John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Library Visits in November

Two posts in one day? Lord. What is this, a real blog?

This post is just for librarians:

Hank and I want to do a series of nerdfighter events at libraries around the country this November. Hank will sing at these events; I will read; we'll talk about books and nerdfighting and making the world suck less. (And all at a drastically reduced honorarium!)

We did an event like this in Grand Rapids, Michigan with almost no warning, and it was amazingly successful (more than 100 people came). If you'd be interested in potentially hosting us, email me: work --at-- sparksflyup dot com.


At May 27, 2008 , Blogger Renata said...

Does this invitation apply with high school libraries? I know a lot of Nerdfighters at my school that would totally love to hear you guys speak, it would be so jokes to make that happen!

At May 27, 2008 , Blogger John Green said...


because we want to have these events open to the public, you should probably ask your local public librarian (and then everyone from your school could just come there). -John

At May 27, 2008 , Blogger Anne said...

I was so bummed about the appearance in GR because I work for KDL (not the branch you spoke at) and didn't have enough notice to get the night off! Come back to Michigan!

At May 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am not a librarian, I do believe you should come to New York City. There are 36 NYPL libraries in Manhattan alone (that's not counting research libraries but I don't know if you really want to visit those).


At May 27, 2008 , Blogger Allayna said...

Does this invitation also apply to places outside of the U.S.? Specifically a tiny archipelago a few miles south of America?
I would die if you guys could come here, to the Bahamas. I am not a librarian, just a nerdfighter/fan/student, but I would harass our local librarians and book store owners for your sake. Or, to be more humane, I could, "subtly" mention it.
What do you say? -tries to smile convincingly-

At May 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill ask some libaries of they would allow some appearances. im not a librarian but its worth a shot right? =]

At May 28, 2008 , Blogger Kate said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At May 28, 2008 , Blogger lostflight2 said...

Hey John I just emailed my AWESOME ya librarian at the East Lansing Public Library in EL Michigan and asked her to contact you. I am sooo bummed I missed you in GR, I hope you can come to EL, there are many awesome nerdfighters here, and worldsuck is very low indeed.
!!Nerdfighter Ana!!

At May 28, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a web site my friend made for her English class. It's all about you and you should check it out.

At May 28, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

i e-mailed my local librarian about this an hour or so ago, & just heard back from her -- she sounds pretty excited, so maybe i'll be seeing you at a library in small-town massachusetts in november :)

At May 28, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jessica, that would be so jokes!!
i live in a small town in massachusetts!!

i really hope that your library isnt really far away...

At May 28, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello John! I am also from East Lansing and I too, believe that you, Hank, and Willy should come to the East Lansing Public Library here in East Lansing, MI. At every TAB (Teen Advisory Board) meeting we have we talk about how we would LOVE to have you come!! You and your books are awesome, and East Lansing would like to absorb some of that awesome from you so we can be more AWESOME!
Okay, thanks!

At May 28, 2008 , Blogger Kate Tatar said...

Jessica, I'm from small-town massachusetts too!

I'm nearish Dedham. Are you nearish Dedham, or in western mass?

At May 28, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

haha...there are, (un)fortunately? many, many small towns in massachusetts.

i'm in the very northeastern tip of the state...five or so minutes from nh.

At May 29, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* I wish I lived in a literary city.

At May 29, 2008 , Blogger Anne's Blog said...

I'm in Connecticut, not far from Mass., very close to the Rhode Island border. We would love to have you visit! Lots of fans in Groton.

At May 29, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erm, does my backyard count?
I honestly can't wait for this!!

At May 29, 2008 , Blogger Ann said...

How about coming to the 2007 National Library of the Year (Worthington Libraries, Worthington OHIO)

We made another youtube video (thriller was last year for your happy dance compilation) this one is to the tune of Beat It.
check us out

At May 31, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont work at a library anymore, but I did when I was in highschool and we actually got a band that wrote a book to come in and play, and the library was totally cool with it! I think it would be pure win if you came here! (It's Terre Haute, Indiana, btw!)
I could try to set it up since I still have a little bit of say with those crazy librarian ladies!

At May 31, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just sent a email to my local library I hope they reply soon

At May 31, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom's a librarian, so I am going to talk to her about emailing you for a visit! Yay!

At June 01, 2008 , Blogger M.C. said...

me too! Librarian moms are the best!

At June 01, 2008 , Blogger Laura Amos said...

Are you still looking for places to visit? I'm a librarian in VA and I'd love you have you here. I sent an email to the address above but I'm not sure it worked. If you still have open dates just let me know!

At June 01, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The San Antonio Central Library, aka "the big red enchilada" is very lovely!

I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire world thinks you coming to the Central Library to be the most amazing plan ever.

Unfortunately, I am not a librarian, although I did do a tiny bit of research on how one would go about hosting an event at the SACL if one were so inclined and found that we have a "state-of-the-art auditorium".

Now, this is a direct quote from the page, so obviously cannot be a lie! I imagine by now you are completely convinced that you have to come to the SACL and will end this with contact numbers for you to schedule your visit:

This number was linked under the reserve a meeting room page:
For more information, call 207-2629

San Antonio Public Library
Phone: (210) 207-2500 ยท TTY (210) 207-2534

Shit, under more careful inspection I find that these things cost money (obvious? Maybe) and have no way around this! Although, you are inventive so uh yes!

I tried. ><

At June 02, 2008 , Blogger appletrain said...

if i am at college out of the country this november and you go to a library in my homestate, i will possibly have a meltdown.

At June 08, 2008 , Blogger Sash said...

You might want to try the Virginia Beach Central Library. They have an auditorium and are very willing to host events. I would suggest my university lib, but I very new and have very little say....yet. They also tend to move insanely slow and hate to pay for anything.

Anyway, VB info -

Central Library
4100 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Direct: (757) 385-0150

If you need volunteers, I'd be willing to help, too.


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