John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines Looking for Alaska Paper Towns anagrams famous last words Bio and Contact

Survey Fridays!

I got this from Sarah Dessen, who incidentally is hooked on lonelygirl15, which incidentally has now been established as fraudulent, with the creators issuing a James Frey-esque note to lonelygirl fans. (All we know at the moment is that lg15, whoever that is, is represented by Hollywood superagency CAA.)

1. Favorite Beatles song: I don't know. "Across the Universe?" Whenever I listen to the White Album, I find myself saying, "The Beatles were really good."

2. Favorite Rolling Stones song: I don't really like the Rolling Stones, but I guess "Can't Always Get What You Want," despite its questionable theme.

3. Favorite Doors song: I don't know any Doors songs. Um, is that famous one called "Break On Through" or "The Other Side?" That one, I guess.

4. Favorite Bob Dylan song: "Tangled Up in Blue" for sure, although I am also a big fan of the more recent "Things Have Changed."

5. Favorite Led Zeppelin song: This meme featues a lot of banjoless bands. Um, pass.

6. Favorite TV Theme Song: I was really into the Growing Pains theme, but I'm also quite fond of the Law and Order song, which I sing like this: "Duh-DUH! Boo-dee-lee-do."

7. Favorite Prince Song: The one that's in Looking for Alaska.

8. Favorite Madonna Song: Like a Virgin

9. Favorite Michael Jackson song: Thriller

10. Favorite Queen Song: Oh, come on. Queen is like the OPPOSITE of banjos. I pass.

11. Favorite 'N Sync Song: When I was in a sketch comedy group in college, we choreographed a dance to "I Want It That Way." (The videotapes have since been destroyed.)

12. Favorite Al Green Song: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart.

13. Favorite Bruce Springsteen song: Atlantic City

14. Favorite Cure song: Ooh, finally a band I like! 10:15 on a Saturday Night.

15. Favorite song that most of your friends haven't heard: None of my friends like any of my music. I guess probably "Southbound," by Doc and Merle Watson.

16. Favorite Beastie Boys song: Another band I like. Probably "Brass Monkey."

17. Favorite Clash song: London Calling.

18. Favorite Beach Boys song: Surf City, USA (a favorite of mine when I was eight).

19. Favorite Cyndi Lauper song: They are all tied for last place.

20. Favorite song from a movie: Elliot Smith's "Needle in the Hay" from The Royal Tennenbaums or else "In the Jailhouse Now" from O Brother Where Art Thou. (BANJO!)

21. Favorite Jeff Buckley song: Sarah Dessen picked Hallelujah, even though it is a Leonard Cohen song that Jeff Buckley covered. I am going to pick Hallelujah, too, because A. it's great, and B. I don't know any other Jeff Buckley songs.

22. Favorite Johnny Cash song: You're Drifting Away, or else Jackson, his duet with June.

23. Favorite song from an 80's one hit wonder: Ice, Ice Baby. No contest.

24. Favorite Pink Floyd song: Wish You Were Here.

25. Last song you heard: Some song by Modest Mouse I'm listening to for the Soundtrack Contest (and yes, I'm listening to every song, which is why it's taking so long).


At September 08, 2006 , Blogger cecil castellucci said...

hey robin wasserman posted this on her blog

At September 08, 2006 , Blogger Sara Zoe Patterson said...

speaking of songs *with* banjos - I'm looking for a recommendation on the new Old Crow Medicine Show album - thumbs up or down? Though I'll probably shell out for it either way, just the speed of the shelling will be affected by a recommendation. (And if you don't know them, get on it!)

At September 08, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I Want It That Way" is definately Backstreet Boys by the way. :)

At September 09, 2006 , Blogger S-JY said...

Um, you were in a sketch comedy group in college? Did I know this?

At September 10, 2006 , Blogger Dashiell said...

And Ice Ice Baby came out in 1990.

At September 11, 2006 , Blogger Cristin said...

We are Boss Twins... Atlantic City is my favorite song by him, too. Bruuuuuuuuce!

At September 11, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and your banjo. I know because I'm the same way!
Have you heard about Blueground Undergrass??
I think you'd really like their sound.

At September 11, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you like the Rufus Wainwright version of Hallelujah? I love it! You should listen to it if you haven't.


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