John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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What I'm Working On

S-s-s-something from the comments:

K writes, "Does Paige have to do with The Sequel? Or the book you are writing with David Levithan? Even if she doesn't, can we have more information on those projects? It doesn't seem like you talk about what you are doing with them like you talked about what went into Paper Towns."

K, thanks for reminding me that before this blog was about boring publishing crap, and before it was about inexplicable dj biographies, it was about books. Specifically, my books. Here's a rundown on what I'm writing these days:

1. I wrote a book with David Levithan that comes out in April of next year called Will Grayson, Will Grayson. David and I have been working on WGWG since early 2005, right around the time that my first book came out.

I feel a smidge uncomfortable talking about the book without David since he wrote half of it, but basically: I wrote the odd-numbered chapters and he wrote the even-numbered chapters, and the book is about two different guys who are both named Will Grayson whose lives intertwine for a brief moment in the middle of the book.

2. Over the last few months, I've also written a long sci-fi-ish story called "This Is Not Tom," which is available free on the Internet provided that you are really, really, really good at solving riddles. A lot of readers have asked me if I will publish TINT as a book. I will not. For one thing, it doesn't belong to me, really--my brother and Alexander Basalyga make the riddles, and many of the ideas in the story are taken from a series of eccentric emails I received from a young woman. Also, TINT was intended to be free.

TINT fans: The last six chapters will be posted in six consecutive weeks beginning August 15th. (You can join the fan community at

3. I've also been working on two new books--one is indeed called The Sequel. But it generally takes me 2-3 years to finish a book. When I started talking about Paper Towns during Brotherhood 2.0, I'd already been working on it for more than a year. I haven't been working on The Sequel (or the other thing) quite as long yet, so I still feel totally unqualified to discuss it, since I have no idea what happens and why and etc.

4. Paige Railstone has nothing to do with The Sequel. More on her later.

Also, I'm starting to work on revisions of the Paper Towns screenplay.

So that's the writing news from around here, K. What are y'all working on?


At August 04, 2009 , Blogger MK said...

Wow, this is the first time I've read this blog where I didn't have a half a dozen (at least) comments to feed off of. It's weird. XD

WELL since you asked, I'm working on my own novels, but I have a big problem with cheating on one story by starting another, and then nothing gets done. Do you ever have that problem?

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Madi said...

Thank you for asking. I am getting ready for school, since a leave in about a week. But, in my downtime, I've been preparing for NaNoWriMo 09. I want my entire story planned out so, in November, I'll at least have a good idea of what I'm writing.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Nicholas said...

How very kind of you to ask :) I'm mainly working in the lab, but effort-wise I'm mostly planning my 3 week holiday late August and doing a lot of photography (and way too little writing ;).

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Joanne said...

Thanks for asking. :)
I've got a lot of things on the go, but never getting around to actually doing any of them.
I seem to be stuck in the planning stages and I'm a little nervous about moving to the actual 'doing' parts of these projects.
Do you know how I could get over that?

It was nice to hear about your projects, I'm looking forward to reading the end of TINT! :)

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Samantha Keaveney said...

so nice of you to ask! i'm going through a phase of doing sketches of characters and brainstorming instead of writing. it happens. will probably go into a frantic writing phase once school starts and i should be studying.

good to hear about your current writing projects - really looking forward to wgwg, have been a big fan of both yours and david levithan's for years (mr. levithan's boy meets boy was the first y.a. book i ever read, in fact).

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Oli said...

Check for the Brain Crack video from Ze Frank !

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Avy said...

Grayson is starting to sound promising. Will there be a book tour? :3

I am currently working on my AP English paper about the book The Places in Between by Rory Stewart. It feels like the kind of book you'd read.

I also have a few random ideas in my head that I'm planning on developing. Do you ever get a good idea for your books and realize [a] they suck or [b] they've already been written by an author who is much better at what they do than you? I do.

Have a good day! <3 PKMN

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Avy said...

Also, is there a way you can add an RSS feed to your blog? I'm always forgetting to check it and Google Reader won't add it the way it is. :(

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger annie said...

Thanks for talking about your current projects and for asking about ours!

My main source of writing right now is blogging for the Children's Hospital Boston. ( Sadly, that's put my YA novel on the back-burner. Hopefully by mid-September I can hit my stride again.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Robert said...

I miss the SportsRacers.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger mary fran said...

avy: use

to add this blog to your reader

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becoming the next great thing to hit the world of YA literature, of course.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Tamaryn Tobian said...

