Professional Poker and Eating
In response to yesterday's post in which I outlined non-writing careers I fantasize about, my longtime friend Sean Titone commented that Professional Poker Player should certainly make my top 10 list. And so it should. Sorry, Fireman.
I also got a couple comments asking what my specialty would be if I were to be a professsional eater. Ideally, of course, I'd like to be a generalist along the lines of Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas (whom, as I'm sure you know, is the 105-pound woman who once ate 8 pounds of sausage in 10 minutes). Thomas holds records in everything from fried okra to cheesecake.
But I probably wouldn't be as good at professional eating as Thomas is, so it makes sense that I would specialize in an attempt to narrowly define my audience (competitive eating specialization is the equivalent, I think, of writing for teenagers instead of for everyone). So I think I'd pick butter. I really like butter (it is delicious) and the world record for butter-eating is 7 sticks in 5 minutes, which I think is totally doable. I mean, that's only 1.75 pounds of butter. Easy money, baby.
Nice blog. You write a blog like you write a book. I just finished Looking For Alaska one and a half hours ago...and I must ask how many Nobels' do you have on your shelf already?? That was effing brilliant! And I'm reviewing this particular post not only simply because, but also because, in a way, I'm being selfish. If a world famous author has a post that didn't get a comment...maybe I shouldn't feel so bad...
p.s. I suck at poker personally. But that's just me..
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