John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact


Tomorrow, an old-fashioned blog post. Today, your questions.

Q. i would love it if my english professors would one day come to class and begin to lecture, instead of slumping down in a desk, arms crossed, and casually asking what we thought of King Richard III while lighting a cigarette.

A. I think it's actually pretty cool that you get to go to school in 1963.

Q. What did you major in?

A. I double-majored in Religious Studies and English lit.

Q. I don't remember if you said this on youtube or Maureen posted about it on her blog or you posted about it on your blog but I believe that the two of you were on a cooking show together. Can you provide footage?

A. That definitely sounds like something that Maureen made up.

Q. How do you pick the questions for both these blogs and the ones on question Tuesday?

A. There is certainly no system. I just go through and pull out questions that seem particularly interesting, or questions where I have a particularly strong opinion, or questions that strike me as lending themselves to funny answers.

Q. Do you think that our experience of the world is limited by language, or do you think it is possible to think and experience something we cannot verbalize?

A. See, this is an example of a question that is far too smart and difficult for me to answer. I have no idea. It is certainly possible to experience things we cannot verbalize, but I'm not sure whether that's our fault or language's fault.

Q. Would you die for your country?

A. Tough one. I mean, I should state as a preface that I'm not particularly convinced by nationalism. I find the whole my-country-right-or-wrong thing a little bit ridiculous. Even so, if we are talking about the right of a place to exist where there is representative democracy and citizens have broad freedoms of speech and expression: Yes.

Also: that moral calculus would totally change if I were to join the US Armed Forces (which at my age and fitness level is unlikely but not totally impossible). Members of the Armed Forces have an entirely different responsibility, not only to their country but also to their units and to the chain of command.

Q. I'm a library student and I have to do a book talk in a high school tomorrow and I'm really nervous. Any tips?

A. Oh, I don't blame you. High schools are terrifying. But that doesn't help. What helps me (and this may not help you either; if it's counterproductive I apologize although actually since your tomorrow is my today this advice is coming too late to matter anyway; now all we want to know is HOW DID IT GO?) but what helps me is to remember that my relationship with the thing I'm doing is very different from their relationship with the thing I'm doing.

Like, to me it is a VERY BIG DEAL because for however-many days/weeks/months I've been worrying about this talk that I'm going to give to high school students, but to them it is forty-five minutes out of a larger day, a day in which they will talk to boys and study and worry about boys and check their makeup and laugh about that thing that happened to that person and worry about the paper they've gotta write this weekend oh and also maybe pick up a book someone suggested to them. This helps me, to put myself in the periphery of other people's days.

Q. What do you say to the fangirly Nerdfighters who think they are in romantic love with you?

A. That doesn't really happen. I'm not saying that to be modest; I just don't think nerdfighters really construct me in a romantic-type way. (Hank, maybe. Maybe hot breakdancing Hank! But not me.) Which makes me happy. I don't want to be constructed in a romantic-type way except by, like, Sarah.


At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous alicia said...

How would you respond to relly heavy peer pressure?

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger CalculatedPlans said...

I heard that you went to Divinity School but dropped out before taking a single class.
Is this accurate?
If so, why did you choose to go to Divinity School, and then why did you choose not to stay?

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who was/do you have a favorite teacher?

2. In the past election if you could have voted for anyone, who would it be or would it still be Obama?

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Rosi said...

Will you return to new-fashioned blog Q&A format on Monday? If so, do you feel like your reading life has been significantly improved by your catalogued home library? Also, is there a motivation behind reading David Copperfield (other than the fact that it is wonderful)?

It makes me uncomfortable that people construct my brothers (secret, but all the same) in romantic-type ways. Some nerdfighter girlzz flirt with Tom and that just makes me want to show them my ninja side. What can I say, I'm overprotective.

Also, I would watch the John and MJ cooking programme. Please? Pretty please?

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Manar said...

John, you're sweet. (:

And yeah, it would be really creepy if we constructed you in a romantic way. Especially since a lot of us are like, teenagers.

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you could instantly be like JK-Rowling level of famous, would you do it?

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger emily said...

but imagine if 1963 had lasted 4 years. imagine the losses.

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm considering going to Kenyon College myself; would you recommended it for someone who plans to major in English?

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Lourdes said...

I am writing my undergraduate thesis paper on "Young Adult Literature and its Acession to Merit." My POV is that this is a long time coming. I remember that New York online piece about "Headlong" which pissed me off and this gave me my idea for this paper. Any thoughts in terms of anything? I mean I am going to read Cormier, Crutcher and other more recent novels to show the progession. But the 90's section of my paper is weak... so... HELP?

