John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Brotherhood 2.0: February 19, 2007

In which John brushes his teeth in unusual places and proposes the Brotherhood 2.0 Concert Scholarship Fund for Milica and Amy.

I'd like to say a special thanks to Sarah Kate for the awesome brownies recipe, which I'll make the day I finish WW. And thanks to everyone for filling out the survey (if you haven't, do!).


At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your welcome John for the recipie...Right it says the video is no longer available but i know it will be working again soon! I promise you the brownies will be delicious!

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usuial I made a typo... I meant to say right now the video is up...I need to learn to type better!

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, the video isn't playing. Is there something wrong with YouTube?

At February 19, 2007 , Blogger John Green said...

lately youtube takes like two or three hours to post videos; it should be up soon. I only posted it now b/c I'm off to a concert at Carnegie Hall (as noted in the video). -John

At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Jordyn said...

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At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Jordyn said...

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At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Jordyn said...

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At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Jordyn said...

Aack! Stupid computer!! I had two comments and they got deleted... argh, I am stupid sometimes. But anyways...

Thought I'd post the answers for the survey (which I actually put on my blog this morning) and am only posting it here because (1) so you can read it and (2) I have also never been to a concert. (Not that I want to get in on the Concert Scholarship or anything...)

1. Your name:

2. Your Web page: I just started the blog today, so... it might not be much yet.

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)?
Finishing high school, working at a burger place, writing (of course), and now I'm going to be answering the baptism questions and getting baptised. (Yay! Spelled it right!)

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing?
Finishing high school - until June, when I graduate. Working at a burger place - maybe another year. Writing - forever. Getting ready for baptism - um, until I'm baptised, which will probably be in April.

5 Why are you doing it?
Because I have to graduate, because I hate being home all the time, because I love to write, and because I love God.

6 What do you want to be doing?
Like right now? Pretty much what I'm doing except I'd rather be working at a daycare, but they won't hire me because I'm too young. Oh, and also I'd like to be actually getting books published, but I guess there's time for that later.

7 What's next in your life?
College, getting baptised.

8 How You Doin'?
I'm going to be sort of antsy until Michelle writes me back.

9 What's the best book you read this year?
This year as in 2007? Um... (tough choice)... If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince? by Melissa Kantor. (Although I also loved Crunch Time and The Boyfriend List) I read a lot, I know.

10 Describe a perfect day?
I hate this question. I have no idea.

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct?
I don't think they will... oh wait, I just ruined the whole question, didn't I?

12 How are you feeling about kids these days?
I love kids!!! Well, I don't want my own kids (I'm only 17, gosh!) but I LOVE KIDS and I can't wait to see Brad and Madi (even though Brad will probably be a teenager *scary* by then and Mads will be 11 *also scary*)

13 (- In this space, compose your own question, and answer it -)
What song are you listening to right now?
This One's For the Girls by Martina McBride

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like?
I actually don't even know what that is.

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be?
Gack! I know I'm going to think of a better one after I post this, but right now I'm going to say, clear as mud.

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day?

17 Do you enjoy science fiction?
Some of it. Particularly The Twilight Zone and stuff by Ray Bradbury.

18 Cheese or Chocolate?
Chocolate, of course. Although cheese is also remarkably good.
Has anyone but me noticed how weird these questions are?

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
I don't know. It doesn't really matter where as long as my family and friends were there too.

20 What was your first concert?
I've never actually been to an actual concert. So I'll just skip this question.

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be?
I don't exactly know much about the business world, but I would probably start a magazine. About what? Well, I haven't got that far yet. (Although, considering that I am not the best editor in the world, I might give that job to someone else and then I would just have, like, a column or something.)

22 Invisibility or Time Travel?
Well, with invisibility I could be a spy, but with time travel I could see where I will be in ten years. But I might not like the result so... invisibility. I have to go with invisibility.

23. What's wrong with the world?
A lot. But mostly people are stupid.

Also, I think I am addicted to Brotherhood 2.0 Oh yeah, and my favorite part of "An Abundance of Katherines" was that you used the word tard, which I actually thought wasn't a real word.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they live near where the upcoming tours are going to be (...I could have phrase that better), Milica and Amy could go see Harry and the Potters! Cheap and it's about books!

