April 4th: A Day in the Writer's Life
In which John celebrates Take Your Camera to Work Day. John's writing group (today including Justine Larbalestier, Maureen Johnson, Lauren McLaughlin, and Scott Westerfeld) spent the day in a hotel room, working. And talking.
Join the discussion at brotherhood2.com.
I feel incredibly inclined to offer my services to you in help to speed along the production of the Looking For Alaska movie. I will make sacrifices and such and play the part of Alaska. I know, I am SUCH a good preson. But, It's because I care.
(if you see this message twice it's because I posted it one the brotherhood 2.0 website as well.- I didn't know which one you would read)
does scott westerfield feel bad that his mac isn't as big as the rest of you or does he feel superior because it is easier to tote around? (my mac is the same size as scott westerfield's)
oooOOOooo is scott westerfeld still in the room with you? tell maureen her monkey is very pretty. why doesn't justine talk? i want to see this hummer escapade. (i know my spelling is atrocious) good luck with your writing!
awwww my name didnt show up all the way. darn. it said kiersten whose name doesnt sound cool with la or wa after it.
haha this is cute (i like your sense of humor!).. found you thru a chain of authors.. from my livejournal to libba brays to maureen's to scott's to yours..! PHEW! but i had to watch the video (and if i wasn't at work, i'd finish it.. but i'm afraid i'll start LOL-ing for real and get in trouble).. i'll be back! and i think i'm gonna go look up your work on amazon;)
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