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger said...

What would you do if your dog ate the book you were supposed to have read by Tuesday and were only 30 pages in to and had no way to get to the library or bookstore because the closest one was 30 miles away and you only had enough gas to get to class on Tuesday which is also 30 miles away?

lol sorry its long

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger LibrariAnne said...

Thank you so much! A little perspective does make a big difference when dealing with anxiety. I had already done my talk when I read your advice, but I'll file it away for next time.

My book talk went really well, too. I was at an at-risk school talking graphic novels, and the kids got really excited. Most of the books I talked about got checked out.

My future job rocks. :)

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Micah said...

Do you reread books much or do you prefer new books?

How much weight do you place on a literary breadth? Do you consider it important to learn to enjoy all kinds of books or do you think that there's no point in (greatly) broadening natural tastes?

You said once that you thought everyone should have a used bookstore, so why a USED bookstore?

You've said that sparks fly up is from Job, is that you're favorite book of the Bible? If its not do you have one? (I feel like a nerd for asking that one, even among nerdfighters.)

If you could witness a single historical event, which would you choose?

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger Sarah said...

How do you feel about having fanfiction written about at least one of your books? (Looking for Alaska) Have you read any of it?

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger Anna Swenson said...

Are you ever going to write for adults?

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 22 and I just bought myself a CD for the first time today(sad, huh?) It was the Mountain Goats' Sunset Tree (picked it because of how much you talk about them and your video with Love Love Love). I absolutely love it and want to buy another one of their CD's.

So my question: Which one do I buy next? I really really like their song No Children but I don't know which CD it is on nor do I know if the other songs on it are good. Please help.

At April 10, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. What do you think of the word "lol"? Is it a representation of all the preppy, ditzy kids many nerdfighters pretend to hate? Or is it an acceptable word to use even if you're aiming for that intellectual look? (I am not implying that all nerdfighters try too hard to be "intellectual"; I am simply referring to people in general.)

2. Who is your favorite adult fiction writer?

3. What is your favorite song that is not by the Mountain Goats? Also, can you put a few more musical references in your books? I loved the Flaming Lips-meets-Radiohead one or whatever it was in "Alaska."

At April 10, 2009 , Blogger Kali said...

If you're still taking questions for a future Q& you have a preference between hardcover and paperback?

Captcha dictionary: itarb...there's a Mac joke in there somewhere but I'm too tired to find it.

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Kelsey said...

Trust me John, you have fangirls.

Now I'm not going to say anything else about that, as I might regret it later. hah. ;)

Now I wish I had a good question. I may be back later...

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prose is any writing that isn't poetry, right? But since poetry has no rules, what exactly is the difference between poetry and prose?

At April 11, 2009 , Blogger emmet the allisonian said...

Is there anything that you once thought you would do for the rest of your life that you haven't done in years, and don't particularly miss?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you do when you start reading a book and you're not interested in it? Do you still finish it?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last question made me laugh. It's true that I'm a vlogbrother fangirl, but I wouldn't ever see either of you in a romantic way because I view you guys as, like, a way. And it would be really weird to be in love with your uncle in a romantic way.

As someone who has survived the teenage/young adult years, what do you think is the most important advice you can give to all those struggling to get through it?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it rather exciting that I'm studying the same disciplines as you did, except I'm Majoring in English and minoring in Religious Studies.
My choice in minor is still baffling to me because I have only ever been to one church service in my lifetime, and that was my baptism. I just find the world of religion fascinating because of the influence it can have over others, and this is made more fascinating because it had absolutely no influence over me growing up.
If you don't mind me asking, did you have a religious upbringing, or did you discover your religious beliefs later on in life?

At April 11, 2009 , Blogger Jordan Cwierz said...

Which is better: Lolcats or Stuff on Heads?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're waiting for something important or exciting to happen that you're looking forward to, what do you do to make the time pass by faster? Are you the kind of person that would have a big countdown, or would you rather try to forget about it until it's closer?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you think reading as a writer differs from reading as a reader, and which do you prefer?

Also I think it would be creepy if we thought of you in a romantic way because you're significantly older than us. You're more like an extremely fun intelligent uncle.

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, the whole my-country-right-or-wrong thing is quoted out of context....

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Lysh said...

Haha I've definitely seen NFILF paired with your name before, John. It's okay to blind these things, though. I wouldn't want to know about fangirls/boys either.

I really like your response to the book talk question and I think it could be used with any kind of lecture or speech. That's an awesome way of looking at it.

