John Green: Author of Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska
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March 2nd: Politics and Butt Explosions

In which Hank talks politics...and farts on camera.

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At March 02, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is pretty sad that no one is posting on these boards anymore...everyone has moved on to bigger and better ones. I just want to say that you guys are geniuses. I don't think that Hanks challenge should be painful, and then I couldn’t laugh. I like public humiliation better, and then I could laugh for as long as I want. This is just one thing you could do: you could go down to your mall or some busy place near by and wear a dress while having on really big glasses while singing really loud the nerd fighters theme song.

At March 02, 2007 , Blogger John Green said...

Hey, Paige,

Well, it is maybe a little sad, but the good thing is that the site has a much better commenting tool. And it's easier for me and Hank to participate in the conversation. So for now, we like that more.


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