...or maybe I'm just a complete nerd, haha.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, I've never been to a concert either. But if I'd gone to a concert when I was a teen, it most likely would have been Backstreet Boys or Nsync, so really, I'm happy I missed out. ;)

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've a challenge for either of you:

A reenactment of the OkGo video "Here it goes again". Two or four treadmills (found at your local gym) would suffice, but the reenactee must act for the entire length of the song. On a moving treadmill.

By the way John, you look great, congratulations on WW.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, John,

I just checked out your blog. Man, I've never laughed so hard! Anyway, thanks for stopping by Lake Forest High School. Sorry about the dinosaur joke, seniors- got a love them. It was definitely the highlight of my otherwise bland day. I wanted to ask you another question on Alaska but we ran out of time. So here goes...Is it me or is every YA book that comes out referred to as "the next Catcher in the Rye"? Don't get me wrong. I loved Catcher and reread it several times, but can't YA literature be original and not just an adaptation of a great novel? What are your thoughts?
I already emailed you but it might have gone to spam.

I loved Alaska! Thank God there's quality Ya lit out there besides the God awful Gossip Girls.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First concert: Shawn Cassidy (almost as cool as 3/4 Monkees)

First real concert: Cheap Trick Dream Police Tour 1980

(As a mother, I must admonish you for freeform sledding down a steep hill with a pointy object in your mouth. What if you rolled over on it? It could have pierced your palate and given you brain damage, young man!)

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i disagree that Huey Lewis and The News is a bad band. i'm not saying they're great, but i can recall being very entertained by such classics as "i want a new drug," "the heart of rock and roll," and "stuck with you." granted, i was probably about 5 years old when i was enjoying said musical gems, but it was the 80s and pop music wasn't all that accessible for a five year old.
however, he's apparently not a very good neighbor up the bitterroot valley here in montana - denying stream access rights to the public because ... well who knows why.
anyway. my blogger word verification word is "bsfux." nasty.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes.I am ashamed about my spice girl past. Oh well. I was ten! Those are some pretty weird places to brush your teeth. I don't think I could have brushed my teeth in a dumpster. That would mean that while my teeth are clean, the rest of my body wouldn't be...and I don't particularly think that's worth it. I hope you had a good time at the concert!

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so jealous...i looked up what was playing at Carnegie Hall tonight and would have loved to go (Me being the Bank Geek that I am I would have loved to hear the concert! that's my ideal concert..not Wierd Al or *NSYNC). Hope you had fun!

At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Long said...

John, NOFX is an excellent choice of music to brush your teeth to.

Coincidentally, my first concert was NOFX and Alkaline Trio on the rock against bush tour in '04.

At February 19, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was absolutly delighted to see Daniel Biss! I now have a name AND a face. Also, I am very jealouse. As a junior in high school taking classes like precalculus, I envy Brotherhood 2.0's resident mathematician. Actually, I envy Brotherhood, because they have a mathematician. All I have is a calculator and a brother (he's usually not that willing to help.)
Keep brushing John, maybe clean teeth and fresh breath will help you resist the urge to consume more points than alotted. bye!

At February 19, 2007 , Blogger Danielle said...

Ay, brushing your teeth while rolling down hill looked like it might hurt a bit. I started to fill out the survey but did so too late at night, and then it got deleted. I should redo it soon :)

At February 20, 2007 , Blogger Peter said...

I've never been to a concert. I've been to raves. I've gone to see local bands play. I've gone to the local arts center to see Anoushka and Ravi Shankar tear it up on the sitars. But I've never been to a stadium concert, which is what I think you mean by concert.

And I've never really felt the need, despite the fact that I love music.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look. I was very young at the LaToya Jackson concert. Maybe eight? My mother took me, for some godawful reason I cannot figure out. It was the most awkward thing I have ever been to. I sat in the front row. LaToya asked a guy up on stage and basically stripped around him. Now what makes this hilarious is that this happened in Helsinki, Finland. Finns are not the most... ummm... vivacious? spontaneous? people you can think of. The guy just sat there. Like a blob. A blushing blob.
It was, as I said, awkward. Especially for an eight-year-old.
Maria (
BTW, it was pretty cool to watch the blog and see myself get mentioned - on my birthday! :o)

At February 20, 2007 , Blogger Jessica Johannesen said...

