John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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This Will Be Really Boring if You Don't Watch the Office...

...although if you don't watch The Office, there's something wrong with you, as it is the second-best sitcom on television. (How I Met Your Mother is the best, it goes without saying.)

Anyway, I have extremely unscientific proof that Team Karen is making inroads on Team Pam. (For those of you who don't watch the show, there is a character named Jim who is torn between two girls, Pam and Karen. There seem to be two kinds of people in this world: 1. those who believe in justice and equality and liberty and freedom and kittens and puppies and apple pie and Pam, and 2. those who believe in Karen.) The evidence is as follows:

"Team Pam": 26,800 google hits
"Team Karen": 32,700 google hits

I have further anecdotal evidence, in the form of several myspace friends who have openly identified themselves on my comments page as being members of Team Karen, even though I have publicly stated (and hereby repeat) that Team Karen is for dillholes.

It's totally unacceptable. So anyway, if you see me randomly inserting the words "Team Pam" into this web site, you'll know why. I'm trying to rectify the google crisis.

Team Pam. Team Pam. Team Pam. Team Pam. Team Pam.


At December 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my office, friendships have already ended over this.

At December 18, 2006 , Blogger Sara Z. said...

But you know what? Rashida Jones, who plays Karen, is awesome if only because of the character she played in one episode of Freaks & Geeks: Karen Scarfolli. Scarfolli was a tough, tough girl who could cut you and liked to bully freshman boys. I wonder if her character name in the office is an homage to F&G...

But I'm not concerned. She is a rebound, and as Jim firmly established in the Christmas party ep, she will only serve to remind him what he misses about Pam.

Is it sick that watching this show really makes me wish I worked in an office?

At December 18, 2006 , Blogger lisa greenwald said...

I am definitely on Team Pam. 100%
Also, I agree with you about How I met Your Mother being the best sit-com on TV right now.

And Sara, Yeah. I have worked in offices. It wasn't so great. Yet, this show manages to make me want to work in an office again

At December 18, 2006 , Blogger Little Willow said...

Some odd anagrams for Team Pam:


At December 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I feel that "Scrubs" is definitely the best show on TV right now. It makes me want to work in a hospital, which is apparently worse than an office...

P.S. John, I used a quote in of yours in a paper about censorship. Thanks for the wisdom, and the "fucking bullshit" line. It makes a great closing sentence.

At December 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

need I remind you that "team pam" had her chance...actually 2 chances. jim's gotta move on and get the pam monkey off his back.

team karen team karen team karen

At December 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an extra one for you: Team Pam.

My boyfriend is Team Karen all the way. I'm considering refusing to speak to him on Thursdays.

At December 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that brilliant people are for Team Pam, and those who are dirty mistresses are for Team Karen.

While Pam had chances, it's not like she isn't suffering right now.

Not to mention, did anyone think Jim was getting ready to pee his pants when Pam went over to comfort Karen last Thursday? I think that's when he realized the "rebound" situation.


At December 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At December 20, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my hero...

At December 20, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well. I don't have tv capabilities in my house, but since I am for "1. those who believe in justice and equality and liberty and freedom and kittens and puppies and apple pie and Pam"

I guess I am Team Pam.

(Also, I always root for the unrequieted love to work out)


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