John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Brotherhood 2.0: January 3rd

By the way, we need someone to tell us why the audio in our imovies suddenly starts synching wrong when we upload to youtube. Are you that person? If so, you win a prize. Please help us in the comments.


At January 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll leave you a comment since you don't have any yet! It probably is hard being John Green's brother, yet then again, when you try and submit your novel for publication you can write really big in the query letter: I'M JOHN GREEN'S BROTHER!!!

These videos are funny. Keep 'um coming.

At January 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to see you and John perform 500 miles on your videoblog.

At January 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say....: Punishments and Challenges!

At January 04, 2007 , Blogger de_scribes said...

And also, and also, and also John Green does not remind me quite as much of Napoleon Dynamite as um . . .you do. (Especially when you do that Flashdance inspired, keep-it-from-the-wife happy dance of yours.)

I heart your videoblogs.

At January 04, 2007 , Blogger Maureen said...

Wow. Your brother sure can dance. Now the whole world knows who the cool green is . . .

At January 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Re the audio sync issue, I have read a little about this and believe that it's fixable by using MP3 audio in the file you upload. I'm guessing you guys are using MPEG-4 video (and their associated AAC audio). If you have QuickTime Pro, you can change the audio track to be MP3, and supposedly (...) this makes YouTube happy. There may be other ways to accomplish this (aside from buying QuickTime Pro), but I guess it sorta depends on what applications you have sitting around.

;Chris Higgins

PS - I think your typewriter-thingy intro has a small typo? Or a funny joke about typos, either one. :)

At January 04, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice that typo. I actually noticed before we started, but haven't had a chance to fix it yet. iMovie titling is very finicky, when I just put in the 'i,' everything explodes and letters start appearing before they should. Don't worry though, I'm on it. The intro will change significantly as the show goes on anyhow.

yeah...I've heard that one before, and, if you stay tuned, you might see me mention it.

Sorry about your brothers...

At January 07, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say, look how little snow we have in tahoe! it sucks!


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