John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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Oh, Denver

marrije writes: "I miss your text posts, John Green."

She may be the only one, but that won't stop me from text posts! I'm in sunny Denver, Colorado today (last night I spoke to a large assemblage of Borders managers here, which was fun).

But now I am in Denver, and I am reeling from the fact that several fans of my books seem not to hate Jared Leto (with whom, it turns out, I did not share a plane yesterday). But I'm not letting this devastating news affect my productivity: Hank and I are turning Brotherhood 2.0 into a podcast so people can watch it on itunes, and I'm working on revisions for my boo--oh my God, DEADLIEST CATCH marathon on the Discovery Channel. Clear my schedule! Cancel everything!


At March 13, 2007 , Blogger Mindi Scott said...

John, you are cracking me up here. The threats to break up with us! The devastation! :-)

I don't have love or hate for Jared Leto. I suspected that he despised me a little bit when he shook my hand, but I didn't mind. Besides, I don't even know how people find out about his violent horribleness because - until very recently - I never heard anything about him at all!

Anyhow, I hope a break up won't be required. It really is possible to love reading (and watching vlogs of) John Green AND not hating Jared Leto. Right? Right??!

At March 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Title for your next next book,
"Hating Jared Leto". If you're not going to use it, let me know, it could make a good first novel too I suppose.

At March 13, 2007 , Blogger marrije said...

Yay text posts!! Yay being quoted on the blog! Yay being edumacated on who the hell Jared Leto is! (I'm unimpressed by the guy, I'm sorry to say.)

At March 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian: Shouldn't it be "Hating Jared Leto in My Pants"?

Also, in Deadliest Catch-related news, did you see this news article about Russian fisherman allegedly catching (and eating) a squeaking alien?

At March 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right Kelly! Good call!

At March 13, 2007 , Blogger ~marie said...

yay! more text more text!

At March 13, 2007 , Blogger Unknown said... squeaked, and he still ate it? (They should make prank-peeps. You know, someone bites into them and they squeak.) Honestly it probably wouldn't ruin my appetite.

Breaking up = bad.

At March 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's not the only one! I love reading your text posts! I always enjoy crusing around authors' blogs and myspaces to read their posts and leave random comments on each. Today you and Hank really helped to brighten an otherwise horrible day for me, so thanks for that!


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