I read looking for alaska this past weekend. it was great. But I just wanted to tell you that reading about everyone getting drunk via strawberry hill is much much much funnier since watching hank down a bottle in last weeks strawberry hill challenge.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was rather embarrassed about admitting to my concert virginity on my survey, but doing so got me a mention on the vlog, which is pretty frakkin' awesome, so now I'm at peace with it :)

I can see that there might be more of us who've never been to a concert than you might have predicted, though, so instead of shelling out your well-earned cash on popping our concert cherries, I propose this: A Brotherhood 2.0 Concert. The set list could include the likes of the 'Nerd Fighters Theme Tune,' 'Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone (From Your pants?), 'Nanny, Nanny, Rich kid,' 'Lady, Lady, Lady...John Green!' and, as an encore, a duet, you and Hank both singing '500 Miles' in brotherly harmony.

It would be glorious! Wonderous! Like gold flakes wrapped in chocolate and bundled up in a slice of heaven! What do you think?

OH! And hi Daniel Biss! *waves*
P.S. Whatever happened to the project/challenge of you both doing your happy dances in five-second clips in different places for a whole brotherhood segment? And, also, did Hank ever find anything useful to do with his useless business cards asides from stick them to his face and build a little house?


At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN this video is no longer available?
We want it NOW!
You can't create an institution and then let us down like this!
(We are working on a vlog of Oz students creating corn dogs to the supplied recipe, but so far our prototypes do not seem much like the demo models. We can do standard Dagwood Dogs (do not use this term in polite company) but something goes mooshy when we try it with corn meal)
We will now go and sing several rounds of "Will you miss me when I'm gone (from your pants) in (bad) three part harmony.
Please fix whatever is the problem.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no defense for the Chicago thing -- I was in COLLEGE when I saw them on the tour that featured "Hard for Me to Say I'm Sorry". Even then, they were old men in leather pants. But I loved them then (and now), in part because I was a music major and we are known for geeky choices.

I've since seen cooler concerts -- 10,000 Maniacs, REM (several times), The Cranberries, Dave Matthews Band, Squeeze, and, oh yeah -- the Rockstar Supernova tour (oh the noise noise noise noise!)

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry all,

This is kinda off topic, but I thought I would bring it up anyways, it's just too funny to pass up!

Take a look at "Introducing the book":


At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You don't need to be on WW. You look great!

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Sookie06/Maria.

Seeing LaToya strip when you are just 8, and seeing a guy be totally non-reactive (Is that a word?) makes me think that possibly, you should create a fund for sookie, because that's got to have caused some trauma, some big, big, LaToya-sized trauma.

Sookie06 I am so sorry for your pain.

At February 20, 2007 , Blogger Elliott batTzedek said...

so a day or so late, but that's practically on time for me these days...

1.Your name: Elliott batTzedek (that’s “bat” as in “daughter of”)

2. Your Web page: ok, so I have been to many concerts, but I don’t have a web page. Anyone want to make me a web page??

3 What have you been up to this past year (please be as detailed as possible, because we actually want to know)? Day job (improving education for poor kids), 2nd job (teaching children’s literature), house, finishing a book and trying to get it published (agents love it, but say its unusual format will make it too hard to sell, oh joy), kayaking, trying to stop the utter destruction of the Palestinian people by an Israel held captive by its own fears and US interests, various expressions of mid-life crisis including new tattoos and recently purple hair

4 How much longer do you think you'll be doing what you're doing? Tattoos are permanent. Everything else is up for grabs. I think that’s what mid-life crisis means.

5 Why are you doing it? Writing is how I live in the world. Being an anti-Occupation activist is how I live as a Jew. Work is how I pay for the house. The house is why I need to work. Teaching is how I learn. Kayaking is how I hold it all together.

6 What do you want to be doing? Writing, loving the women I love, living out of the city and off the grid. Maybe in a barn. With a rope swing, and cows, and sheep, and a piglet, and a spider that uses words to change her world.

7 What's next in your life? Publish the book. Publish the book. Publish the book. Then get it on Oprah. Then make enough money to buy the barn. Or a treehouse. A really big treehouse, like the Swiss Family Robinson, or Myst I.

8 How You Doin'? That line doesn’t work as well in real life as in sitcom land. Keep this in mind.

9 What's the best book you read this year? A clear tie – Fun Home, by the astounding Alison Bechdel, and The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol. 1: The Pox Party by M.T. Anderson (sorry John – but Looking for Alaska was tops the year before). The latter also wins for best book with most awkward title. I read both of these in one night at BEA in Washington last spring.