Thanks for keeping us informed about your projects. Looking forward to something new from you soon. (I can't get into TINT...I'm not good at solving those kinds of puzzles.)

Also, thanks for asking what we're doing. Currently, I'm at work writing ad copy. Then I'll brain storm freelance writing projects before trying endlessly to fix/finish chapter 8 of the YA novel I'm working on.

I'm sure you've seen me struggle with it (and the process in general) on Twitter.

In general, I think it'll turn out ok.

Hope you're well Mr. Green.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear what you've been up, to even if you can't disclose many details!

I've been working on coming up with something worthwhile to do - and I just realized I have to read read Sophocles and Brave New World in fewer than 3 weeks!

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Robert Jones said...

I've been steeped deep in "adult" life, rewriting my resume and applying for another volunteer position in Central/Eastern KY where I will hopefully be working as a family advocate in the financial counseling field for a small non-profit construction company

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Sarah.Brooke said...

I'm planning out a novel, and right now, I'm in search of a girl's name that anagrams to "I need someone too"

I'm kinda really excited about it. Also, I can't wait for "Will Grayson, Will Grayson" : )

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Girl for a New World said...

I've been working on getting a full time job teaching English. This is a lot harder to do than most people think.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Kerry said...

Thanks for asking...
Well, right now I should be completing my illuminating and esoteric paper on Adam and Eve's prelapsarian relationship in Paradise Lost. However, it is neither illuminating, nor esoteric. Arrggh!

So, I surf the net, read your blog, and look for other friendly diversions. I keep thinking the spirit of Milton will fly down to inspire my writing. But then it occurred to me that he probably expended all of his inspiration during the 17th century and is busy having celestial discussions with all his fans from the Romantic period.

I know you're busy being a writer and all that, but could you blog/vlog more really helps me procrastinate. :-)

Stay awesome, John!


At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Geoff Svacha said...

Will your book tour for WGWG start with you and David on opposite sides of the country and "intertwine in the middle for a brief moment" before drifting apart again so that only, say, Iowa, gets to see the two of you at the same time?

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Avy said...

Mary Fran: Thank you! :)

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is "The Sequel" a sequel to one of your books or a sequel to a book that doesn't exist?

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Katie Z said...

Both books sound great. I'm very excited for WGWG to come out. I'd love to read the TNT novels, but I'm horrible at solving the puzzles. Thanks for asking about what we're up to. I am writing a novel and I plan to get most, but not all of the first draft of the first half done during NaNoWriMo. I'm starting high school this year so I'm preparing for school to start.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Casey Something said...

Love the book update, John. I'm really looking forward to hearing more about The Sequel.

I'm rewriting my latest at the moment. It has a complicated story line, and it's giving me awful lot of grief (or is it me that's giving me an awful lot of grief).

In any case, I can't wait for WGWG to come out!

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Rosianna said...

Cool of you to ask, John. Well, I'm rewriting a fantasy novel that I've been working on for years and years, writing another one, going to Disneyland more than I ever thought possible and trying to absorb the west coast calm before launching into hectic London life again.

I enjoyed this blog post :D

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Joanna said...

Ohh, is The Sequel the book in which the characters speculate about what happened to Jeff Mangum?
Or, is that an idea for another novel?

Because I can tell you John, he lives inside my attic.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Megan said...

I'm so excited to read your collaberation with David Levithan. I love what I've read of his so far (LOVE!) and I'm glad that my two favourite male authors could save me money by just writing one book together. Well done! You've definitely already sold this copy.

I'm very interested by this Sequel. I feel like your books are very solitary. They don't need any other books to make them feel whole. I am kind of hoping that moniker The Sequel refers to theme, and not a real sequel.

I am currently supposed to be working on a short story collection with my best friend (writing alternating entries to the collection for a total of 24), I still need to revise and restructure my latest urban fantasy novel because I have too many characters who don't die often enough, and I'm currently trying to work on the faerie novel that I know I have to write just because I write fantasy and it's pretty much required. Okay, that's not true, but it feels true.

Basically, I'm supposed to be getting writing done because it's summer and I actually have time BUT I CAN'T SEEM TO SIT DOWN AND DO IT. Now, this is an overly average problem. I know. But it's the last summer I have before university and I want to use it seeing people and that seems to make writing less productive.

So, thanks for asking. That's what I'm (supposed to be) doing.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Rob said...

Which book (AAoK or PT) is more fun to write the screenplay for? And which do you think would make a better movie?

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Heidi R. Kling said...

