jean, don't take it personally. John ignores emails from even his dearest friends.

John, good advice. Also it's true about nerd girls, they're the hottest.

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger John Green said...

Yeah I have an email problem. I need to deal with it, but don't know how. (I get about 200 emails a day, and respond to about one or two--usually from my mom.)

But if anyone wants to mail me stuff they can do so care of Dutton Books for Young Readers: 345 Hudson St. New York, NY

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Kelsey said...

I don't know what kind of parental aspirations you have John, but that video makes me hope you have a daughter to share your wisdom and perspective with someday.

(She'll undoubtedly pretend to ignore that wisdom, but that stuff sinks in anyway.)

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*is a single nerd boy* You know, just putting it out their. But yes, nerdy girls are amazing. Because a woman that is beautiful, or "hot" but not intelligent is the equivalent of pouring all of your emotions in to an empty vessel. Gorgeous on the outside but lacking in substance.

-Julian, ItTakesII

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger NeedaLimb said...

that was a great video the end about nerds being the most underutilized resource i feel like i read in an interview about you
well i really agree!

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Erika Powell said...

this is possibly the funniest (and truest) thing ever. and i linked to it on my blog. just trying to pass on the wisdom

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome video John!
But then again they all are...

I do have a question for your question Tuesday though. What book would you feel most comfortable comparing to Looking for Alaska, and why?

I don't know why I'm so curious about this, but it may also have to do with the fact that I'm thinking of writing my senior paper on Alaska. Although that isn't until 2011... I can still prepare. :)

Which author would you say had the most influence on you as a writer?

DFTBA and best wishes!

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Melissa said...

As a still-a-nerd-girl married to a still-a-nerd-boy, I wholeheartedly agree with your speech. :)
The day I realized boys COULD like me for just being me was when I was about 16 and dating my first boyfriend (OMG!), and he looked at me and told me that I had "so much more personality than most girls." I still think of that as one of the nicest compliments I've ever received, 12 years later.
sparkletasia, I had the same problem for you for a REALLY long time. I was the last of my friends to date. And I only liked nerdboys, but none of them seemed interested! Then, all of a sudden, it was like a freakin' explosion. When I went to college, the nerdboys I met there suddenly realized they were interested in me. I was still the same girl. It was weird, but I think it happens to everyone if you're patient for that time (which is never as soon as you want it to be).
John, as always, a brilliant and hysterical blog.

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

John, I beg you not to attempt to answer all your e-mails, we don't want you to injure yourself. My question for Question Tuesday is how the heck to pronounce bufriedo. That always puzzles me.

At February 24, 2009 , Blogger jean said...

To t.a.m.s.y.
Thanks for the nudge.

To John Green
Handknit argyle socks coming your way from your not-really-stalker-ish fan.

D.F.T.B.A., y'all.

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're cool john green.

i would say to katie, boys are boys are boys. what you should be asking is, how can boys get me to like them?

my question for john green is, "please could you talk more about Christianity?"

At February 24, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the video John. Though I must say I am about to turn 21 and still have not been on a date. I completely consider myself a nerd. I suppose I am around the wrong boys, but then again I do live in Jersey so you would figure I would meet someone. AHAHA! But in the end I always look up to Hermione. She never during the series made herself unintelligent for another guy and I hope to be like her.

At February 25, 2009 , Blogger Alix said...

That was perfect advice! I loved it.

Katie - boys never liked me either until I met my own nerd boy when I was eighteen. Thirteen years later he is still and nerd and we are still very happy. It will happen :)

At February 25, 2009 , Blogger milowent said...

where was the "kick him in the balls" advice? that was a well known aphrodesiac in my high school. not sure if it really worked, to be honest, but there were experiments. i was never experimented on, as i was pretty much unloved.

some boys probably do like her, but she doesn't know which ones, because they are about million confidence points away from letting their interest be known.

At February 25, 2009 , Blogger Heidi R. Kling said...

When I was in high school I was in love with all the jerky boys and friends with the sweet nerds. The nerds are still a big part of my life and the jerks are beer- bellied, bald, and thrice divorced.

