John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Live from Vestavia

I'm writing today from a Starbucks in Vestavia, Alabama (I say a Starbucks because Vestavia, Alabama--like every municipality in the United States--has several). We're spending Christmas with Sarah's parents, and their Internet connection stopped working last night. So I'm in a Starbucks. Macy Gray is playing. The best thing I can say about this experience is that I am reminded of my friend Hassan, who did most of the Arabic translation in An Abundance of Katherines and who also does an amazingly fantastic Macy Gray impersonation.

I was largely heartened by the responses to my post about The Office. Most sparksflyup readers agreed with me about Team Pam being The Only Team For People Who Aren't Jerks. The only support voiced for Team Karen came from Rob. (His comment can be read here.) I don't personally know Rob, but he seems nice, and he writes a cool blog about tech-stuff. All available evidence indicates that Rob is probably not a Jerk. So he must just be confused. And I think we need to change his mind. That's the only way to change the world, after all: One Office viewer at a time.

So okay, Rob, I hope you're listening (because otherwise we'll have to track down your email address): You argue that Pam "had her chance." That, in fact, Pam had two chances. HOWEVER: What you fail to recall is that Pam was, at the time, engaged to be married. And that is a very serious commitment. Well, unless you are my former fiancee. But anyway, it should be a serious commitment. And because Pam is a good person, and a loyal person, she took her commitments seriously. This put her in an awful position, and finally--after an appropriately long period of discernment--she had to break the engagement.

Now, generally, I don't think very highly of people who break engagements--it's part of my general bias against Dumpers. In this case, however, I think it's forgivable--precisely for the reason you seem to have abandoned Team Pam. I root for Pam precisely because she passed up her initial chances with Jim. She passed them up because she is a nice and caring person who wanted to find a way to honor her promises but finally could not resolve her commitments with her desires. Jim should understand this; he should see it as a good sign. When Jim and Pam get married (FINGERS CROSSED!) one day, Jim will be grateful to have a life partner who has shown her faith in commitment.

Those of you also on Team Pam, please leave your reasons that Rob should convert in comments.


At December 20, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are a few reasons why Team Karen people should convert.

*You have a 89% increase in your chances of going to heaven

**Studies show that switching to Team Pam will increase your life by at least 20 years

***Team Kareners are 51.3% more likely to be eaten by clowns

At December 20, 2006 , Blogger Sara Z. said...

I don't know, John. I mean, I am Team Pam and all but I wouldn't fly into a rage or anything if Karen landed him for good.

Also, I have to say that I am about 2/3 through An Abundance of Katherines and you, John, of all people, know about the sweet, sweet longing for something you will probably never have. What happens to Jim and Pam if they get each other? Is longing for each other part of their core identity? Possibly they are afraid to stop longing and start getting because of how it might change their self-identities, their very habits of being? The JimandPamness of them? Think about this. I'm not done with the book yet, but perhaps Karen=Lindsey Lee Wells? Hm?

At December 20, 2006 , Blogger John Green said...

Caitlin, it is true what you say about the clown-eating. That is an excellent, excellent point.

Sara, I can't believe you compared Karen to Lindsey Lee Wells. That is horrible! I may have to deal with this in a blog post all its own. To say that I am secretly a covert member of Team She-Whose-Name-Must-Not-Be-Spoken! I don't even know how to respond to such slander.

At December 20, 2006 , Blogger Sara Z. said...

I can see you've thought about it deeply, since you just responded to my comment 3 seconds after I posted it. Now address the issue at hand: is getting what you long for better than longing for it, and stop throwing up this "Karen is the devil" strawman! (Or maybe I should finish your book first. Is the answer therein?)

At December 20, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are at my local starbucks! what! go to panera, they have free internet too and better prices. it's so sad the the other coffee establishment closed, otherwise you could support the little guy. oh you forgot the hills, that makes us sound equal to mountain brook.

At December 20, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very simple.

Team Pam is the smart thing to do; Team Karen is not.

However, I am extremely curious if the NBC store will begin to sell the Dunder Mifflin robes. I think that may be the first item on my 2007 Christmas list...

At December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL, let me just say that i know for certain that rob is not a jerk-cause i married him and i wouldn't marry a jerk. however, we are NOT united in his support of team K(i don't even want to write it out). i was not aware of his support of team K until his comments appeared on this post.
surely i can persuade him away from the dark side with the promise of homemade chocolate cake--i know his kryptonite...
lastly, i gotta say i am totally bummed that my husband got a link in your blog, instead of me-a TRUE john green/pam fan!

At December 21, 2006 , Blogger John Green said...


I believe it is now your responsibility to get Rob onto Team Pam. Please keep us up-to-date on your progress!


At December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


As you probably know, in the South we have a saying, "fish or cut bait." I completely agree that loyalty is admirable, especially in a life-long commitment like marriage; but Pam's Season 1 & 2 loyalty to warehouse guy Roy is beyond reason. A 4 year engagement...are you kiddin me? (We also have another saying, "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free," but that's for another post.)

Furthermore, Pam's thoughtless loyalty to Roy is hypocritical in the face of her flirtatious behavior with Jim. Pam has proven nothing but an indecisive, non-committal nature. How do we know that Pam will be loyal to Jim...we don't. In fact, I hypothesize that Jim and Pam's relationship is founded in their mutual dislike of Dwight. Dwight is the tie that binds; without Dwight there is no relationship.

Save Jim from additional heartbreak. A vote for Team Karen is a vote for Jim!

At December 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I couldn't agree more when you say 'A vote for Karen is a vote for Jim.'

HELLO. Karen is the female version of Jim. Seriously. The faces, the expressions, the great pranks with Pam...dude. It's Jim. As a girl. And you don't marry yourself. Plus, did you listen to his speech to Michael about rebounds at all?


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