10 Describe a perfect day? Cool morning, warm day, breeze in the trees all around, waking to great coffee and playing with the dogs, writing until I’m finished or wiped out, swimming a bit, great food at sunset with my friends and beloveds, hanging out in the night while my girlfriend and her gang make live music and the moonflowers open up, pulling in all the night pollinators for miles around.

11 Assuming that all things come to an do you think humans will go extinct? several bangs, billions of whimpers, and finally just being too tired to keep trying.

12 How are you feeling about kids these days? Rocked a newborn to sleep on Sunday. Sweet, nice, lovely, joy of someone so new in the world. But never wanted to be a mommy, still don’t, never will.

13 “With whom do you believe your lot is cast?
From where does your strength come?” Adrienne Rich. Answers are still being determined.

14 Ambrozzo tastes better than anything else, what does ambrozzo taste like? Layers of whole-fat butter pastry with just enough ribbons of dark dread or intrigue to make it interesting.

15 If you were a cliché, what cliché would you be? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. (except you can, of course, if you learn how to bake….)

16 What is your least favorite part of any given day? Waiting for (name deleted cause she’d do me in) to fucking return my email already. And the twenty minutes of my life I lose at the intersection of 32nd and Market every weekday evening at 5:15.

17 Do you enjoy science fiction? 42.

18 Cheese or Chocolate? Many kinds of chocolate are better than many kinds of cheese, but even the best chocolate isn’t better than the best cheese. Ever.

19 Where would you live if you could live anywhere? Bookland. Which now has two prefixes – 978- AND 979-.

20 What was your first concert? With my parents – Sonny and Cher, at the Illinois State Fair. On my own – Ricki Lee Jones. Or the Dead. The timeline is blurry.

21 If you could start a business that would be instantly successful, what kind of business would it be? A line of hair dye, vegetable-not-petroleum-based, called “Not Dead Yet”, that sticks only to gray hair and comes in great colors like fuschia, magenta, roaring purple, electric blue, safety orange, etc.

22 Invisibility or Time Travel? Having been invisible, living as a dyke in a world where I sometimes had to be closeted to be safe, I can say it is greatly overrated. Then again, could we really bear knowing what actually happened or what will actually happen?

23 What's wrong with the world? Fear of difference. Which might just be hard-wired into our lizard brains.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, John said my name right. That's unusual. I usually end up cringing on the first mispronounciation. Yay! And, thanks. :)

As for concerts... Well, I have a friend that recommends Rumrunners. My cousin's boyfriend is in Wreckage of the Modern City. And Asleep on the Couch is in and around the area. I'll see what I can do. lol

Money for students = good!


At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment by Long that the use of NOFX was a very good choice. My first ever concert was Driver Eight and Poor Old Lu. I paid a whole $5 for that show during a time where I went to a lot of $5 shows in Louisville, KY. I miss a good music scene where great local and national bands played on the cheap.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And oh yeah, I saw the Backstreet Boys TWICE. Who can beat that? Huh? HUH?! XD

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words:......Michael.....Bolton
evidently my parents wanted to scar me for life.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Green -

I know I am late to this party, but I spent the weekend watching every episode of Brotherhood 2.0 and I am now ADDICTED. (Btw, you definitely win the award for best soundtrack music selection. Way to include cool music in your clips. Hank, let's step it up a bit, eh?)

But on to more important things: John, did you receive my email in support of Team Karen? I DEMAND A RESPONSE!

Damnit John, I didn't send you a singing Valentine in college (all right, fine, technically I sent it to Scott, but let's not forget who enjoyed it) so that I could be ignored 10 years later!

ps. My first concert was Sting on his 1993 greatest hits tour. And I totally support this concert-going scholarship idea.

At February 20, 2007 , Blogger Mindi Scott said...

My first concert was Wynonna Judd. I was 16... and in a bizarre country music phase!

I've gone to way cooler shows since; I swear it.

At February 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*squeal of glee*
See, this is what I get for not watching B2.0 immediately after getting home from work -- I'm a day late finding out that *I* caused John Green to brush his teeth all over Manhattan. *more squealing*
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That was awesome.

At February 20, 2007 , Blogger MelloYello said...

I used to know a girl who lived in NYC alone and to scare off any would be attackers she always brought her toothbrush on the subway with her and brushed her teeth vigorously so that she looked a little crazy! Needless to say your tooth brushing made me chuckle

At February 21, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrie, I love your idea! Now I finally have an excuse for whenever I act strangely. I have a LaToya-trauma. Please contribute to the fund. Sookie06


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