(Not that there's anything wrong with being beer-bellied, bald or thrice divorced...)

And also, I was best friends with my wonderful hubby for a full year before we officially "got together" so don't under think those friendships! There may be more brewing under the service than you realize!

At February 25, 2009 , Blogger C.R. Evers said...

I "ditto" the "become a giraffe" advice. I did that years ago. That's how I met my husband.


At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved it. Though reading through these comments, lots of fellow nerd girls claim to have fallen for the jocks in high school. I, sadly, fell for the gay men (pre-coming out AND post-coming out varities). I think this says something about me, but I'm not sure what. Hm

At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

18th Century hottie-hunters would have also struggled with the fact that in order for one to "get their freak on" they would need to use contraception in the form of lamb's skin. Ouch! But wait, they'd be looking for more than a nerd-hottie, they'd need a wife. (I am not insinuating that fifteen year old present-day nerd-hotties should be needing contraception...I'm just putting the 18th C spin on things.)
p.s. Viva unplasticness!

At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copying and pasting from the ning:

John, you nftba. :)

Question for next Question Tuesday-
What ever happened to the Looking for Alaska (Famous Last Words) and An Abundance of Katherines movies? Are they still supposed to happen eventually, or have they been shut down?

At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, my eyelids are fluttering (maybe because I'd like to fall asleep).

Now where were you with your good advice when I was 15 (or 13 or 17)?

I had to figure this all out for myself (so that I can indeed say you are right on the money), but it certainly wasn't the peck o' laughs you provided (ok, so it really was a bushel).

And what's a bandugas? (the word verification)

At February 25, 2009 , Blogger Sum said...

John Green,

You give the best advice any adult could possibly give to young adults. I love all your quotes and ability to quote. I love nerd boys! My question is: Where can I find a Quentin Jacobsen in reality? I adore him! I love that name and he's one of my favorite fictitious characters next to Harry Potter. I guess I have to become a giraffe now.

Sum (Nerd Fighter)

At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! When I watched this video the huge ad across the bottom was for a singles dating site! Think they have a nerd category?

At February 25, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent advice.

When she goes to her 20-year high school reunion, she'll find out that many of those boys DID like her, but never did anything about it and now wonder what if...

As Kelly said, nerd boys DO sparkle in the sunshine, it just takes some girls a while to be able to see it.

Katie will be glad she didn't get stuck with any of the losers she was attracted to at 15 : )

At February 26, 2009 , Blogger angela said...

Where do I find Nerdboys? I don't believe there are any Nerdboys at my school.

That is a question in the case that for some odd reason my turning into WOW powers aren't working...which is rare.

Question Tuesday question*:What is your favorite age? and the dreaded:EXPLAIN!

*the former of the double being said in a French accent [QWES-TEE-AWNNNNNN!]

At February 27, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That was funny.

At times I get sad that I'm turning 30 this year. This video reminded me that I would rather be 30 than 15 any day. Thanks for that!

At February 27, 2009 , Blogger K. said...

I was rereading Paper Towns today and have a silly question: are the errors (such as "accompli" on page 40) meaingful in any way or just boo-boos?

At March 02, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you clarified that the girl asked. Because this video is awesome, but would, if unsolicited, be creepy.

On the other hand, I'm not sure the possibility of your having made an unsolicited dating advice video for a 15-year-old girl would have occurred to me had you not thus drawn attention to it.

At March 08, 2009 , Blogger Karina said...

Hi John,
I'm from Argentina, and I came across one of your videos on you tube. I'm still roaring with laughter. You're a genious on American literature (which I lecture as an assistant at Uni) and as regards anything concerning social skills during adolescence (which by no means equal the ones involved in adulthood)
My deepest admmiration,

Karina Cicero

PS I have a blog too, it's in Spanish though. I write short stories

At March 23, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent words of advice for Katie! I choked on a glass of lukewarm water while watching this -- and scared my dog with my coughing. But it was worth it!

I halfway wish you wouldn't promote the awesomeness of nerd boys, though... don't want anyone infringing on my territory! :)


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