John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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I first became familiar with National Novel Writing Month (or, as it is widely known, NaNoWriMo) a couple of years ago through my friend Sam. Every November 1st, Sam starts to write a novel, and every November 30th, he finishes it. He does this in spite of having a job and being a world-famous radio personality.

I have long believed that novels take too long to write, and so I've always admired NaNoWriMo. But I can't do it myself, because I write too slowly. But when I was in Austin, Texas this weekend (which was very fun), I had an exciting revelation, which is also a very special opportunity for all you writers out there:


NAFADOYBIMSCOM STAND FOR "NAtional Finish A Draft Of Your Book I Mean Seriously Come On Month" (for the record, NAFADOYBIMSCOM is pronounced na-fad-oy-BIM-scom). The name of this project is reasonably self-explanatory. Instead of writing an entirely new novel in a month, all you have to do is finish one you've, say, been working on for many months. Look for daily updates on this blog all through November. And if you've got a manuscript to finish, you're certainly welcome to participate in NAFADOYBIMSCOM.


At October 30, 2006 , Blogger Sara Z. said...

Oh, I am totally doing this. Perfect.

At October 30, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you bestowed a name upon that, because I planned to thumb my nose at all that is NaNoWriMo and use the month to finish two of my WIPs.

Thank you, Mr. Green, and my WIPs thank you, too.

At October 30, 2006 , Blogger cecil castellucci said...

sign me up.

then again. I'm lazy.

At October 30, 2006 , Blogger coe booth said...

Count me in, John. I love it!

At October 30, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, John, look here:

for more comments (on your lj feed)

I am supposed to finish this dang thing LAST month, so you can count me in if you want (but I know you don't really want me to rush, now...)


At October 30, 2006 , Blogger Ally Carter said...

Oh yes, only I'm going to have to modify it slightly for


Finish the darn sequel before your editor kills you month.

Otherwise, December might have to be


Here Lies Ally Carter Who Wrote A Decent Book Once But Then Missed Too Many Deadlines and Died Month.

Good luck with the first drafting!

At October 30, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wouldn't want you to work TOO hard, though, so here: procrastinate.

At October 31, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got to do this! I've got to because 1) I have a book due, and 2) my older son is doing NaNoWriMo (he did it last year, too), and while he's usually okay about being seen with me in public, this is HIS thing, and I'm not allowed to join the local University group with him.

At October 31, 2006 , Blogger G. Neri said...

Yes, you have inspired to me to finish the "final" draft of my new YA novel (which was supposed to be ready to go last month, but instead I built me a new website), so thanks to YOU and this public forum, I HAVE to finish it or face public humiliation.

Thanks, John


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