I'm glad you're talking about your books again. Was confused by the DJ, but that's because I'm old and out of it. ;)

Since you asked, I *just* sent in my final copy-edits for SEA (like five minutes ago). I ended up adding some things. I'm terrible like that. I think I will be adding things in margins after the book is out.

I'm also working on the second book in my upcoming fantasy series.

Can't wait for your book with David L. It's bound to be remarkable.


At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, now I'm extremely excited for Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I started bouncing up and down just reading about it!!!!

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Theresa said...

Thanks for the projects update!

I'm working on getting back on campus and starting my junior year at the University of Tennessee, pursuing an undergrad degree in English and then my masters in library science. Woo!

Any new good books I should be reading?

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Georgiana said...

Just finished rewriting a horror/comedy script that a friend may stage. Now working on a YA horror story with zombies and mad scientists.

WG, WG sounds intriguing.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger anna said...

I've been writing a bit and reading a bit. Oh, and I watched Ghostbusters I & II yesterday and today.

I have a question for you, John. Well, maybe more of a request. Would you make a "Question Tuesday" video that was all about going off to college? Or maybe just a back to school one? I don't know, something I just thought about that might get some good questions and some even better answers.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much to my dismay, I haven't been writing at all really. I always mean to but procrastinate it because I'm bad at it. I've been reading a lot, though.

I thought I heard you mention writing something on the side of all this stuff, something you're doing on your own? Did you abandon that project, or is my imagination creating it in hopes that it might be true?

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Caitlyn Wajs said...

Since you asked, I'll tell you what I'm working on. Some point next week I'm doing a read-through of my play. This will be the first time I hear my words read out load by someone other than me alone in my bedroom and laughing at how stupid everything sounds. It's really, really, really creepy. I'm very afraid of having people hear my writing (even if the six people that are participating in my read-through are very into theater and are very close to me). This read-through is crucial for a second draft of the play, which we might be performing this year at my school! =)

It's very nice to hear about what you're working on. I'm excited for your writing. =p Thanks for asking about our lives.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Dani said...

Man, if I had that many projects going on at once my head would explode.

I myself am working on two novels; my brain likes to switch between them. As long as I get something written down and I don't start a new one out of the blue, my mind is free to do whatever it wants. Other than that, I just finished a writing apprenticeship, and am now looking for an internship in publishing so I can graduate this spring.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Claudine said...

The Sequel isn't really a sequel of anything, is it? Just curious. ;)

Thanks for asking! I'm working on preparing for NaNoWriMo '09 myself, as well as getting ready (read: procrastinating) for my second year of college that starts later this month. I don't know if it's crazy for me to pursue an English major when I already have a pre-optometry major to take care of (shouldn't I be doing some science major like all the others?), but hey. They said I could do it if I want.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Crystal said...

This is my second, and last, week of summer break before school starts on the tenth. Lately, I've just been reading. I'm hoping to finish the first Percy Jackson and the Olympians book today, and then I'm going to start looking through my books for my World Religions class. I'm particularly interested in reading "Why Religion Matters," even if my mom thinks I'm going to suddenly become anti-Christian or something.

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger hopeonatenspeed said...

man. i'm still going to be in south korea when Will Grayson, Will Grayson comes out. i'm already thinking about who i can bribe to send it to me...

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger sweet kristi said...

ohhh my. ok, so, john (mr. green?), i've been reading your blog for AGES without having the audacity to comment.

what am i working on?

i am trying to learn french II in three weeks so people stop thinking i'm a ditzy blonde.

i'm semi-writing a generally fictional novel about the next incarnation of the antichrist.

i'm in tech-week for "you're a good man, charlie brown", which is not shaking anyone's opinion of me as a ditzy blonde.

oh, and i watched the ghostbusters marathon as well yesterday without accomplishing anything at all.

yay me :)

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, how I wish I could solve riddles =(

Also, I wanted to ask: What are your thoughts on Level 26? If you haven't heard about it, it's a digi-novel by the creator of CSI in conjunction with the people who created lonelygirl15 (whom, incidentally, I interviewed last week!) They're going to have a bunch of online content to go along with it.

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're so terribly busy! Me too - still writing Jane, and I just finished a collaboration with Pat Lewis. Fingers crossed it gets picked up! Meanwhile, it's all Northanger Abbey all the time chez moi.

Hugs to you and Sarah!

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger K. said...

Thanks for answering, John! It made my day. :)

At August 04, 2009 , Anonymous JC said...

Well, I *was* working on getting to bed at a reasonable hour for once, but now I am working through instead. Now that I've solved a few I have a taste for blood. Logic! I mean logic. So much for sleep, I guess?