And I would totally watch a John and Maureen cooking program. :D

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arh! I was really hoping you would help me with my "what should I do with the rest of my life" -crises.

Sidsel (19)

At April 11, 2009 , Blogger NeedaLimb said...

can you give me ideas of a high school prank?
you will not be mentioned or blamed. i live 30 min from NYC if the helps for prank paraphernalia.
i have had a over all perfect high school record. never got in trouble or sent to the office. and i wouldn't like to hurt anyone (well not physically). and i am now a senior and i am OK with getting in trouble but i wouldn't like a police record.
please help of if there were any high school pranks that you didn't get a chance to fulfill.

At April 11, 2009 , Blogger Nicholas said...

Johann Caspar Lavater has said in the 18th century about genius that (roughly translated) "what's genius? the one who isn't, can't say, the one who is, won't say".

Do you think that geniuses exist, that genius still exists in our times and if so, do you think that we could acknowledge it/see it for what it is? Who do you think could be considered a genius today (in the field of the arts, in literature or music)?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're hot!

that's not the question this is: How can you not think you're hot enough to have fangirl?

This makes me (and some of my fangirlfrends) very sad

At April 11, 2009 , Blogger nerdfangirl said...


At April 11, 2009 , Blogger Arka said...

What is your opinion on the word, "like"?

Also, I noticed that you began a parenthetical sentence in your April 9th blog. Do you intend to ever close this?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In one of your recent live shows you said you agreed that nobody's really an atheist because we're all going to believe in something and consider something sacred. That's fair enough, but don't you think it depends on how we define "atheism?" Wouldn't you say it's unfair to imply that atheism automatically implies not considering anything important or sacred rather than just not believing in god, in an existence beyond our bodies and in supernatural explanations for why we are here?

At April 11, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Green, you are totally wrong about fangirly Nerdfighters.

At April 12, 2009 , Blogger Brandon said...

You didn't post yesterday! (April 11th!!)

At April 12, 2009 , Blogger alli said...

As a reader, I really hate book jackets. I understand they're good for blurbs and whatnot, but they still annoy me. Do you have an opinion of them one way or another? (as an author and/or as a reader)

At April 12, 2009 , Anonymous K.Harris said...

John you have tons of fangirls (myself included)! Though I doubt if most of them see you in a romantical way. But I don't see you as an uncle either like some of the other people said. I see you more as my favortie writer and one half of my favorite YouTube channel.
My question is, have you ever been stalked?

At April 12, 2009 , Blogger lalibrarylady86 said...

Are you and Hank aware of The Washington Post's 3rd annual Peeps diorama contest? Submissions have grown each year and you can see photos of the finalists at
Also, a friend told me about Peeps Jousting in which you provide your Peep with a toothpick, place them both in the microwave and hope that one falls over goring your opponent's Peep. Unfortunately, in most of the YouTube videos I watched of this, there was no clear winner but you got to watch Peeps melt and explode in a microwave. So do you think you, Hank or the Nerdfighters might start planning now for next year's competition? The Chicago Tribune also has a Peeps contest, but I feel they are just copy-cats.

At April 12, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you meet other authors, like Maureen Johnson?

At April 12, 2009 , Blogger Lucy said...

Which country are your books most popular in?
How would you feel about a totally made of awesome Nerdfighter who hated English lit?

At April 12, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you ever read anything by haruki murakami?

if not, why not? GO READ SOME.


At April 12, 2009 , Blogger Cat said...

Two questions:

In "An Abundance of Katherines" you mention the "Foxfire" books. Where did you come across them?

What do you think of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?"

At April 13, 2009 , Blogger Pam said...

What do you think of zombies and Jane Austen characters?

At April 13, 2009 , Anonymous redblackandwhite said...

What I've gotten from your BEDAs is that neither money nor fame nor stranger sympathy equal happiness, but instead caring for others and being cared for. When did you realize this, and what did it feel like when you did?

At April 14, 2009 , Blogger Chewbob said...

John, I hate to break it to you, but I'm totally in love with you in a romantic way probably. I would not come between you and Sarah, however. Because you guys are too freaking adorable.

At April 14, 2009 , Anonymous jacksburden said...

I'm currently reading 'Absalom, Absalom!" for my lit class, and I'm having problems enjoying the thoughts of Quentin Compson as much as the thoughts of Quentin Jacobsen. So... how do I read Faulkner's huge paragraphs and run-on sentences without going crazy?

At April 15, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think sarah is the luckiest girl to ever live. when i grow up can i be her?


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