John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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I freakin' love this guy.


At August 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! He was awesome. I preferred McCain More of the Same, to No way, no how, no McCain. That was it right? And his line about drilling in McCain's backyard - all of them, even the ones he didn't know he had was hilarious.

At August 27, 2008 , Blogger Kg said...

makes ya proud to be a Montanan. I voted for him!!! yay!
he's so sweet and excited...

At August 27, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow that guy was impressive. It's refreshing to see the green agenda finally front and centre in american politics. Lip service no more, proper action. And where america goes, the rest of us will follow.

At August 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was definitely a convincing speech! Wow.

At August 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this on so many levels. It's just too bad more people in politics aren't so real!

At August 27, 2008 , Blogger Kaitlin said...

I feel all riled up now.

At August 29, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha fun-fun

about VP selection:
I thought Biden was excellent choice! SIX terms SIX terms that experience and should shut the media up (CNN aka REPUBLICANS) about Obama being inexperienced. That's what they said up Bill Clinton and look what how much people love the guy and how amazing he was. Anyhoo, you gotta admit Biden got balls he did call Bush a SOB. That should account for something , eh? So I think it was a smart choice on B.O. (oh wow i just realized Barak's initial can stand for body oder-poor guy)


Oh are we allowed to request a discussions or video? Well I'm doing it anyway just in case. Here's the topic:

Scandals and Politicians. Why do they do such stupid, stupid things?

I would LOVE to hear your thought!

Yours truly,
Dare Fest

At August 30, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur. I freakin' love that guy too.

At September 01, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who wears a bolo tie by choice is good in my book.

At September 01, 2008 , Blogger Jim Blatchford said...

Gotta give you this one John I was there for that speech and I think I would have been very happy with him as VP heres to 2016

At September 30, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now being only 14 and living in England I don't really know much about the American government.

And I just watched all of that and it kinda made me feel shocked that John McCain, well anyone for that matter, would actually vote against wind power, solar energy, biofuels etc. Whoa, I can't understand why...
Anyway he was awesome. And [considering what I know, which is only pretty much that and Obama providing health insurance and McCain not] I just hope Barack Obama is America's next president!


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