John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Brotherhood 2.0: February 9, 2007

You should immediately go watch the hilarious Brotherhood 2.0 sitcom intro Youtuber (and renowned lonelygirl15 detective) Terryfic made. Also, comment and tell him it's the best.


At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Rebecca has pony rides and ice cream as part of her party, which I presume uses a lot of paper goods (and hence the title).

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and WOW -- Terryfic totally rocks. That was a most excellent sitcom trailer!

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrifyc - great job!!!!! (don't have a YouTube account, so couldn't log in there)

John and Hank, thanks for another week's distractions from my real world

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you going to be in Washington D.C??? I live like 10 min. away from's oretty sweet...i like it...i hope you do too and i hope you answer my question...

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i peant it's PRETTY sweet(not oretty sweet)...sry for the typo

At February 09, 2007 , Blogger Chloe said...

dear john,

you're not fat.

your self esteem

digging the sitcom thingy :)

At February 09, 2007 , Blogger Julia said...

Well, that certainly just made my Friday.

John, did you get a hair cut?

At February 09, 2007 , Blogger John Green said...

Yes Julia, I did! Thanks for noticing!

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) No! Not the Dog!
2) The eating-the-right-amount-of-points-and-still-not-getting-less-fat thing? Been there, sobbed over that. You have my empathy. It's low fat too.
3) The hair cut is cute. Me thinking I'm of the liking it. Bravo!
4) And now onto a weekend of no brotherhood-ness...sigh. Life is so unfair.

At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you going to be in DC for a specific purpose, or just to go? If you're doing something in which the public is invited- let us know, there are many of us (like me) who are within an hour of DC that would love to finally meet you!

At February 09, 2007 , Blogger Ally Carter said...

John, I think your face is certainly looking thinner. (even though it was never, ever fat)

And I think you've come up with another great title!


At February 09, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

September 2008?! That's so far away!

At February 09, 2007 , Blogger CJ Omololu said...

The kids say:
Sitcom: Yay! Play it again. Play it again.

John's Haircut: Yay!Finally!

At February 10, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good thing about being in a different hemisphere is that I get to watch a new edition of this on a Saturday. And the bad thing usuallu is that I don't get another one 'til Tuesday. Thanks to Terryfic, I'm reminded of all the splendid previous editions that I can go back and rewatch - Hank riding the bulldog was my personal favourite.
You are forcing me to review my previously dearly held belief that all currently alive Americans are stupid.
But what the hell is a corn dog? And why would anyone with serious eco leanings eat one?

At February 10, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best book ever.

At February 10, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, if you google corn dog you get:

"Corn dogs are hot dogs dipped in corn batter, deep fried and served on a stick."

They're pretty good, actually.

At February 10, 2007 , Blogger Hank Green said...

Corndogs are a wonderful thing and I am very sad that there are some people in the world who have never experienced them. The above description is accurate, though there are some excellent variations resulting for different types of dogs and different types of batters.

They aren't any more environmentally irresponsible than hamburgers and they taste much much better and have only slightly more fat.

A person with serious eco-leanings would eat one because they are frakking delicious.

At February 10, 2007 , Blogger Ellen said...

They even have tofu corndogs, for healthy eating!

At February 10, 2007 , Blogger Male Sheep said...

"they are frakking delicious"

Hank watches Battlestar!

At February 10, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just leavin' a comment of thanks for two reasons:

1) For becoming internet entertainment by doing the video blog with your brother

2) For writing amazing books. I just finished Katherines about a month ago, and I was rather sad to have to return it to the library. I suppose I'll just HAVE to buy it. :)

Olathe, KS

At February 11, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you sooooo much!!! i watched the whole thing thinking you weren't going to say anything, and it totally caught me off guard.. i love you guys!

At February 11, 2007 , Blogger Betty Anne said...

So, Hank -- when you answer the sci-fi survey question, maybe you can tell us who the next Cylon will turn out to be.

But I warn you: if you say Kara, I might cry.

At February 12, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John is a tease.

...and his hair looks funny.


At February 14, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said... name is Becca....
Happy birthday to me?

At February 15, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I remember several fine Shelby County establishments carry the esteemed Boone's Farm wines. I wonder why I remember buying but never much else (maybe puking).

Have just spoken to my old Indian Springs buddy who has recommended it highly once again, so I'll get off my ass, finally, today and go buy it. Oh, not the wine, the book about Alaska...

Just discovered the blog, very nice.


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