John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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More Questions Answered

Sometimes, I take your questions from comments, and I answer them.

Q. What do you think of writers who have a formula, and write, for instance, a book a year, a la Danielle Steele?
A. Well, these days writing only one book a year seems downright quaint. (James Patterson, for instance, writes four or five books a day.) I have no problem with people who write the same book over and over again, but I'm glad I don't have their job. (I should add that many great books have been written in less than a year, and that not all prolific writers are formulaic. See, for instance, Joyce Carol Oates.)

Q. What makes a book literary? Is it the style it's written in, the language, the timelessness? What exactly does this mean?
A. Good question. The only answer I can think of is that you make a book literary (or not). You are ultimately the person who engages with a novel's symbols and themes as well as its characters and story. If this happens, the book is literary. If it doesn't, it isn't.

Q. What's new with Paper Towns?
A. If you click that link, you can see a silly little video. (In unusually high quality!)

Q. Do you know where you and Hank are going to be touring and organizing Nerdfighter Events this fall?
A. No. When we do know, I will tell you OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Do not worry. You will not be underinformed when it comes to my tour schedule. I will repeat it so many times that you will know it like you once knew your state capitals.

Q. How long does it take you to read a book as long as Looking for Alaska? (OMFG NEW COVER!)
A. Two four-hour reading sessions, I would say, although the internet is making me dumber.

Q. The paperback for An Abundance of Katherines will only cost four bucks? (OMFG NEW COVER!)
A. No. It costs less than four bucks! (Although not much less.)

Q. Did you get Willy from a breeder or a shelter?
A. We got Willy from a family who bred a litter of Westies to give to their adult children, but then two of their kids deployed overseas with the military.

Q. Do you still watch Lonelygirl15?
A. No, but Brotherhood 2.0 would never have happened if it hadn't been for LG15, so I'm very grateful to that show and the community that built up around it in those first few weeks.

Q. How do you say Buhfriedo?
A. Well, it is a made-up word, but I say Buh-FREE-doe.

Q. What's the weirdest job you've ever had?
A. The one I have now is pretty weird. The graveyard shift at Steak 'n Shake was also fairly odd.

Q. What is the first book you want to read to your children?
A. I always said that when I had a kid, I would immediately read him/her Absalom, Absalom in its entirety. It's a book that teaches an infant two important lessons: 1. The past is not dead--the world you've just entered is "peopled with garrulous outraged baffled ghosts." Also, 2. Only Faulkner can get away with so many adjectives and so few commas.


At June 24, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

John, I've been trying to get you to answer this question for... I don't even know, it's been that long:
If you could improve the US educational system in any one way, what would that one way be?

At June 25, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the first time you remember sitting down and seriously trying to right a novel, even if you never got past the first couple of pages? What was it about, and what experience made you want to write it?

At June 25, 2008 , Blogger YossiTime said...

Is there anything you wish you could change about the books you have written now that they are out?
(If I'm not mistaken you did change the 5AG's versions of the Advanced Readers Copys of Paper Towns.)

At June 25, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was the most awesome amazon video i have ever seen. ever.

At June 25, 2008 , Blogger Emily said...

I already commented at the Ning, but I have to say, the Amazon video is the best. Ever. :)

At June 25, 2008 , Blogger Faith said...

the literary thing always bugs me. As a new(ish) librarian (please don't flog me for saying this), I never know how to answer that question when someone asks me. It's easier for me to give an example than to explain it. thanks for answering my question. :-)

hope you guys come to the NYC area.

At June 25, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I love the silly little video; when you first put a link to it in another post, I couldn't get to it somehow, but it was mighty entertaining.
Also, if Abundance of Katherines is 3.99 ish in Canada (5.00?) then I MAY have to buy too. I love it and while I don't love the new cover as much (fewer colours) I have had it on my books-to-buy list forever. Math and/or anagram humour is the ultimate.

At June 25, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you predict will be the new popular mythical creature of YA literature after vampires/undead get overused?

At June 26, 2008 , Blogger Jas said...

HAHAHA, that video on Amazon is the best. =] I just love how original and funny it is at the same time. And yes, the high quality of it is quite remarkable!

At July 06, 2008 , Blogger Maggie said...

So I have just discovered your blog here and I am so happy to learn that you love the Mountain Goats. I'm from NC too, and I've seen them I don't know how many times in concert. Amazing.

At July 10, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm belatedly reading through some of your blog posts, and I enjoyed your Amazon video. Watching it made me think that it would be extremely difficult to do something like that. I can't imagine that it would be very comfortable to hawk your own books. The financial incentive would help, but it would still feel awkward, I should think. And yet, you pull it off in your own delightful and entertaining style. Well done.

At July 12, 2008 , Blogger Keladry said...

Okay, I couldn't resist. Technically, the paperback for An Abundance of Katherines is more than four dollars, due to shipping fees and/or tax. Sorry, couldn't help it. :)

At July 18, 2008 , Blogger Travis said...

@keladry: That's not necessarily true. Not all states charge sales tax on books, and if you ("you" being "a person who lives in one of those states") walk into your local [insert bookstore here], you can pick up AoK for... $3.99. Out the door. Sorry, couldn't help it. :)

At January 14, 2010 , Anonymous Rynn said...

John, I'm currently enrolled in multiple english classes at my high school (the AP (advanced placement) course, a media studies course and I audit the "regular" class. Do you think the division between classes (honors and not-so-honors) is a fair way to divide students? Doesn't it remove more than 75% of the different opinions from a classroom when the only students there are either grade obsessed or (in my case) english obsessed?


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