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Pip said...

Well, since you asked, I am working on an anthology of crappy short stories to chronical my summer (not really as it's fiction but they are supposed to capture the feeling...whatever).

Oh and a term paper on how new technology and social networking sites are changing how the news is reported (example: Twitter and the Iranian protests).

So excited about your new projects!

At August 04, 2009 , Blogger Ann Y. Moss said...

What happened to the info. on Hunger Games that you promised was coming in a week on July 20th?!?

At August 05, 2009 , Blogger Gabriel said...

I'm working on The Vlogbrothers book list, a spreadsheet of every book mentioned by you and Hank.

At August 05, 2009 , Blogger Avy said...


I'd love a copy of that book list when it's done, PM me on youtube? (pkmnnerdfighter)

At August 06, 2009 , Anonymous Joseph said...

I've heard quite abit about DJ Railstone's New Album, Rumours are flying, is it true that you read a poem that she remixes into an almost HipHop Song?

At August 06, 2009 , Anonymous gm said...

is there any hope to enjoy this is not tom for those who are NOT good at riddles? i know looking up the answers is not in the spirit, but there is no way i will be able to get through it!!

At August 07, 2009 , Blogger Mr.Guess said...

Thanks for asking, actually I haven't been working on any major projects lately, mainly because I have been busy with the summer camp i am attending. But I am kind of trying to start making more videos, I haven't made a good one in a while and I am trying to discover my own style of videos and hopefully create a signature style that is something that I can progress further and get better at, and hopefully entertain some people. =p

At August 07, 2009 , Anonymous Sylvia said...

What I'm working on?
Well, writing up a biology paper, preparing for my biochemistry internship and writing a personal statement for uni.
Actually, I'm reading your blog, about to go swimming, and totally in love with finding out about TINT.

At August 07, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sequel and WGWG both sound really interesting, as does the PT screenplay XD
It makes me feel a lot happier that you're doing the screenplay - I'm hoping that it means that whoever makes the film won't be able to screw it up too much - I'd hate to see such a wonderful story get ruined.

At August 09, 2009 , Anonymous Devyn said...

Well, since you asked, I'm working on writing a VERY special poem which was originally going to be a song, but I couldn't figure out the bridge and the entire thing kinda fell apart, so now it's a poem. My sister and I are writing two musicals, and I'm supposed to be writing the music but my keyboard stopped working. Sigh. Anyway, I'm SO excited to read The Sequel, even if it isn't coming out for two or three years. It's such a great idea :D

At August 14, 2009 , Anonymous Melissa Kurenoff said...

It's nice of you to be curious. :)
I'm currently working on my first novel (fantasy thing that is becoming so complex it might have to be more than one book. Sheesh.) As well as finishing up my dual degrees in English and Education. Wayyyy too excited about classes. Definitely bought my textbooks four weeks before classes start and am going to start reading them soon. How can I not?? I've been assigned His Dark Materials, Paradise Lost, a TON of William Blake, and my newest anthology contains many authors I haven't had a chance to read, but definitely want to. Hopefully classes will equal up to last semesters awesome, as I finished a class dedicated to Rowling. Holy Awesome.

At August 17, 2009 , Blogger Bibliomama said...

Laundry, mostly. Man, this is a young crowd. My friend (whose husband invented 20q) forwarded your vlog thingy about Robert Pattinson, 20q and the liminality of public personalities. It was outstanding. I've been looking to add a few blogs to my list that don't revolve around playdough recipes, apple-juice induced diarrhea and how to get bloodstains out of baseball uniforms. Also, my to-read list isn't quite long enough (it might not actually last twelve years past my death), so it's good that I found you.

At August 18, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been working on much. I have this feeling that's been bothering me lately that I NEED to do something. As in, write a story, make a video, paint a painting.
But I really wanna write a story.

I realize that when I was 12 and younger, I used to spend weeks and weeks on writing stories. I haven't done so since. Only for school assignments.

I can't think of any ideas.

Any advice on how to start writing, and how to keep motivated?


At August 28, 2009 , Anonymous spreadtheawesome said...

Oh, my goodness.
I'm literally trying not to -- oh, I don't care. I'm going to get up and to a happy dance. This is pretty amazing. Two of my favorite authors, John Green and David Levithan are working on a book together? This is better than a pirate trained in martial arts. I mean, wow.

At September 14, 2009 , Anonymous Bri said...

wow im at school right now i cant blieve the computer is letting me on this website- it blocks youtube and a bunch of other stuff :P lol im doing a book review of katherines for the school newspaper


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